Feather Emperor

Chapter 6 Going to School

Chapter 6 Going to School
The three of them chatted while talking, the time passed quickly, and the journey seemed to be very short, and the three of them had already arrived at Chaoyang Primary School in a flash.

This is the school they are about to attend. There are more than [-] students in the school. It is a small inter-village primary school.The daily expenses of the school are largely provided by big families like the Han family. Of course, the children of big families are taken care of in this school and enjoy a lot of money.

The school is not very far away from their home, about half an hour away, so Bing Yan and the others are commuters, and go home every morning and evening, as for lunch, they eat at the school.

"Wow, is this here?" Standing at the gate of the school, Han Bingran exclaimed, not because she was surprised at how grand the school is, but how grand a small elementary school can be?
She was amazed by the people in the school. Just when the school started to register, groups of children ranging from eight years old to teenagers gathered here accompanied by their parents. At first glance, there was an illusion of a sea of ​​people. .

Han Bingran has lived in a shallow place since childhood, has he ever seen such a scene?A little exclamation is justifiable, and at the same time, this is also the performance that children of this age should have, innocent and innocent.Similarly, Han Bingyan and Han Bingruo were not much more knowledgeable than Han Bingran, and they also had their mouths open.

Is this the school you want to attend in the future?Han Bingyan thought to himself, to be honest, he still can't believe it until now.Why did the family suddenly agree to let me go to school?The treatment is actually the same as others!More or less, it is a remarkable progress for myself.

All this made him feel like he was living in a dream, and he was afraid that when he woke up from the dream, he would find out that all this was just his fantasy.

"Brother, let's go... why are you in a daze?" Han Bingran saw his brother walking in a daze for a long time, so he reached out and tugged at the corner of his clothes, signaling him to enter the campus together.

"Uh... oh..." Waking up from the fantasy, Han Bingyan hurriedly followed Han Bingruo and Han Bingran who were already ahead.While walking, his eyes were still looking around, and his curious eyes kept scanning the new environment that surprised him everywhere.

When I came to the registration office, it was a simple booth made up of a few desks and chairs, and several teachers sat in rows.

"Teacher, let's sign up!" Han Bingran, a girl, has a cheerful personality. She doesn't seem to be afraid of strangers, or she doesn't know the dangers of people's hearts. She looks fearless and speaks before the two boys.

A 30-year-old female teacher looked up at Han Bingran, looked at her pretty face, and asked in a puzzled tone: "Little friend, how old are you this year? I think you haven't reached the age for school yet." ! Where are your parents?"

Indeed, Han Bingran looked really immature, with a playful face as if she was only five years old, so it was inevitable that the female teacher would ask her age.In addition, only Han Bingran signed up alone. How can any parent dare to let a child who is only five or six years old to sign up alone?
"Teacher, don't you know that you can't just ask a lady's age?" Han Bingran said seriously.

After hearing Han Bingran's words, the female teacher in charge of registration coughed violently in her throat, "Lady? You? How old are you, little girl, and you dare to call yourself a lady now?"

"She is already six years old, of course she is a lady!" Han Bingran heard the female teacher's meaning that she was young, and said with a small mouth, very dissatisfied. .

Han Bingruo put his hand on Han Bingyan's shoulder, "Sister Xiaoran is so cute and silly sometimes!"

"Hehe." Han Bingyan laughed dryly.

"No, you're only six years old and you haven't reached the age we stipulated. I can't go through the admission procedures for you."

"Why not? My mother told me to come to school." Han Bingran stared in disbelief.

"Teacher, it's like this. She is my younger sister. Our family asked us to study here." Han Bingyan squeezed over and held his younger sister's hand.

"Which family are you from?" The female teacher glanced at Han Bingyan for a while, seeing the sharp contrast between his clothes and the little girl before, she already decided in her heart that Han Bingyan was lying.

But it's not a big problem, I didn't bother to expose it, I just asked Han Bingyan according to the procedure.

"The Han family!" This time it was Han Bingran who answered, she didn't want to be ignored, so she couldn't wait to say.

"The Han family?" The female teacher's eyes widened, but she returned to normal in an instant. She turned her head and talked with a teacher next to her for a while, then turned around after a while, and said to Han Bingyan and the others with a smile on her face: "Your Han family It is one of the sponsors of the school, we contacted your parents just now, and it has been confirmed."

"Is she your sister?" Pointing at Han Bingran, seeing Han Bingyan nodding, she said again: "She is still young, so you, the older brother, should take care of her more at school."

"Of course!" Bing Yan replied, isn't it only natural for a brother to take care of his sister?

"Okay, let's register you now." Then several people took out the relevant certificates, and the enrollment procedures were completed in a short while.In the end, the three of them were assigned to the same class. In fact, there was only one class for this year's freshmen. Besides them, five or six other children of the Han family were also assigned to the same class with them.

It was very convenient to find the location of the classroom, and the three walked in. Han Bingran took the lead and picked a few seats with better geographical environment.

The moment Han Bingyan just sat down, he seemed to feel a few strange gazes. Following his feeling, he saw a few tall people behind him staring at him.

Han Bingyan recognized them at a glance, they were the other school children of the Han family.Han Bingwu was on the list, and the remaining four seemed to be his attendants, they all listened to Han Bingwu, when they were in the Han family compound, they were the ones who bullied Bingyan the most.

Han Bingyan didn't care too much about Han Bingwu's flamboyant gaze, just treat it as if he was bitten by a dog. Do you still want to get back from it?

But Han Bingyan doesn't care, but it doesn't mean that other people don't care. When Han Bingyan turned his head away, Han Bingran also felt the unfriendly eyes from behind.Her actions were not as gentle as ice flames, her watery eyes stared, and instantly became clear, as if there were still a few rays of light coming out, which made everyone in Han Bingwu tremble with fear.

Han Bingwu couldn't understand. When they bullied Han Bingyan in the past, Han Bingran, as a younger sister, always turned a blind eye. Yesterday she took action to protect Han Bingyan, which surprised them, but this time it was like this again. Become so united?

Gritting his teeth, Han Bingwu secretly put his hatred on Han Bingyan's head, and one day he will take revenge.

"Brother, don't be afraid of him. Han Bingwu just knows a little bit of superficial kung fu and likes to show off his might. Hmph! He's only a third-rate expert, but he dares to show off in front of me?" Han Bingran said disdainfully.

In the eyes of her, a master who has already reached the first level of the Earth Realm, a third-rate master is nothing more than a minion.

Han Bingyan smiled wryly after hearing this, a third-rate master?At least he is rare in the world!If an eight-year-old third-rate expert is placed in the martial arts world, wouldn't that shock the entire martial arts world?Usually at the age of 30, it is rare to be able to reach a third-rate master.And look at yourself, you can't even count as a minimum martial artist.

The young teacher on the stage began to introduce various matters to the children. Han Bingyan found that he had been out of the group for too long. The Han family, he is not a warrior, and there is a big gap between him and them. Now he is in a brand new environment. He tried to blend in.

The first day of school ended like this.

(End of this chapter)

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