Feather Emperor

Chapter 511 The Heart of the Elements

Chapter 511 The Heart of the Elements
A huge amount of information about the billions of abysses flooded into her mind at once. Leng Bingyan felt her head swell at first, and then a cool feeling spread from the sea of ​​consciousness, instantly making her thinking extremely clear.

Although the information pouring into the brain is huge and complicated, it seems to be orderly at the moment.It became quite simple for Leng Bingyan to find the answer he wanted.

The lowest level of the billions of abyss is nearly a million basic planes. The edge of each plane is the void, and the top is seven god planes. These god planes are all wrapped in chaos, and they cannot be felt before they understand the supreme law. Chaos exists.And above that chaos is the highest plane, which is also the palace of the highest god, and it is the only place where it is possible to walk out of the abyss of billions.

After becoming a god, or the supreme god in the term here, Leng Bingyan's speed of comprehending the supreme rules has been accelerated a hundred times.It is also very strange to say that touching the supreme rule made her break through to the realm of the gods, and becoming a god also accelerated the speed of her comprehension of the supreme rules.The two complement each other, making Leng Bingyan secretly feel lucky, and sighed that if it weren't for this, she might be able to bear it if she wants to break through one of the two, and the time spent on it can't be counted at all.

Fortunately, everything is going as she wished and is moving in a good direction.

After 3 years, Leng Bingyan thoroughly comprehended the supreme rule, and at the same time looked at the chaos high in the sky, and also had some different touches.

But she knows that these alone are not enough!

At this time, Leng Bingyan knew that if he wanted to go to the palace of the Supreme God, he had to master the Supreme Rules, not comprehend them.Comprehension is only a low-level level, but control is a high-level level!Just like the main god only comprehended the law of the elements rather than controlling the laws of the elements.

Perception and control are completely different concepts!Comprehension is the power of borrowing the law, but control is control!
The laws of the seven elements, and even the ultimate mysteries of metal, wood, water, fire, earth and the five elements are balance and chaos, and the supreme rule is control and creation!
The "control" here and the control of the "supreme rule" are two different things. The former is one of the two cores of the supreme rule, while the latter means to control the supreme rule.

Extend the supreme rule to all the rules generated by chaos, that is, only control and creation under chaos are the most practical and powerful.

Control the rules of all things, use the power of the law to directly obliterate the factors that are not good for you or encourage the factors that are good for you; and to create is to create a space that you can only control, just like Xuanyuan God King and others opened up the Tianlong God Realm, except that they Without absolute control over the created space, it can also be regarded as a failure.


Of course, the idea of ​​controlling the rules of all things is too far ahead. Leng Bingyan doesn't think that he can change the trajectory of the general trend of the world with his cultivation as a mere god.It is too early to talk about the rules governing everything in the world.It is too vast and too huge, like an ant, it is not yet able to push an elephant.For now, these reveries are undoubtedly unrealistic.

Just because an elephant can't push it down doesn't mean it can't move rice grains.This abyss of billions is actually equivalent to a plump and delicious rice. It is not big and easy to control.

Now it is under the control of Yuehua Goddess, and this is her territory, although Leng Bingyan never thought of taking away what belonged to Yuehua Goddess.But anyway, I'm going to leave, so it's okay to take a little control, right?

The premise of everything is that the goddess Yuehua is willing to give up part of the control, but this seems to have the answer. If the goddess Yuehua refuses, she will chop her into ashes when Leng Bingyan comprehends the supreme rule.Goddess Yuehua didn't do that, which showed her attitude.

"If you want to control the supreme law, you must first master the laws of the seven lines, and if you want to control the laws of the seven lines, you must get seven crystals—the heart of the elements!"

Chaos trembled for a while, and a message came from the temple of the Supreme God outside of Chaos, and only Leng Bingyan could hear this message.

"What are elemental hearts and where are they?" Leng Bingyan hurriedly asked Yuehua Goddess.

"The heart of the elements is the foundation of controlling the laws of the elements, and it is also the premise of achieving the supreme rules. Because of the great importance, I have removed them from the information of the billions of abysses. But now I can tell you!"

Goddess Yuehua paused, and continued: "The heart of the element is bred by the law of the elements and exists in the plane of the seven gods. Whoever gets the heart of the element is the controller of the law of the elements. Compared with the main god, the level is higher. High. You can think of it as the heart of the elemental law, but so far, there have been quite a few people who got the heart of the element by accident, but none of them survived."

"Why?" Leng Bingyan asked in surprise.

"Insufficient strength, luck alone is not enough, they have all been chopped into ashes by the supreme rules."

After hearing this explanation, Leng Bingyan was stunned and asked, "Then can I?"

"Heck... I said you can do it, because I am the supreme god here! Besides, you have also realized the supreme rule, so I didn't split you into ashes. Now if I want to hack you again, I'm afraid I won't be able to."

This explanation is indeed powerful enough, Leng Bingyan never expected that the goddess Yuehua is so "coquettish", she deserves to be a big shot.Then he shouted loudly: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, remember to come to my temple immediately after mastering the supreme rule." After saying this, the chaos in the sky returned to its usual state.

Leng Bingyan knew that the consciousness of Yuehua Goddess had left the plane of the dark god, so she didn't care about it anymore.Instead, he released his consciousness and prepared to do business, hoping to find the heart of the dark element in this plane of God as soon as possible.

Leng Bingyan floated in the air, and his consciousness spread out quickly.After a long time, Leng Bingyan withdrew his consciousness in a daze, with a puzzled expression on his face: "It's strange, why can't I find it?"

I tried a few more times without giving up, but I still didn't find the so-called elemental heart. "Goddess Yuehua wouldn't lie to me." Leng Bingyan murmured, then shook her head: "She has helped me so much, there is no need to do that!"

Suddenly, Fu came to his heart, a flash of light flashed in his mind, Leng Bingyan patted himself on the head, "I actually forgot about this."

Since it is the heart of the element, how could it be detected with divine sense?Didn't the Yuehua Goddess just say that she removed the information of the Elemental Heart, which means that it is impossible for anyone to detect the existence of the Elemental Heart with divine sense.The only way to get the Heart of the Elements is - Supreme Rule! !

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that a blind cat encounters a dead mouse, but the goddess Yuehua is vicious in this regard.If you dare to get it without my permission, I will destroy it!So it turned to ashes.

Leng Bingyan muttered, thinking that controlling the supreme law is really troublesome enough.First of all, one must comprehend the elemental laws of the seven elements, and then integrate them to comprehend the supreme rule.Then find out the heart of the elements of the seven systems through the supreme rules, so as to control the laws of the seven systems, and finally control the supreme rules!
How did the Moon Goddess do it?
Shaking his head, thinking about these things, Leng Bingyan concentrated his mind, and began to use the supreme rule to find the origin of the dark law.As soon as the power of the supreme law appeared, Leng Bingyan immediately felt the fluctuation of the dark law in the world, and she kept teleporting in the dark god plane with the fluctuation of the dark law.

"The self-protection of the Heart of the Elements is too strong. The entire dark law is suspected of being misleading. There are 16 places in the entire dark god plane that are suspected to be the original place." And these fluctuations appear and disappear, elusive.

Leng Bingyan eliminated suspicious places one by one by teleporting again and again. "I'm so tired!" She wiped the sweat from her forehead and took a breath.

"Let's go to the next place to have a look, I hope I won't make another trip in vain." Said the whole person disappeared in place again.


There is a large inland lake in the dark god plane, named Bixihai.Although Bixihai is a lake, it is actually wider than the Pacific Ocean on Earth. However, the God Realm is so vast that it can be called a lake even in an abyss of billions.

Leng Bingyan teleported above Bixihai, and then went deep into the bottom of the water with a "plop".

In the deep water, Leng Bingyan discovered intermittent dark laws emerging from the underwater rock formations through the Supreme Rules. This discovery immediately made her overjoyed, and she was almost sure that this trip would not be in vain!Hastily took out the purple blood sword, and then slashed towards the underwater rock formation!
In an instant, the water flow turned, like a river tossing the sea, and the huge underwater rock formation burst open.The surrounding deep-water animals sensed a strong threat here, and hurriedly dispersed towards the distance.After everything returned to calm, Leng Bingyan sensed that the fluctuation of the law of darkness was getting stronger, so he stared and searched carefully. Finally, after turning over a few boulders, he saw a rhombus-shaped black crystal in the cracks between the rocks.

This rhombus-shaped black crystal is as big as a palm, and its whole body is dark, as if it will sink deep into it all at once.Leng Bingyan picked it up and shouted in surprise: "The heart of the dark element!!"

Finally found it, Leng Bingyan touched it affectionately, as if finding a childhood toy, and finally put it in the crack of his own space.

Since the cracks in space were opened up in the sea of ​​consciousness and are not connected to the outside world, once the heart of the dark element enters, the entire dark god plane will lose the heart of the element.But it doesn't matter, the supreme rule has planned for a long time. The moment the heart of the elements disappeared, almost at the same time, a rhombus-shaped black crystal appeared again in a corner of the dark god plane.

After finding the heart of the dark element, one of the seven elements, Leng Bingyan was greatly encouraged physically and mentally.With a bang, I immediately went to other planes to look for other pieces.

The plane of the wind god also uses the supreme rule to find the heart of the wind element.With the previous experience, this time the search was very fast.But what surprised her was that the heart of the wind element had already been obtained by someone. It was a strong man at the peak of the upper god, and that person had comprehended the triple mysteries of the wind element.

It's still a little story.One day, Targwys, the upper god of the wind element, went to practice in the Valley of the Wind, and accidentally found the heart of the wind element in an ancient tree.At that time, I felt that the green color of the crystal was very beautiful, and it had a touch of wind attribute on it, so I planned to store it away, but later found that holding this green crystal can increase the speed by a thousand times when comprehending the profound meaning of the law of wind. This is a pleasant surprise. It made Targvis ecstatic, so he concluded that it must not be a mortal thing.

In just 200 years, Targweiss has realized the triple mysteries. Recently, he found that his cultivation could no longer improve, and thus judged that his potential had probably reached its limit.Although he felt very sorry, but when he thought about the harvest of the past 200 years, he didn't feel so sad.

Targweiss considered it again and again, and prepared to dedicate it to the main god, hoping to get a main artifact from the main god.But on the way, a goddess appeared out of nowhere, and Targwiss was very surprised that he couldn't see through her. "Can you give me the heart of the wind element in your hand?" Leng Bingyan asked.I thought it was good that he didn't fuse the heart of the wind element, otherwise it would be strange not to be chopped into ashes by the supreme rule.

Targweiss showed a puzzled expression, Leng Bingyan suddenly realized, and took out a magic pill: "I have a magic pill here, which can help you improve your cultivation, let's exchange it." There is no magic pill in the billions of abyss , so the value is definitely not low.

Although Targweiss still has doubts about Leng Bingyan, he also understands that the latter has a very deep cultivation and disdains to do things like stealth and abduction.In the end, with a three-inch tongue, Leng Bingyan was finally able to abduct the heart of the wind element.

(End of this chapter)

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