Feather Emperor

Chapter 788 The Apostle Strikes

Chapter 788 Attack of the Apostles ([-])

The virtual ones appear one after another, and the saint is the one who is most threatened. If there is no conflict between the two sides, they will live in peace, but if there is a conflict due to certain things, the probability is small, but the saint has to consider this aspect. Time is more troublesome.

Sanqing, Zhunti, Jieyin, and Nuwa rushed to Zixiao Palace anxiously.

Daoist Hongjun frowned slightly, he didn't even bother to answer, and closed his eyes to rest.The saint lost his composure like this, but it made him a little dissatisfied.Seeing the teacher's indifferent appearance, the six saints couldn't help feeling extremely embarrassed.

After a long time, Lao Tzu coughed lightly and was about to speak, but Hong Jun waved his hand: "Go back later, don't bring up this matter again." , looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, then bowed to Hongjun, and left Zixiao Palace.

This time it came in vain, and the teacher gave him a face.

"Senior brother, this matter..." Yuan Shi said with a worried face when he got outside, and it was worthwhile.Although there are some contradictions in the relationship between the three Qings, in the final analysis, Lao Tzu is the leader, and when necessary, Lao Tzu's opinions should prevail.

Lao Tzu shook his head: "Forget it, don't mention this matter in the future. The teacher doesn't want to cause trouble. If you can get along with Ziheng Luotian in peace, try to live in peace. Ziheng Luotian's strength is too strong."

Nu Wa listened and nodded her head in agreement: "Senior brother is right, Ziheng Luotian is indeed very powerful, even terrifyingly strong! In a world that has not yet been perfected, its strength has already made the teacher scrupulous."

Zhunti sighed, his expression changed, "Teacher is really afraid of Ziheng Luotian, that Red Lotus Daoist?"

"This is obvious." Tong Tian whispered, "Didn't the teacher repeatedly suggest that we should not have conflicts with the Void? At the teacher's level, the pursuit is the stability of the overall situation. After all, Ziheng Luotian is a chaotic space. That Daoist Red Lotus is even more of the 'Day of Heaven', and it is naturally the best choice to have a good relationship with her."

Lao Tzu nodded and said: "Speaking deeply, the teacher and Daoist Honglian have a good friendship. If we have conflicts with the Xu Zhe, the teacher will also give Daoist Honglian a face."

"So we are caught in the middle, and we are more angry?" Zhunti said with a bitter face.

If there is a real conflict between the saint and the emptiness, Hongjun will naturally give her a face in order to maintain his friendship with Honglian Daoist. It is unlikely that he will teach the emptiness a lesson. Can't stop, after all, Xu Zhe is the subordinate of Daoist Honglian, and it's not his turn to intervene.If Hongjun taught Xu Zhe a lesson directly, Daoist Honglian would not agree.

In this way, teaching his own disciples seemed justified.

Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, Tong Tian, ​​and Jie Yin nodded affirmatively, and Zhun Ti's face became even more bitter, "What should I do, we are at a disadvantage when fighting against the Void!"

"We didn't think twice about coming to Zixiao Palace this time. There are three Void Ones. Is it worth our panic? Rushing to listen to the teacher's opinion will inevitably make a fuss and lose the majesty of a saint. The teacher is dissatisfied , I'm afraid here."

Lao Tzu reflected, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was a mistake to come to Zixiao Palace this time.

Yuanshi and Tongtian nodded in agreement.

"Alas!" Zhunti sighed, and with the birth of the Void one after another in the future, the life of the saint will become more and more difficult.But it verified the sentence: "There is nothing in the world, and nothing is disturbing."


Zimeng Immortal Domain.

Both Liuli and Ziling have become empty, Liuli calls herself "Liuli Tianzun", but the title is no different from before, Ziling calls herself "Ziling Shengzun", the change is still great.With such a majestic title and another innate treasure, Zi Ling's combative personality was also revealed.

In addition, both of them were in a good mood, so Zi Ling held the blue lotus picture all day long, and competed with Liu Li, who was wearing a golden lotus crown and waving a red lotus staff.

In the huge palace, the two wrestling figures became a unique scene.From a distance, it is quite attractive.

"Three empty ones." Xia Yu said leisurely and authentically.

She and Leng Bingyan stood on the commanding heights of the palace, looking from a distance, the figures of Zi Ling and Liu Li looked so petite.Standing at this place, one can have a panoramic view of every detail of the entire Ziyan Main Palace.

Leng Bingyan smiled faintly, "There are four left, but it's coming soon."

"Can you tell me the general situation of the remaining four Void Ones, so as to satisfy my curiosity?" Xia Yu narrowed his eyes and said narrowly.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing that Leng Bingyan just smiled, but didn't say anything, Xia Yu knew it was over, so he snorted unhappily, and stretched out his hand to pinch Leng Bingyan's waist, delicate and boneless, but without fat, it felt very good.Leng Bingyan glared dissatisfiedly, but Xia Yu completely ignored the threat.


Star Universe, God Realm.

There used to be several powerful forces entrenched here. These forces entangled and suppressed each other, and almost divided up the entire structure of the God Realm.However, there is one place that they have never touched, and that is the vast prairie.

The prairie is located in the center of the God Realm. Although it has a vast territory, in the eyes of the major forces in the God Realm, it is not much different from poor mountains and bad waters.The prairie needs mineral deposits but no mineral deposits, and odd roots but no odd roots. Except for the endless green grass, even the aura in the air blowing over is much weaker than other places.

It's no wonder that several forces look down on such a place.

For a long time, the prairie has been controlled by a few small "nomadic peoples". Although they are not strong, they are small and exquisite, and they have lived in peace for a long time.

until one day.

A high mountain rises from the ground, the height of the mountain is 600 billion feet, and the width of the bottom is 200 billion meters. It is called Huangzhe Mountain!

The mountains are billions of high, steep and majestic.

Since then, the status of the prairie in the God Realm has risen sharply, and countless strong people regard it as a holy place, and flock to it for a while.Huangzhe Mountain is mysterious. Mystery means opportunity, and it is alluring, just like a beautiful woman who has taken off her clothes, full of attractiveness all over her body.

In the end, the facts also proved that the moment Huangzhe Mountain stands, it will become the center of the entire Star God Realm.Wangyou Tianzun and Wuwu Tianzun were both born here, and have been sitting here for a long time.Just for this point, when the powerhouses in the entire God Realm talk about Huangzhe Mountain, they will immediately show reverence.

Tajie used to be just an ordinary small village on the prairie, located in the middle of the prairie, composed of a family with the surname of Ling, and the whole village had more than 400 aboriginal people.But now, Tajie has become the big city closest to Huangzhe Mountain. It is located at the bottom of Huangzhe Mountain and has a unique attraction.

On this day, Tajie ushered in a beautiful woman in white, followed by a huge cyan bird.The divine bird's eyes were very sharp, and even a strong man at the level of a divine king couldn't help feeling terrified after being stared at by it.From that day on, there was a not-so-small commotion in Tajie, perhaps it was directed at the beautiful woman in white, or it might be directed at the huge divine bird.

In short, countless young gods rushed to the inn where the woman was staying to watch. There were a large number of people, and the scene was very lively.Ruo Bing felt like being surrounded by monkeys in a zoo, and was very annoyed, his face was covered with frost. In the end, the divine bird was furious, and swept away all the surrounding gods and men with flapping wings.

Seeing the miraculous display of the divine bird, many people who were terrified hurriedly left, and then designated the inn as a restricted area.

Ruo Bing has been in the God Realm for a while, and she went to the God Realm as soon as the matter in the cultivation world was over.Hearing that Huangzhe Mountain is very famous, he rushed over to see its beauty, but unexpectedly such a small incident caused such a big disturbance.

On Huangzhe Mountain, Tianzun Wangyou looked at Tianzun Wuwu with a faint smile on his face, and said, "A very interesting person came down from the mountain."

"Who?" The Void Heavenly Venerable frowned slightly.

Tianzun Wangyou smiled without saying a word, and flicked his hand, a mirror image appeared in front of him, exactly like Ruobing walking halfway up the mountain with the divine bird Qingluan.The god-killing spear in his hand turned into a hatchet, cutting through thorns and thorns all the way.

"Come here?" A female Tianzun asked suspiciously.

This female Tianzun is another Tianzun after Wangyou Tianzun and Wuwu Tianzun, named Xueliu Tianzun.There is no doubt that she is a perceiving Tianzun.

Wangyou Tianzun nodded with a smile.

"That's interesting, that divine bird behind her?" A young man asked suspiciously.

"Xuanfeng Tianzun became a venerable not long ago, but you know the Qingluan divine bird that made a lot of noise at that time?" Wangyou Tianzun asked with a faint smile.

Xuanfeng Tianzun was stunned for a moment, and soon remembered that when he was still a fifth-level god king, a divine bird with strength comparable to Tianzun appeared in the God Realm.The divine bird swept across most of the Star God Realm, and finally Wang You Tianzun came forward, subdued it, and put a seal on it, and then sent it out of the God Realm.

Unexpectedly, 5000 million years have passed, and the divine bird has returned.

Xuanfeng Tianzun suddenly realized, pointed to the mirror and said: "Then who is this woman, who can make Qingluan Divine Bird obediently follow behind her."

"She..." Tianzun Wangyou smiled slightly, but didn't point it out.

Xuanfeng Tianzun and Xueliu Tianzun were in a hurry, Xueliu Tianzun was a female Tianzun, so he was a little more casual in front of Wangyou Tianzun, and said anxiously: "Wangyou Tianzun, you should speak directly!"

"Hehe." The Empyrean of Nothingness smiled, "Let me say it."

As the Celestial Venerable who became Venerable successively with Wangyou Tianzun, Wuwu Tianzun was comparable to Wangyou Tianzun in majesty. Hearing what he said, Xuanfeng Tianzun and Xueliu Tianzun immediately became quiet.

"This woman herself can be followed by the Qingluan Divine Bird, so she is different. Of course, she also has an identity..." Tianzun Wuwu paused, looked at Tianzun Wangyou and said with a smile: "At the beginning, Honglian said I give you the Celestial Master Book, the Red Dust Lock, and my Falling God Clock, look at the silver spear in this woman's hand."

After hearing what he said, everyone looked at the god-killing gun in Ruobing's hand.

"Is it a rare treasure?" Tianzun Xueliu asked.

Wangyou Tianzun shook his head: "More than that, to be precise, it was written by the same person."

"Ah!" Xueliu Tianzun took a breath, "Wangyou Tianzun means..."

"Is she related to Daoist Honglian?" Xuanfeng Tianzun was startled, Daoist Honglian, this is a secret that can only be known at the level of Tianzun.

Wangyou Tianzun and Wuwu Tianzun looked at each other and nodded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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