Feather Emperor

Chapter 783 Mysterious Zodiac Fruit

Chapter 783 Mysterious Zodiac Fruit
Patriarch Styx was destined to become the first Void under Ziheng Luotian's Void Dao. Although few people knew about this news, it still spread in a small area.

Hongjun sat on the futon of Zixiao Palace, figured out the identity of the first Void, opened his cloudy old eyes, and then closed them calmly, he didn't know whether he was more happy or worried.The first Void One is confirmed, which seems to indicate that the curtain of a grand performance has been slowly opened.

This is an extremely important event for the original chaotic space and Ziheng Luotian.

The six saints gathered together again. In Lao Tzu's Great Chitian, they had some melancholy faces at this time. The appearance of the Void made them feel a crisis. Does this mean that the saints will no longer be the most powerful? exists?Lao Tzu's face was solemn, and he couldn't help sighing when he thought of Xu Zhe.

"Everyone, what should I do if the emptiness appears!" Zhunti was very anxious, and spoke first.

It's just that there was no response from below, and everyone remained silent. The atmosphere was very delicate. This kind of silence made him very uneasy. He aimed his eyes at Lao Tzu, then scanned Yuan Shi, Tong Tian, ​​and finally stopped at Nu Wa.

Nu Wa hesitated for a while, and said: "The appearance of the Void, of course, has impacted our saint status, but the impact is not that great."

Tong Tian nodded: "Although the Void Zhe can fight against our saints in the same court, and their strength is also comparable, but they have never had any grudges against each other, and they may not have any grudges in the future. Besides, they are in their Ziheng Luotian, and we are in the current chaotic space. , there will be nothing to do with it, it is completely unnecessary to take them too seriously."

"You can't say that." Yuanshi glanced at Tongtian and said: "Didn't you hear what the teacher said, the level of the Void is one level higher than that of the saint, that is to say, we saints have absolutely no chance of winning if we really want to compete, let alone... The Seventh Saint hasn't come out yet..."

"But the Void has not yet emerged, and even the first Void has not been born in a real sense." The interface was actually a guide, and as soon as his words came out, other saints immediately looked sideways.

Guidance has always been the most cherished ink among the saints, who rarely speaks, and rarely expresses his views.And his mind is all about practicing Zen. It can even be said that he is more inactive than Lao Tzu. He can often see everything as empty and speak exquisite words. Therefore, this speech can attract the attention of other saints.

"Ordinary people don't change their minds when they change places, and saints don't change their minds when they change their minds. A wise man leaves when he knows illusions, and a fool takes illusions as reality."

All the saints were stunned, a little stunned, and suddenly remembered that most of the guesses of themselves and others were based on imagination and preconceived ideas. To put it bluntly, they were a bit unfounded.

"What's your opinion on receiving and leading fellow Taoists?" Lao Tzu, as the head of the Sanqing, the head of the sages, lowered his posture and asked at this moment.

Jieyin clasped his hands together, said with a light smile, "Let go of one thought, and you will feel at ease."

"Let go of one thought, and you will feel at ease." Everyone froze for a moment.

"That's right!" Jieyin said with a smile, "A wise man is good at planting cause and effect, knowing cause and effect means knowing how to advance and retreat, and knowing understanding is the way to get good results."

After hearing this, Lao Tzu was silent for a while, then waved his hand, "What you said is not bad, let's put this matter aside for now, let's all go back."

When the other saints heard this, they nodded, and then left Da Chitian one by one.

"Bing Yan, how long do you think Ming He needs to become a Void?" Xia Yu asked curiously.

Leng Bingyan thought for a while, and finally shook his head and said: "It's not necessarily true, the length of time depends on his own perception. However, Styx was the number one quasi-sage under the saint a long time ago, and now he has obtained the primordial purple energy, and his skills are better than It should not be difficult for Lao Tzu and others to obtain the primordial purple energy when they were more solid."

"By the way, speaking of Styx, have we forgotten someone?" Xia Yu's eyes lit up, and he asked suddenly.

"You mean Houtu, right?" Leng Bingyan smiled.

Back then, when the six realms of reincarnation were not established, countless lonely souls of the human race had nowhere to go. After death, grievances abounded, which could not be resolved by the wild land. Can't help crying sadly.

Finally, with Pangu's flesh and blood, he made a great wish to become the six reincarnations and guard the six reincarnations forever!

Houtu is the master of the six realms. Originally, Leng Bingyan thought that when he became capable in the future, he would separate the six realms of reincarnation from the heavenly realm and return Houtu to freedom.When Xia Yu mentioned it, she remembered it.

"Do you think Houtu is suitable to be a Void?" Xia Yu asked with narrowed eyes.

"You say it can be done, it can be done."

Leng Bingyan rolled her eyes, drew out a trace of majestic purple air, and threw it out casually.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yu smiled happily, rubbed his hands together and said, "I still have Xuan Ming, who is the descendant of the Twelve Ancestral Witches just like Houtu. Think about it, her sister has the hope of becoming a Void One." , did she also..."

That day, the liches fought in the final battle, but in the end, they all died together. The demon gods saw the two kings of the demon clan fall, and there were still several ancestor witches in the witch clan.

The ancestor witch Xuanming was stunned by the changes at that time. She was originally another woman besides Houtu among the ancestor witches. After Houtu turned into reincarnation, she was the only female ancestor witch left in the witch clan. Although she was fierce, she was pure-hearted. , everything comes with one's temper.And the tragic scene of the Lich War completely frightened her into a daze, and she stayed where she was for a while, not knowing what to do.

At that time Xia Yu appeared and took her away, and became Xia Yu's first disciple ever since.

"Xiao Yu!" Before Leng Bingyan could speak, Xia Tian reprimanded, she was so good when she was called Primordial Purple Qi, and Hou Tu was listed as a vain person because of her great merit and compassion, she became a reincarnation so The great hardships have been eaten, and it is time for the bitterness to come to an end.However, seeking the Primordial Purple Qi for Xuanming is a bit of a fuss.

Xia Yu smiled awkwardly, waved his hands and said, "Isn't it okay to pretend I didn't say anything?"

Leng Bingyan smiled, and was about to say a few words, when suddenly the entire Zimeng Immortal Territory trembled violently, followed by a golden light, and a powerful energy instantly swept across the entire Zimeng Immortal Territory.

"This is!" Xia Tian and Xia Yu were shocked.

"It's such a powerful breath." Leng Bingyan murmured softly, and suddenly his eyes glowed with excitement.

"Grandpa Mo made a breakthrough!"

As he said that, Leng Bingyan disappeared suddenly, and appeared outside the palace the next moment.Xia Yu and Xia Tian glanced at each other, both showing excited expressions, and hurriedly followed.

Above the palace, a coercive pressure suddenly descended, as if a hole had been opened in the sky, and then a huge group of golden light descended.

"It's Xuanhuang Qi! It's a big ball!" Xia Yu screamed loudly.

A person suddenly appeared in the sky, and it was Mo Wuxie.After a period of retreat, I finally realized the magic way of nothingness and achieved a positive result!He was originally the incarnation of the Demon Dao, but now he has attained the position of Chaos Daluotian.

The large group of black and yellow qi that descended from the sky is no different from the usual black and yellow qi. Ordinary black and yellow qi is just a huge amount of energy rich in luck. It often descends in the form of golden light of black and yellow merit. .

But at this moment, the dark and yellow energy descending is actually full of light, which is——

"Xuanhuang Daoguo!" Leng Bingyan exclaimed.

The so-called Xuanhuang Dao Fruit is the "Dao Fruit" bestowed by the Xuanhuang Dao. Ordinary people can become saints if they get it;And if the person of Chaos Great Luotian gets it, Leng Bingyan still doesn't know what the result will be.

The avenue has three floors, which are the Chaos Avenue, Xuanhuang Avenue, and Hongmeng Avenue!
The Great Chaos Avenue is the "Tao" of the Great Chaos Space, the rule to maintain the balance of the Great Chaos Space, and the chaos of the Heavenly Dao will not cause chaos; the Xuanhuang Avenue is the "Tao" of the Xuanhuang Space, the rule to maintain the balance of the Xuanhuang Space, the level of the Xuanhuang Space Above the great chaotic space, all the great chaotic spaces are checked and balanced by the Xuanhuang Dao, and the promotion of the powerhouse of the Chaos Da Luotian needs to obtain the Xuanhuang Dao Fruit.

And Hongmeng Avenue, this is the highest level of Tao, the origin of all things, the end of the fate, the beginning, the beginning, are all Hongmeng Avenue.

Just as the mysterious zodiac fruit in the sky was about to touch Mo Wuxie, it suddenly split into two, and half of it rushed towards Leng Bingyan.

Leng Bingyan jumped forward and accepted it with pleasure.

As a result, Xuanhuang Daoguo was divided between Mo Wuxie and Leng Bingyan.

Mo Wuxie obtained the Xuanhuang Dao Fruit, and immediately jumped from the peak state of the supreme saint of Hunyuan to the position of the upper god of chaos, skipping the stage of the lower god.And Leng Bingyan was originally the lower god of the Chaos Great Luotian, after obtaining the Xuanhuang Dao Fruit, he had a sliver of enlightenment, and his realm was flying, as if he was about to break through the restrictions of the upper god.

"Oh, I'm going to retreat." She thought to herself.

In fact, she was looking forward to it in her heart. If she broke through the restrictions of the gods above the Chaos Great Luotian, what level would she reach?

This is really hard to say.

Both Leng Bingyan and Mo Wuxie fell from the sky. Xia Yu looked at Mo Wuxie and was taken aback. She found that Mo Wuxie seemed... stronger than Leng Bingyan just now. Is it the result of the Yuan Zhiji sage and the peak powerhouse joining together and obtaining the Xuanhuang Dao fruit?
It's actually stronger than Leng Bingyan!
Looking at Bingyan next to her again, she was immediately shocked.I saw Leng Bingyan's body faintly lingering with the unabsorbed Xuanhuang Dao Fruit, and she could clearly feel her changes at a glance. At this moment and the moment before, her cultivation base was changing drastically.

"You..." Xia Yu pointed at her, but couldn't say anything.

Leng Bingyan looked around himself, and said with a smile: "It seems that I have to retreat, and I won't be able to see each other for a long time."

"Yeah." Xia Yu could only nod speechlessly.

Then he watched Leng Bingyan enter the secret room of the palace.

In the chaos, Zixiao Palace.

Part of the coercion was transmitted to Zixiao Palace in a mysterious form. Ordinary people could not detect the slight vibration of chaos, but Hongjun did.

He opened his eyes, looked in Ziheng Luotian's direction and sighed softly.

The world has added another strong man who is in the position of Chaos Daluotian!Ziheng Luotian, with this speed of development, even before the Void can get it together, there are already two strong men in the position of Chaos Da Luotian.

As Jieyin said, "Let go of one thought, everything will be at ease", just let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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