Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 17 Nian Mandala Snake, 2 Master and Disciple Disordered in the Wind

Chapter 17 The Millennium Mandala Snake, The Two Masters and Disciples Disordered in the Wind

Yu Xiaogang was dumbfounded.

He had a papal decree in his pocket, and he was 100% sure that the black and gold token Brigitte took out was not a papal decree.


It's not the Pope's decree, what kind of token can make the knights of the Wuhun Temple kneel down to welcome them?


Swallowing a mouthful of saliva in horror, Yu Xiaogang felt a fine layer of cold sweat appear on his forehead.

A large group of shadows enveloped his heart in an instant.

He easily resolved Yu Xiaogang's difficulty, and after returning to the Forest of Hunting Souls, everything was still so familiar.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Yu Xiaogang's terrified look, and he didn't even bother to punish him.

Order of the Beast God!
It was a kind of identity token that Gu Yuena proposed and created for him, in order to have many privileges.

On the human land, the papal decree issued by Wuhundian has the supreme power.

But compared to the Beast God's Decree, the Pope's Decree is not enough.

In short, what can be done by the Pope's decree can be done by the Beast God's decree, but what can be done by the Beast God's decree may not be done by the Pope's decree.

Yu Xiaogang, a low-level person, has not yet reached the point where he can get in touch with the Beast God Order.

A frog in a well will never know the vastness of the world!
After calming down his mood, Yu Xiaogang saw a slight change in Su Chen's eyes, and secretly said in his heart: "It seems that he should also come from a certain powerful force, and that token should be a symbol of that powerful force."

"I didn't expect him to resolve such an arranged play like this. It's a bit of a miscalculation."

Finding that there was also a lot of puzzlement in Tang San's eyes, Yu Xiaogang walked up to Tang San's side, and said in a low voice:
"Little San, they must have a good status if they can make the Wuhun Palace cavalry kneel down to greet them."

"But there is one thing you need to know. You don't need to be cowardly in this kind of thing. You are qualified to be so ostentatious. Just do whatever you want."

Hearing this, Tang San nodded heavily.

At this time, he still didn't know the truth that Tang Hao was Haotian Douluo, Yu Xiaogang's words just made him think that his twin martial souls had such qualifications.

A rare twin martial soul owner.

Tell it, you do have the qualifications!
after all.

Anyone who grows up to the point of Title Douluo is the top group of people in the mainland.

Wake up and take control of the world, drunk on the knees of beautiful women.

Everything is at your fingertips!

After explaining these things to Tang San, Yu Xiaogang began to group many students.

Considering the safety of the students, Yu Xiaogang divided the other students into a large group, and then arranged an area for the other students to move about.

After letting other students go to activities, he put Tang San and Su Chen into a group.

The purpose of this graduation assessment is to let Tang San take a good breath of anger, he will not let Su Chen and the others go to activities alone.

There is a layer of rules such as graduation assessment, but I don't worry that Su Chen and the others will go their own way.

After arranging all these things, Yu Xiao said just now again: "Little San, the assessment is officially started now, follow my footsteps."

Su Chen didn't bother to talk to Yu Xiaogang and his master and apprentice. After walking some distance, he frowned slightly and looked around.

There was also Bi Ji who had the same anomaly as him, both of them looked around.

The Forest of Hunting Souls contains many spirit beasts raised in captivity in the Wuhun Palace, which is very good for training.

Because of the special nature of the Hunting Soul Forest, the spirit beasts in this kind of place are generally not very strong, and even thousand-year-level spirit beasts are very rare.

But now...

The area they are in now is eerily quiet.

The wind blows, and the beating of leaves can be heard.

The Hunting Soul Forest, which has many captive spirit beasts, seems to have passed away now.

The soul beasts that should have been very active all disappeared.

"My lord, there seems to be a situation!"

After Bi Ji observed, she spoke in a gentle voice beside Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded, and said softly: "It seems that there is indeed a little thing that can be seen, let us see what kind of little thing it is."

In the world of soul beasts, the weak eat the strong!
Soul beasts of different ages have their own living areas.

Under normal circumstances, no high-level spirit beasts would come to the area of ​​weaker spirit beasts to move around.

But now this area does not feel the activity of weak soul beasts, it is obvious that there are powerful soul beasts appearing in this area.

The coercion of strength made all the weak soul beasts shrink back, for fear of becoming the food in the belly of powerful soul beasts.

The current situation is obviously like this.

Yu Xiaogang and Tang San didn't notice this, they just felt that the Forest of Hunting Souls this time was a bit more abnormal than the last time they came.

In order to win back in front of Su Chen, the two divisions didn't think too much about this kind of thing, they only wanted to save face in front of Su Chen and the others.

When the two masters and apprentices were observing their surroundings, they suddenly felt a chill behind them, and then looked at Su Chen and the others in unison.

Not far from Su Chen and the others, a green long snake quietly approached from the forest, and the green poisonous mist also swept towards them.

There are wing fins on both sides of the head, and snake letters are spit out.

With ferocious vertical pupils, he looked straight at Su Chen and the others.

In the deepest part of the vertical pupil, there is a bit of fear.

"Datura snake?"

Tang San recognized the long snake at a glance, lowered his voice and exclaimed.

Yu Xiaogang also said: "This mandala snake is much stronger than the one you hunted before, and its speed is also faster by more than one level. It is estimated that it is at least a thousand-year-level mandala snake."

"These two times I entered the Forest of Hunting Souls, why did I encounter such spirit beasts that shouldn't appear in this area?"

Receiving an affirmative answer, Tang San's heart was suspended.

Last time, when he hunted a Datura snake about 400 years old, he almost lost his head.

This time the start is at the millennium level, and it is simply not something they can compete with.

"It turned out to be such a little snake."

Recognizing the identity of the mandala snake that appeared, Su Chen saw through the opponent's cultivation level at a glance.

This datura snake is not an ordinary thousand-year-old snake, it is almost 2000 years old, and it has only suffered a little injury.

Under normal circumstances, even if the mandala snake was injured, it would be enough to wipe out everyone in this assessment.

Of course, he's not on this list.

The mandala snake did not attack immediately, but observed Su Chen and the others very patiently.

Noticing this, Yu Xiaogang hurriedly said to Tang San: "Little San, be careful, this mandala snake should be after them."

"If there is a change, we will take this opportunity to leave, otherwise we will die!"

Hearing this, Tang San looked at Xiao Wu who was still beside Su Chen, gritted his teeth and nodded.

Hearing these whispers in his ears, Su Chen smiled slightly.

Yu Xiaogang is really a good example of being a teacher.

Just when Yu Xiaogang was about to run away, his pupils suddenly widened many times.

Under the vision, the mandala snake suddenly crawled towards Su Chen and the others slowly.

There is no trace of hostility in the vertical pupils, but they are crawling honestly.

Approaching Su Chen, after putting down a thing with its tail curled up, he lay there obediently, motionless, as if asking for something.

After seeing clearly the mandala snake that had completely calmed down, and seeing clearly the things put down by the mandala snake, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but gasped several times.

This is so...

What is the situation? !

(End of this chapter)

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