Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 15 Tang San's Proposal, Shameless 3-person Team!

Chapter 15 Tang San's Proposal, Shameless Duo!

Chapter 015 Tang San's Proposal, Shameless Duo!


Exhaling heavily, Yu Xiaogang put the album back into the pages and clamped it.

Because he saw Bibi Dong's provocative portrait and thought of things that were very likely to succeed in the future, the pain in his heart dissipated a lot.

Thinking about Bibi Dong's affairs here may not be successful, Yu Xiaogang took out another picture album that was sandwiched.

The person in the album is none other than Liu Erlong who has been deceived by him pretending to be crazy.

Looking at the proud figure in the album that is no weaker than Bibi Dong, Yu Xiaogang's throat moved again.

"It's almost that damned second uncle. If he hadn't stepped in suddenly, I should have entered the bridal chamber with my beautiful cousin."

"However, the ecstasy soup that I poured back then is still very effective, and my cousin should still miss me now! If Bibi Dong can't succeed here, I can consider completing the work of this cousin."

"Entering the bridal chamber after decades, it should still be very exciting!"

Thinking about these things with evil in his heart, Yu Xiaogang laughed strangely, and inexplicably added a lot of madness to his body.

All the cells in his body are agitated at this moment.

In his opinion, all these things are final, as long as he is willing to do it, he can do it with his hands.

Tang San noticed Yu Xiaogang's change, and asked suddenly: "Teacher, just now you said that after graduation, you want me to go to a school called Shrek Academy. Why haven't I heard of such an academy before?"

"Shrek is an academy that allows you to achieve extraordinary development. In my original plan, I was going to arrange for you to go there."

Yu Xiaogang replied: "Just because you asked this question, I can tell you with certainty that Shrek Academy's teaching staff, after you pass, you will truly understand how strong it is."

"At that time, after you set off for Shrek Academy, I will also go to Wuhun City. Your Wuhun problem, after I come back, I can let you go to a higher level."

Tang San nodded fiercely.

At this moment, he was still silent in the shadow of being trampled and broken by Su Chen.

The proud speed is so vulnerable in front of Su Chen.

As for what Yu Xiaogang said, he knew who Yu Xiaogang was going to find without asking.

The current Pope, Bibi Dong!

He had already known from Yu Xiaogang earlier that Bibi Dong also had twin martial souls.

Relying on twin martial souls, he has already cultivated to the realm of Title Douluo and has become the current pope.

There is a ready-made template in front of you, and you can directly apply the results of the other party, which will undoubtedly save you a lot of trouble.

After seeing the soul master from the infirmary go out, Yu Xiao continued to say just now: "Little San, I know you are still brooding over what happened just now, but you have to remember that you are the person I value most."

"Twin Martial Souls, only three have appeared in a hundred years, one has died, and the other is the current Pope, you are a genius like no other in a million!"

"When your twin martial souls are both great, when you become a Titled Douluo, it will be a matter for you to dominate the world. Compared with the achievements at that time, the grievances now are nothing."

Frantically feeding Tang San with chicken soup, Yu Xiaogang selectively concealed the purpose of training Tang San to make himself famous in the mainland.

The first twin martial spirit died prematurely because there was no predecessor to lead the way.

The second owner of twin spirits, Bibi Dong, has become a Title Douluo, paving a very good path.

Tang San, the third owner of twin spirits, was already destined to succeed.

Enjoying the chicken soup poured down by Yu Xiaogang, Tang San also heaved a sigh of relief: "Teacher, don't worry, I know what to do."

"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!"

Yu Xiaogang was very satisfied with Tang San's answer, and added: "It's very good if you have this awareness. When you rule the world, all the women in the world are within your reach."

"Even here with Xiao Wu, you are only temporarily lost, and she will know how wrong she has made!"

Putting all unnecessary thoughts to the back of his mind, Tang San began to imagine things about Shrek Academy.

Thinking that he and Xiao Wu were supposed to go to Shrek Academy together, but now he was alone, he said he looked away, but in fact he still had a grudge.

"Teacher, I suddenly had an idea just now. Why don't you contact the principal to make arrangements for this graduation?"

"We are already official soul masters, why don't you ask the academy to make arrangements for all of our graduates to go to the Forest of Splitting Souls to practice and practice?"

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang understood Tang San's thoughts in an instant, and frowned and pondered for a long time.

While contemplating, he found that he seemed to be in a dark cage.

Outside the cage, Su Chen stood there with an indifferent face, and a voice of magic pierced into his ears:

You are a thief!

You are a thief!

You are a thief!

This sound of magic sounds tortured him to the point of hatred and madness.

"Okay, I'll arrange this!"

"The Forest of Hunting Souls, there are many soul beasts in captivity. You have enough self-protection ability, and you can just show it well when the time comes."

After agreeing to this matter, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San limped away from the infirmary after a few words of celebration.

Eating and drinking, and taking care of management matters, Yu Xiaogang, who had already reached the level of shamelessness, didn't think there was anything wrong with it at all.

My majestic master, it is enough to save face by meddling in these matters all of a sudden.

Watching Yu Xiaogang leave, Tang San showed a sinister smile on his face, and lightly tapped his fingers on the 24th bridge Yu Xiaogang gave him on a moonlit night.

He held several hidden weapons in his hands and looked at them, and a series of complete plans began to take shape in his mind.


the other side.

The things on Yu Xiaogang's side had just been arranged properly, and Xiao Wu's mentor passed on these things.

Knowing the sudden incident, Xiao Wu went directly to Su Chen and reported all these incidents.

"Master Su Chen, the thief you mentioned is really too hateful. He actually temporarily said that he would intervene in this graduation, and let us all enter the Forest of Hunting Souls. It is obviously stumbling us."

He took the notification letter that Xiao Wu got, and looked at the content on it.

[The famous Martial Soul theory master suggested that this graduation...]

Putting all the content back into his eyes, and seeing that it said that he could form a team and prepare in advance to deal with spirit beasts, Su Chen showed a slight smile on his face.

It's a very low-level method, and he doesn't even need to think about it.

"You can agree to come down according to the arrangement of the college. We have the right to go sightseeing when the time comes."

"As for the jumping clowns, let's just see how they plan to jump."

After making a decision on behalf of Xiao Wu, Su Chen didn't continue talking about this matter.

In life, you will always meet many clowns.

These jumping clowns can just be used as condiments in a boring life.

Coincidentally, you can also brush up some system achievement rewards along the way, and the plan for Ragnarok will start more smoothly in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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