Feather Emperor

Chapter 880 Revenge

Chapter 880 Revenge
Leng Bingyan, who returned to Zimeng Fairyland, spent a period of ordinary but comfortable life at home. Ziling, Liuli, Long Yiling, Long Mingqian, Hong Xiaoyi and others were always around her, trying every means to squeeze some A method of cultivation useful to them.

Long Tianyu was always hovering beside her, Leng Bingyan knew that his younger brother probably had the same idea, but it was just because of face that he was not as obsessed as Zi Ling and the others.

After thinking about it, Leng Bingyan felt that it would be better to fulfill them.So it took one day to create a "Mysterious and Yellow Secret Code". This "Mysterious and Yellow Secret Code" is divided into three unrelated parts. In Luo Tian's Chaos City in each God Realm, she followed the example of Xingli Universe and every God Realm has a Chaos City.

This part of the cultivation method is a comprehensive cultivation method from the god king to the quasi-sage below, allowing Chaos City to choose talented god kings to join in Chaos City and teach the "Tianzun Scroll" to become the welfare of Chaos City in managing the God Realm.

The second part of "Xuanhuang Secret Code" is the "Sage Volume", which can be cultivated to the peak of Hunyuan Supreme Saint.She built a red lotus hall in the chaotic space outside the Zimeng fairyland in Ziheng Luotian, and placed the "sage scroll" inside. After screening, she awarded the "sage scroll" with the opportunity to enter the red lotus hall, and sincerely Those who are strong, let these people become Honglian disciples.

As for the third part of the "Xuanhuang Secret Code", "Tiandao Juan", it is a super skill that can be cultivated to the peak of the fiftieth level of the Heavenly Dao.This "Scroll of Heavenly Dao" Leng Bingyan is placed in Zimeng Immortal Realm and Dijialuo Temple. Gongfa.

There are also considerations for such placement. After all, the "Heavenly Dao Scroll" is a super skill that can only be spread in a small area. Leng Bingyan doesn't want his watery chaos to suddenly become full of heavenly powers. Doesn't it become like the ancient mythology era? Is the world of heaven and earth the same? It is destined to be peaceful.

It is really necessary to leave twenty levels of faults.

As for Zimeng Immortal Territory, there is no need to worry about the leakage of exercises.Gein Zimeng Immortal Realm is her nest, and it is not open to the public at all. Except for her relatives and friends and the servants who are absolutely loyal to her, no one can enter Zimeng Immortal Realm unless she wants to.

So she put the full set of "Heavenly Dao Scroll" at the core of Ziyan Palace with peace of mind.

In addition, the "Tianzun Scroll" and "Sage Scroll" are also placed in eye-catching places in the palace.

Ziling, Liuli and the others who had their wishes fulfilled were extremely happy, and they no longer bothered with Leng Bingyan. They simply copied the exercises they needed, and then went into the secret room to practice.

Seeing this scene, Leng Bingyan couldn't help shaking his head helplessly. "Xuanhuang Secret Code" is the work of Leng Bingyan, although the highest level does not involve the content of Xuanhuang level, giving a name like "Xuanhuang Secret Code" is really a trick, but who is called Leng Bingyan is now Xuanhuang As for the realm of the Great Dao, she just has a soft spot for the word "Xuanhuang".

As the endorsement of Ziheng Tiandao, Mo Wuxie is undoubtedly the luckiest one.Due to the substantial improvement of Leng Bingyan, Ziheng Luotian's level has also doubled several times. If Leng Bingyan is willing, Ziheng Luotian can completely evolve into a large chaotic space, and it is not impossible to evolve into a mysterious yellow space. possible.

But considering that he is also the Dao of Chaos of Shuiyun Great Chaos, Leng Bingyan gave up the idea of ​​turning Ziheng Luotian into Great Chaos.In addition, I still have a peculiar feather space, so I don't even have the idea of ​​​​transforming the black and yellow space.Instead, limit its level to the [-]th level of the Heavenly Dao.

That is to say, the saints in Ziheng Luotian, that is, the illusory ones, can reach the thirtieth level of the Dao of Heaven.It can be said that others are envious!
You must know that although the saints follow the master's glory and improve rapidly, they also have the highest limit.For example, the saints in the Pangu world, they can only reach the extreme saint of Hunyuan at the highest, and it is hopeless to improve further.As for the Void Ones of Ziheng Luotian, their level has been greatly improved without any effort, which made Ziling and others jump up and down with excitement.

This is a cultivation base that comes for nothing!
And Mo Wuxie, as the endorsement of Ziheng Tiandao, instantly had the power of the [-]th level of Tiandao.

When Ziling and the others reached the peak of the [-]th level of the Heavenly Dao, Leng Bingyan decided to let them get rid of the position of the Void, and re-elect the Void.In this way, Zi Ling and others can practice freely.

As for the Great Chaos of Water, Leng Bingyan also raised its level to the third level of Chaos Promise.For a while, it became like the existence of Huangxun Great Chaos.

Of course, Leng Bingyan didn't improve the cultivation of the elders, it was really tiring work.Simply let them practice slowly.

After staying in Zimeng Immortal Territory for a long time, Leng Bingyan, Xia Tian, ​​and Xia Yu no longer had any scruples, and then came to Dijialuo Temple to hand over the "Heavenly Dao Volume" of "Xuanhuang Secret Code" to the elders.With tears in the eyes of the elders, Leng Bingyan and the three went to Xuanhuang Space again.

This time, they plan to cooperate with the Queen of the Desolate Race to clean up the Xuanhuang Space.



The headquarters of the Daoist League is also the territory of the Ye family.

The Xuanhuang Continent is a continent created after the core chaotic space was broken, and it is located in the center of the entire Xuanhuang space.The headquarters of the Dao League is located in the east of the Xuanhuang Continent. Since the battle of the ancient times, the entire Xuanhuang Continent has been occupied by the Dao League and some independent Chaos Promise Dao powerhouses.

Among them, the Dao League occupies about two-thirds of the Xuanhuang Continent.Because Xuanhuang Continent is located in a superior location, with compelling aura and beautiful environment, it is a rare place for cultivation.The choice of the Daomeng's location can be regarded as taking advantage of the right time and place.

In the territory of the Ye family, at a glance, there are endless manor courtyards, and about hundreds of thousands of manors are united together.It's like a big city.

Each manor covers a vast area, with an area of ​​about hundreds of thousands of acres.The inner courtyard of the manor is connected with each other, with rockery, ponds, Qionglou and Yuge, which are grand and magnificent.With lush forests and waterside pavilions, it is simply a super rich man's home.

On this day, three bolts of lightning suddenly fell from the sky, and the lightning fell down quickly. When they were a thousand meters away from the ground, there was a sudden pause, and the three of them floated in midair.

It was Leng Bingyan, Xia Tian, ​​and Xia Yu!
"Is this the territory of the Ye clan? It's really magnificent!" Leng Bingyan looked at the splendid buildings below, and gasped in admiration.

"Look ahead, the buildings there are even more magnificent!" Xia Yu shouted, pointing to a place not far from the Ye family.

Looking away, I can see tall buildings in the distance, red bricks and green tiles, which look resplendent in the sun, towering towers, surrounded by acres of fertile fields.Farther away, the headquarters of the Daomeng was even more imposing, and even more magnificent than the territory of the Ye clan.

"It's a pity that such a beautiful building is not in my Zimeng Immortal Territory, but in the headquarters of the Dao League!"

Leng Bingyan sneered and shook his head. This time the three of them came to the Daomeng headquarters, no doubt to find fault.Leng Bingyan, who was persecuted by the Daoist League that day, is still vivid in her memory, and she, who is bound to take revenge, absolutely cannot swallow this breath.Isn't it time for revenge?
The Empress of the Desolate Race cleaned up the cancerous tumor left over from the Primordial War, and her main target was the Shia clan.As for the Dao League, they just wanted to punish them a little, but they couldn't agree to Leng Bingyan, so they discussed with the Queen of the Desolate Race and decided to divide the army into two groups. , while Leng Bingyan and the other three found fault with the Daomeng!

"let us start!"

Leng Bingyan smiled slightly, and then Huo Di let out the momentum of his whole body, and suddenly a huge wave swept away, covering the Ye clan and the Daomeng headquarters in a majestic pressure.

"This is……"

Ye Kun, who was in the secret place of the Ye clan, was shocked, and suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of light burst out.Then his face became gloomy in an instant, and he sighed: "The one who should come has come." He stood up and walked towards Midi.

Xia Tian and Xia Yu looked at each other and smiled slightly.

Stretching out their hands, two giant dragons flew out of them.The golden bodies of these two giant dragons have a faint silver stripe in the middle.The body is huge, the momentum is compelling, and it looks very hideous...


Under the soaring dragon condensed by the law of time and the law of space, time froze, and then large areas of space began to rupture, and all the fragments of that space fell down.

Boom boom boom!It hit the elegant buildings like a meteorite, crushing them all in an instant.

"You guys are going to be presumptuous!"

With a roar, thousands of figures appeared in the air immediately.The leader is Ye Kun, and behind him are more than a dozen powerhouses in the realm of Chaos Wuji Dao.After that, there are thousands of powerhouses at level [-]!
"Not bad, there are quite a lot of strong people." Leng Bingyan pouted and sneered.The meaning of ridicule made everyone in the Daomeng furious.

Xia Tian and Xia Yu smiled slightly, leaving time for Leng Bingyan to perform.

In front, the two giant dragons were still soaring, the space was shattered, large pieces fell, and time lagged, the faces of the affected people suddenly changed...

Ye Kun was so angry that he yelled suddenly, then rushed over, sneered, hooked his fingers into claws, and grabbed them.

Leng Bingyan seemed to be smiling but not smiling, raised his arm lightly, flicked his index finger forward suddenly, there was a loud "wow", and infinite brilliance burst out.When it unfolded suddenly, there were hundreds of millions of killing formations!
Surprise flashed in Ye Kun's eyes. With a loud roar, he stretched out his big hand and spread his five fingers. The majestic energy shone brightly in his palm, and he grabbed a large number of formations suddenly.

"Aren't you afraid of my killing formation with steel and iron?" Leng Bingyan snorted coldly, and said softly: "Break!" Suddenly, when Ye Kunxu's claws penetrated into the formation, countless formations simultaneously Blast away.

Boom boom boom...

The deafening sound continued continuously, the world was shaken, and the shocking waves swept away with unparalleled energy.call out!The fluctuations dissipated instantly at an extremely fast speed.

"That's all!" Ye Kun's clothes were torn and he was in a mess, but he still sneered coldly.

"is it?"

Leng Bingyan smiled noncommittally, and suddenly rushed forward with his whole body, like a flash of lightning, he came to Ye Kun in an instant, stretched out his hand, clenched it into a fist, and then slammed it away...

"This..." Ye Kun was stunned, only to feel a blur in front of his eyes, and the next moment boundless power exploded in his chest.He was smashed into the deep ground like a meteor in an instant.

Suddenly, amidst the loud noise, the ground cracked, earth and rocks exploded, and large areas of mountains were razed to the ground immediately.

Everyone was stunned. Under the boundless momentum of the cold flame, they felt their feet sinking suddenly, and the power instantly radiated along their feet to the surroundings, so the ground cracked, and cracks stretched out in all directions.

Snapped!The earth collapsed, and hundreds of miles around became a purgatory of lava spewing out, and scorching air waves burst out...

(End of this chapter)

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