Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 19 Tang San's Hidden Weapon, Shaking Hands?

Chapter 19 Tang San's Hidden Weapon, Shaking Hands?
The sky began to darken.

It was daytime when I entered the Forest of Hunting Souls. Although under the shade of the forest, I could hardly see many eyes, but my physical senses were different.

As night fell, darkness enveloped the entire land.

The entire Forest of Hunting Souls seemed to have entered another atmosphere.

Some spirit beasts that don't like to be active during the day all become active at night, and the sounds in the surrounding jungle are more frequent.

Although the Forest of Hunting Souls is the place where Soul Beasts are artificially raised in the Hall of Spirits, the danger level of this place will be many times higher than normal at night.

After driving for a while, Yu Xiaogang stopped with Tang San, and the two masters and apprentices lit a bonfire, planning to spend the night here temporarily.

Just as the two of them lit up the bonfire, a sense of oppression swept over from all around.

In the depths of the dark jungle, pairs of dark green eyes revealed their true faces, and ghost wolves stepped on some broken branches.

Before these ghost wolves approached, they could already clearly hear the low growls in their throats.

"No, it's the ghost wolf!"

The moment he saw the Nether Wolf, Yu Xiaogang let out a low cry, he stomped his feet, two yellow spirit rings emerged from his body, and Luo Sanpao, who mutated into a pig, was summoned.

"Little San, they are unreliable. You are in charge of being the main attacker. We can't let these beasts break into our camp."

After speaking a few words very fast, Yu Xiaogang began to look around seriously.

The ghost wolf is not scary, and it is not too difficult to deal with.

But creatures like wolves live in packs. At this time, there are almost twenty of these ghost wolves emerging from the jungle.

If twenty ghost wolves rushed forward, it would be a soul-destroying disaster for their current soul masters in their 20s.

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's arrangement, Tang San rolled up his sleeves, exposing the sleeve arrows with straight wrists, and the person shot out like an arrow off the string.

He had encountered ghost wolves the first time he came to the Forest of Hunting Souls, but this time he encountered more than 20 of them at the same time.

Similarly, his strength has also improved a lot.

"The first soul skill, Coil!"

One hand slapped the ground, and because of the influence of the mandala snake, it turned black a lot. The blue silver grass rose from the ground, facing the ghost wolf and trapped it.

At the same time, the sleeve arrows on his wrist were shot out one by one with steel needles.


The screams sounded, the ghost wolves who wanted to come to prey completely enraged Tang San's first attack, and they all rushed forward.

Under the cooperation and twining of the blue silver grass, Tang San's hidden weapons hit almost every shot, every shot hit the Nether Wolf's vital position.

Seeing Tang San using the Blue Silver Grass and the hidden weapon together, Xiao Wu immediately explained beside Su Chen:
"Lord Su Chen, this is Tang San's hidden weapon. It seems that he researched it spontaneously, and it is very effective in catching people by surprise."

"He was originally a control-type soul master, controlled by the Blue Silver Grass, and his hidden weapons hit every shot, so he has a lot of advantages in this kind of group battle."

Tell Su Chen what she knows as much as possible, at this moment, Xiao Wu's body is fully shrouded in a layer of radiance.

Su Chen listened to Xiao Wu's explanation indifferently.

Of course he knew everything about Tang San very well, but he didn't mind Xiao Wu's explanation, the only one who didn't agree with the spontaneous research.

After all, Tang San, like Yu Xiaogang, is just a thief.

People who were members of the Tang Sect in the previous life were chased to the bottom of a cliff and fell to their deaths after becoming thieves in the end.

Even if he was approved by the guards when he finally stole, it still couldn't cover up the essence of being a thief at the beginning.

This point is very similar to Yu Xiaogang.

Both master and apprentice have essentially the same attributes.

Ning Rongrong, on the other hand, saw Tang San use the sleeve arrow to kill all directions among the Netherworld wolves, a lot of golden light could not help but flash in his eyes.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has mostly auxiliary soul masters. If such a hidden weapon can be equipped in their sect, it will definitely raise the strength of the entire sect to a higher level.


After seeing Su Chen's side face quietly listening to Xiao Wu's explanation, his heart was at peace again.

Although the hidden weapon is good, but with Su Chen around, it seems that there is no need to think so much.

Just like what was said in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School at that time, if Su Chen couldn't protect them, then there would be no existence in the entire Douluo Continent who could protect them from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

In comparison, the effect of the hidden weapon seems to be the same.

"This hidden weapon is indeed capable. These ghost wolves are probably going to die."

Brigitte also spoke at this time, and joined the ranks of critics.

Su Chen nodded slightly, agreeing to Bi Ji's analysis.

As far as he is concerned, a hidden weapon like the Hidden Arrow is indeed useless, but it can still play some role in the moment.

Seeing that Su Chen remained indifferent from beginning to end, Xiao Wu did not continue to explain.

With Su Chen here, that's enough.

The power of the beast god cannot be provoked!

After realizing everything, Xiao Wu suddenly threw herself on Su Chen, and gnawed on the side of Su Chen's face: "It's great to have Lord Su Chen here."

Allowing Xiao Wu to express his joy, Su Chen gently pinched Xiao Wu's face.

This girl is going to take advantage of opportunities whenever she finds them. There is really no one else.

Tang San, who was hunting the Nether Wolf, saw this scene, his pupils suddenly shrank, his breathing became short of breath, looking at the Nether Wolf in front of him, he was even more murderous.

I am frantically killing ghost wolves here, but you are showing your affection there.


Crazy thoughts filled his mind, Tang San suddenly pulled out a steel needle from Xiangxiu Arrow, threw himself on the Nether Wolf, holding the steel needle with both hands, and slammed it down towards the Nether Wolf.

The sad Nether Wolf has been regarded by him as Su Chen's substitute.

After finishing this ghost wolf, he quickly jumped up from the ghost wolf again.

I wanted to continue to deal with the remaining ghost wolves, but when I saw Xiao Wu still hanging on Su Chen's body, I only wanted to show my skills in the Forest of Hunting activities in my heart, and began to change in the direction of darkness.

His eyes turned cold, his hand shook deliberately, and a sleeve arrow burst out from his wrist.

A cracking sound rang out.

The position where the sleeve arrow advances is exactly the position of Su Chen's left shoulder.

And at the moment when the sleeve arrow shot over, Su Chen's helpless Xiao Wu's eyes became colder in an instant.

With the position where the sleeve arrow came, even an ordinary person would not be killed, but he would definitely be pierced.

Tang San's thought at this time was to make it clear that he wanted to mess things up.

It was on him to make trouble, but he forgot what he was punished for.

Seeing that Su Chen hadn't moved yet, Tang San was overjoyed in his heart, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a faint smile, as if he was about to see Su Chen scream.

I have already planned it in my heart, and when I succeed in getting the Xiujian, I will feel as if I am fake, and I should be able to vent my anger.

His eyes suddenly shrunk into balls, and a stunned expression filled his entire face.

Just when the sleeve arrow was about to pierce Su Chen's left shoulder, the space seemed to stagnate suddenly.

Two slender fingers were firmly clamped on the sleeve arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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