Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 27 Mutated Dragon Sword, Taking Over Shrek

Chapter 27 Mutated Dragon Sword, Taking Over Shrek

A deafening sound suddenly erupted, Su Chen stood in the courtyard, his face was full of austerity.

The body of the demon dragon condensed behind him, with fierce eyes looking fiercely at the laws of the heavens.

The dark dragon claws tore towards the void, and with the sound of air bursting, laws broke one after another.

The black clouds all over the sky were torn into two by Su Chen's claw from the most central position, and the clear sky hidden behind the black clouds reappeared between the heaven and the earth.

The light fell on the ground, and the black clouds began to fade wildly.

The many laws that wanted to control Su Chen's death all disappeared.

The soul, beast, and martial soul are the original body before rebuilding. This is an unchanging truth that has been carried out throughout the Douluo Continent for countless years.


After the martial soul of the soul beast is rebuilt, it is impossible to mutate due to different bloodlines when the human awakens the martial soul.

But one thing is certain.

Once the martial soul of a soul beast mutates, the level of horror is definitely something that no god in the God Realm would want to see.

Ordinary human martial souls have terrifying fighting power after they mutate, and they are even more powerful after reaching the Title Douluo.

For soul beast reconstruction, the starting condition is the 10-year level.

In other words, the minimum strength of a normal 10-year-old soul beast is equal to that of a human Titled Douluo.

After rebuilding, it is already a lot ahead, and Su Chen, a 99-year-old soul beast, cannot use accurate words to describe the horror.

It was already a mutated soul beast, and after reaching such a terrifying cultivation base, the martial soul also mutated once.

The increased magnification is far beyond 1+1.

As the many black clouds were dispelled, the entire Soto City, and even the people in the vast surrounding area, seemed to feel a deadly sense of destruction.

At that moment, life seemed to be no longer his own.

Su Chen didn't care so much.

If it wasn't for the sudden mutation of the martial soul, if it wasn't for the sudden arrival of the laws of the gods, he wouldn't have made such a big fuss.

After dispelling the black cloud, he set his eyes on his martial soul.

On the originally towering figure, a very thick bone spur rose from the back.

The bone spur had just emerged, but it had already displayed a terrifying sharpness, no different from a long sword.

Seeing such a change, Su Chen probably already understood in his heart.

The initial direction of my martial soul mutation this time is to mutate in this direction.

Although it can be mutated according to his will, the long sword is indeed a weapon he prefers, so he simply lets this kind of thing continue.

After a long time, the long sword completely appeared on his martial soul phantom.


There was a slight sword cry, and a bone spur condensed from the body turned into a long sword and flew towards Su Chen.

Holding the long sword in his hand with a wave of his hand, the dead silence brought by the black long sword is more terrifying than the top-level fierce thing.

99 years of resentment, all condensed in this long sword.

"Martial soul mutation?"

At this time, Brigitte not far away woke up from the sudden change.

Seeing the law of God descending suddenly, seeing the sky dim suddenly, seeing Su Chen suddenly attacking the law of God.

Everything happened too fast, and before she had time to react, the curtain had already come to an end.

I almost thought I was wrong. After all, Brigitte is a soul beast with a cultivation base of hundreds of thousands of years, so she naturally knows exactly when the law of God descends.

Every 10 years of catastrophe, in order to prevent the soul beast from continuing to live forever, there will be the law of God in the catastrophe.

But now...

Su Chen's million-year catastrophe should not have come yet, but the law of God suddenly appeared.

In her first reaction, she thought it was the hypocritical people from the God Realm who finally couldn't bear it anymore.

But after seeing clearly the black long sword that fell in Su Chen's hand, she fully reacted.

It's unmistakable, it's definitely a mutation of the Martial Soul!

After Lord Beast God's restoration, Wuhun also ushered in a mutation just like human beings, creating a precedent for the restoration of soul beasts.

Xiao Wu also came to her senses at this time, she asked with a dazed expression: "Sister Bi Ji, after our soul beast has been rebuilt, can the martial soul continue to mutate?"

Hearing this, Brigitte shook her head in embarrassment, expressing that she didn't know either.

The current situation is beyond her cognition.

Flender, who had just sent Zao Wou-ki back to the attic to rest, came out again, saw Su Chen holding the black long sword, and listened to Xiao Wu's words in a daze, and reacted abruptly.

His pupils were wide open, and he looked at Su Chen standing in the courtyard in disbelief.

Thinking of the sudden terrifying fluctuation just now, and the sky that suddenly darkened, he seemed to understand everything, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with lingering fear:
"As expected, Lord Beast God, what was impossible to happen, actually happened."

"Then if you calculate it like this, it should be Lord Beast God who made a full attack just now, right?"

Not being able to see it with his own eyes, Flender felt a little annoyed, and greeted Zao Wou-ki again in his heart.

It's all the fault of that idiot, if it wasn't for the fact that he was beaten half to death, I wouldn't have sent him back, so that I missed witnessing the incomparably wonderful shock.

After looking at the mutated dragon sword in his hand, Su Chen waved the dragon sword away and looked at Flender who came out.

Flender also stepped forward immediately, and immediately bowed: "Thank you, my lord, for being merciful to that idiot Zao Wou-ki."

"Your Excellency, you are going to officially take over the academy now. After that, will the operation process of our academy still follow the previous model?"

Su Chen nodded: "Everything can be done according to the previous process, but on these basis, I am making some changes."

"Using Shrek as the cradle, let a group of people I value to get in touch with, and then they can play a sufficient role on the right occasion."

Flender nodded and wrote down these.

For Su Chen's arrangement, he absolutely agrees with both hands and feet.


He was just suddenly curious, the monster mechanism was already a plan from Su Chen.

Based on this, what changes can be made?Is it not enough to screen students with the monster mechanism?

Without talking too much with Flender, Su Chen set his sights on Brigitte.

Seeing this, Bi Ji immediately went forward: "Master Beast God, do you have other arrangements?"

"Based on Shrek, create a team that belongs to our Star Dou Forest!"

Su Chen nodded slightly, and said softly: "In the team, Ning Que Wulan, you go back to the Star Dou Great Forest and let the two guys, Da Ming and Er Ming, come here after rebuilding."

"At that time, the team members will be completely settled, and a brand new Shrek will be created!"

(End of this chapter)

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