Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 1 Beginning Hunyuan Demon Dragon, Beast God Rebuilt!

Chapter 1 Beginning Hunyuan Demon Dragon, Beast God Rebuilt!
Star Dou Great Forest.

The night is dark, and it is the largest gathering place for soul beasts in the entire Douluo Continent.

The entire forest area is vast and the trees are lush. Countless soul beasts live in this place, and it is a place that all soul masters in the world dream of going to.


Most soul masters only dare to operate in the peripheral area, and no one dares to enter the core area.

at this time.

The core of the forest, on the edge of the Lake of Life.

The bright silver waterfall hangs down from the sky, and the silver beam of light stretching between the sky and the earth carries an unparalleled coercion.

In the center of the beam of light below, Su Chen sat there with his eyes closed.

As a time traveler, living another life as a soul beast, almost a million years have passed without knowing it.

Before crossing over, he was just an ordinary human being, a veteran Douluo fan, and he often fantasized about crossing over to the Douluo Continent.

Unexpectedly, such a thing as crossing really fell on him, and made him cross into a very fierce Hunyuan magic dragon, but the time was slightly advanced by nearly 100 million years.

It is generally the same as other traversers, and they all have a system as a standard configuration.

With the help of the system, he became the beast god in the entire Star Dou Forest.

With one order, countless soul beasts dare not refuse!

For Su Chen, today is one of the most important days after his rebirth, the day when he re-cultivates as a human being and enters the stage of maturity.

Although he does not re-cultivate as a human being, his strength is also the strongest in the entire Douluo Continent, comparable to those god kings in the God Realm.

But if you don't recultivate as a human being, you will never be able to have an eternal lifespan!

With the contraction of the silver waterfall, countless stars sprinkled on Su Chen's body, and six red soul rings rose from his side with complicated patterns on them.

The phantom of the huge Hunyuan Demon Dragon roared to the sky behind him, shaking the universe with mighty momentum.

In the entire Star Dou Forest, countless soul beasts were crawling and trembling, and some human soul masters who were active in the peripheral area had their eardrums ruptured and their seven orifices bleeding.


Su Chen had just entered the mature stage here, and Gu Yuena flew to Su Chen's side.

Looking at the handsome young man with sword-browed and star-eyed eyes, Gu Yuena's eyes were as gentle as autumn water, full of affection.

As soon as Gu Yuena arrived, the golden-eyed black dragon king Ditian, who was well-known in the list of top ten fierce beasts, and the dark gold fear-claw Xiong Xiongjun all followed, and they all knelt down not far away and bowed their heads.

Allowing Gu Yuena to pounce on him, sniffing the faint fragrance in the air, Su Chen responded lightly: "It's done!"

Hearing this, Gu Yuena suddenly bit Su Chen's shoulder: "I've made a breakthrough, I'm going out? Do I have to go out?"


Su Chen flicked Gu Yuena's forehead lightly, and replied: "After going out, it's time to prepare for the last thing, otherwise the gang of God Realm should be happy!"

The gods of the gods manipulated the power of the gods, so that the soul beasts had to go through calamities in order to survive.

Like other soul beasts, during these years of crossing the catastrophe, Su Chen encountered a lot of methods by the hypocritical gods in the God Realm.

It's not his style to let such a bunch of hypocritical guys be superior, and the real him is that he must take revenge.

Gently dragging Gu Yuena, and brushing her fingertips through Gu Yuena's hair, Su Chen whispered: "The wounds the gods gave you, when the time comes, I will help you find them one by one."

With a hum, Gu Yuena slid down from Su Chen's body, and her expression became much more serious: "How do you plan to arrange this time when you go out?"

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully transforming into a mature form, the new mission has been released! 】

[The host is asked to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to take away Ning Rongrong and complete the unfinished agreement! 】

[The mission is completed, the host's soul power level will be increased by five levels, and there is no penalty for mission failure! 】

As soon as Gu Yuena's voice fell, the system's mission prompt sounded.

Hearing such a prompt from the system, the path in Su Chen's mind suddenly became much clearer.

He did not expect that the task given by the system this time would have something to do with Ning Rongrong.

As for the system's so-called unfinished agreement, it was also when he was active in the Star Dou Forest not long ago after taking shape.

Sword Douluo Chenxin brought Ning Rongrong, the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, to the Soul Beast Forest to hunt and kill suitable soul beasts.

Because when Su Chen came to the world, he once announced to the entire Douluo Continent that Titled Douluo was not allowed to enter the Star Dou Forest without authorization.

That's why Sword Douluo Chen Xin asked Di Tian to greet him as soon as he entered the Star Dou Forest.

Ning Rongrong, who is only in her twenties, is naturally in danger in the Star Dou Great Forest.

It just so happened that Su Chen met this matter, so he helped Ning Rongrong, and made an appointment to meet again in the future.

As for the task of taking away Ning Rongrong, Su Chen can also completely figure it out.

Like him, the system is also the type who doesn't like hypocritical gods. Ning Rongrong, who will be lured into that hypocritical camp in the future, is obviously inappropriate.

One more point, apart from this meeting, Su Chen and Ning Rongrong have another layer of relationship.

That was when Ning Rongrong was very young, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School received his favor and made a marriage contract.

After learning about this task, Su Chen paid attention to the rewards.

Before entering the mature stage, he was able to advance to level [-] so quickly, all because of the system's various welfare tasks.

It's just that I didn't expect that after entering the mature stage, the system also has such tasks, so it can save a lot of effort.

Keeping the task in mind, Su Chen replied: "I'm planning to go to the Qibao Liulizong first, and I promised someone before."

Immediately understanding who Su Chen was talking about, Gu Yuena raised her cherry mouth, and threatened viciously: "I knew it, you are not allowed to get too promiscuous when you go out this time, or I will bite you to death."

As she said that, Gu Yuena also sharpened her little canine teeth, looking fierce.

After threatening, Gu Yuena said again: "You have chosen to rebuild your life, why don't you bring Bi Ji with you?"

"Brigitte is good at healing, she can deal with many sudden situations, and she can also take care of your daily life on weekdays."

Su Chen laughed dumbfounded when he heard this, but he didn't reject Gu Yuena's proposal, and agreed to the matter.

Although he didn't need to worry about those Title Douluo among humans, even if he stood up and let them kill him, those Title Douluo wouldn't dare.

Gu Yuena is a real little pepper. If she knew that he was in danger, she would definitely launch the beast tide without hesitation.

At that time, the human kingdom will surely perish!

The entire Douluo Continent will also be completely unified by soul beasts!
No one in the world can afford to hurt him.

After arranging these things, Gu Yuena called Bi Ji to come forward, and after arranging everything, she took the initiative to send the two of them to the edge of the Star Dou Forest.

Looking at the two people who walked out of the Star Dou Great Forest, Gu Yuena's temperament suddenly changed.

In front of Su Chen, she was the well-behaved Gu Yuena.

For the rest of the time, she is the real co-lord of the soul and beasts!

Looking up at the sky, Gu Yuena's face only had endless hostility, and the murderous look in her eyes made her want to slaughter all the gods in the sky!

The dusk of the gods, it's time to put it on the agenda!

 The new book has been released...

  [Birth mother Douluo Bibi Dong?Ask the Pope to abdicate]

  Kneeling for support, this time is definitely not a short baby, kneeling for support of the new book, thank you! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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