Feather Emperor

Chapter 27 Mutation

Chapter 27 Mutation
At this time, one person was also furious, and that was Han Ling. Facing the thirteen people in front of him, they were the heads of the thirteen courts protecting the clan. He entrusted them with such a critical task, and even let them She sent 13 people there, but now she reported to herself that the entire army of the thirteen court guards had been wiped out. How could this not make her angry?

Han Yun was heartbroken. Thirteen heavenly masters, although the Han family has no shortage of heavenly masters, but after all, every lack of strength will reduce one point. Thirteen heavenly masters are lost in an instant, but that is the Han family. A tenth of the power!After thinking about it, I started to worry again in my heart, who did it?Who has such strength?One of the five descendants of the gods?No, it won't be them. The Han family has no conflict of interest with them, and they dare not do such a thing at the risk of making enemies with the Han family.

She felt uneasy in her heart, the existence of Leng Bingyan was what she was most concerned about, and it would be all right to get rid of him or ignore him, but now that he was expelled from the Han family, it would inevitably arouse his revenge, Now the plan to kill him has failed, he was rescued, what will happen in the future is really not what she can predict, could the future changes of the Han family be due to the cause planted now?

"It's okay, you guys go down." Han Wei waved his hands weakly, regretting it now is useless, the top priority is to find Prophet Lingyu as soon as possible, she is not sure whether Leng Bingyan will really get the Jade Plate and Weeping Ling in the future Excalibur, if he can, then he will have innate power beyond his own now, and only Prophet Lingyu can deal with him at that time.

What's more, to find Prophet Lingyu, she has more important things...

"I'll take my leave." The thirteen court masters withdrew one by one after finishing speaking.


In an ancient and quiet place, at the bottom of towering mountains, there is no dispute with the world, isolated from the outside world, and disputes cannot reach here, and there is a nice name here, Tianya Valley.

Above it is Wenqingjueya, the secret realm that Bingyan once visited.There is only one person living in Tianya Valley, and tens of millions of years have passed since the First World War in ancient times, and that person has been living here.But today, Tianya Valley attracted another owner. A cloud of black mist condensed and dispersed, and an old man appeared with a little boy in his arms.

The old man carefully took him into a hut and put him on a wooden bed.Then he walked out of the hut, felled in the forest in the valley, and made a round wooden barrel with the felled wood.

Fill the round wooden barrel with water, put it on the fire and roast it slowly over a low fire, add spices, ginseng and other things, and then the old man felt that the preparations were almost done, so he took Leng Bingyan out of the house, The whole body was stripped clean, and then the whole person was thrown into the wooden barrel, and a lid with a small hole was covered, leaving only the cold head outside. It really looked like a cannibal preparing dinner.

Of course, the old man is not a cannibal, and he is not preparing dinner by this action.

Seeing the steam rising from the wooden barrel, the old man nodded in satisfaction, then took out a bottle from his waist, and poured the liquid in the bottle through the small hole in the wooden barrel lid drop by drop.Every time a drop came out, the old man's brows would always frown, as if he was reluctant to give up, but he seemed to think of something, and his heart sank, and then dripped in.

In fact, it is no wonder that the old man is not willing to part with it. You must know that the bottle in the old man's hand is the holy water "Xuantan Purifying Water" between heaven and earth. It is not easy to get this Xuantan Purifying Water. What's more, only one drop is produced in the year, and the energy contained in it is naturally terrifying. It is said that when refining magic tools and elixirs, one drop can make the elixirs and magic weapons upgrade to a higher level.

If a mortal swallows it, he will be free from all diseases, all evils will not invade, and his life span will be doubled.Practitioners swallow it, it can purify the primordial spirit, get rid of demons, and strengthen the mind.

But it is a fetish that can be encountered but not sought after. The old man's efforts at this moment have used up his collection of millions of years.But although he felt a little bit reluctant, he knew that it was all worth it.

The most beneficial one is naturally the cold flame soaked in the diluted liquid of Xuantan's purified water. He is still in a coma now, but he can clearly feel the surging energy around his body, which he cannot suppress .The surrounding energy seemed to be summoned by some kind, and they kept trying to penetrate into his body, which made the weak Leng Bingyan suffer.

Originally, his body was weak, not to mention his meridians were still blocked, how could he accommodate such a strong energy?But the energy outside can't be controlled so much, whether his meridians are blocked or not, he still drills into Bingyan's body.This turned into a forcible expansion and extrusion. As a result, every part of the body was torn to pieces, and the meridians were in danger of breaking, and the pain signals were sent to the brain one by one.

Bingyan's face turned blue from the pain, and her pale lips were bleeding from the grinding of her teeth. Fortunately, the pure water of Xuantan not only gives powerful energy, but also repairs the injured and damaged internal organs and meridians at all times, so it will not be cold Yan was crushed by the surging energy and exploded to death.

Just like giving a stick and then a candy, Bingyan has many benefits besides enduring some pain.

The old man looked at Bingyan in pain and couldn't bear it, so he slapped him on the neck, and Bingyan, who was about to wake up, fell into a deeper coma again, so that he could suffer less pain.

In one go, taking advantage of this opportunity, the old man simply poured the remaining half bottle of Xuantan clean water into the wooden barrel at one time. It seems that he has the consciousness of "If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent".

With the participation of a large amount of clean water from Xuantan, the concentration of the liquid in the wooden barrel doubled at once, but the effect was more than doubled.The raging and uncontrollable powerful energy seems to have been joined by strong reinforcements, and it hits the solidified body frozen in the Leng Bingyan meridian even more powerfully. It is the existence of this solidified body that makes Bingyan's body The meridian is blocked, and now, bit by bit, inch by inch, the powerful energy is constantly disintegrating the solidified body.

Two hours later, the external energy finally broke through the last solidified body in Bingyan's body, realizing the penetration of the whole body's meridians. The energy that could only move slowly at this moment suddenly increased by more than several times. The energy in the liquid also swarmed in.

At this moment, a purple air mass suddenly appeared at the meridians. The purple air mass seemed to be a kind of energy. It began to repair the damaged meridians during the impact. Little by little, the repaired meridians gradually revealed a lavender luster. , and if you look closely, you will find that the repaired meridians are more than a hundred times tougher than ordinary martial arts practitioners.

Moreover, after the purple air mass met the external energy, it actually began to assimilate them crazily, slowly transforming the external energy into a purple air mass.Then the energy that didn't enter the body began to enter and assimilate one-sidedly. Fortunately, the purple air mass was compressed very small, occupying only a small space.

Not long after, all the energy contained in the Xuantan Purified Water has been transformed. The old man on the side looked shocked. This bottle of Xuantan Purified Water is rich in heaven and earth spiritual energy for tens of thousands of years. It goes without saying how much energy it contains Metaphor.Besides, I only dared to absorb a few drops, fearing that if I absorbed too much at once, I would explode and die, but now a bottle has been absorbed by this little doll, this...

However, I have to say that the purple air mass is indeed terrifying, that is, as mentioned above, the energy contained in a bottle of Xuantan purified water is huge, but the purple air mass has only increased a little, and they began to live in Bing Yan's body Everywhere, it is constantly integrated into the internal organs.

As the purple air mass fused step by step, Bingyan's feathered body also began to awaken a little bit, and at this time, Bingyan's body was changing, bit by bit...

(End of this chapter)

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