Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 31 Dai Mubai surrenders, Brigitte returns!

Chapter 31 Dai Mubai surrenders, Brigitte returns!


Dai Mubai was startled suddenly, and staggered back.

In just an instant, the skirts of his clothes were soaked through in an instant.

The blood on his face subsided like a wave, and his expression became extremely terrified.

The gaze that was still focused on Su Chen's body instantly dodged to the side.

Zhao Wou-ki told the truth himself, and after realizing that he could cause a catastrophe, he no longer had the courage to continue looking into Su Chen's eyes.

Star Dou Great Forest, the supreme beast god!
Such an identity!
He is simply not comparable to a prince of the Star Luo Empire.

As Zhao Wuji said, once Su Chen's identity is real, only one sentence is enough to change the royal family of Star Dou Empire.

Not just changing the royal family, even wanting to destroy the Star Luo Empire is a one-sentence matter.

In the entire Star Dou Great Forest, no one can know how many soul beasts there are.

Once the beast tide starts, it is only a matter of time before the country is destroyed.

Just a battle in the royal family, just because his elder brother Davis is very powerful, he has no chance of winning, it is enough for him to escape to Shrek and live dreamily.

Su Chen's identity made him unable to resist any more.

A sense of fear surged in the bottom of my heart.

Dai Mubai's lips trembled slightly, not only did he not dare to continue looking at Su Chen, even Zhu Zhuqing didn't dare to take another look.

It is already a great honor to be able to serve beside the Beast God once.

Such a status is many times more respected than the emperors of their Star Luo Empire.

"Are you afraid now?"

Seeing Dai Mubai's terrified look, Zao Wou-ki added another sentence: "I know I was wrong, now you better hope that the lord can spare your dog's life!"

Saying that, Zhao Wou-ki immediately apologized in front of Su Chen very sorry.

"My lord, it's the younger generation who failed to find out in time and let such a thing happen, please punish me, my lord!"

Seeing this, Su Chen calmly glanced at Zhao Wuji, his face was calm from beginning to end.


Youyou stood up, and a broken branch made a harsh sound under his trample.

Pacing and walking towards Dai Mubai, Su Chen didn't show any aura, but still gave Dai Mubai endless pressure.

As Su Chen got closer, Dai Mubai's body trembled more violently.

Breathing, from the shortest at the beginning, gradually became gentle, until finally he held his breath completely.

Big drops of sweat dripped down from his forehead.

"You want to tear me apart?"

Walking in front of Dai Mubai, Su Chen's indifferent voice sounded: "Why, don't you dare to do anything now?!"

With a huge disparity in status, the corners of Dai Mubai's mouth twitched crazily when he heard Su Chen's questioning.

Pressing his neck very low, he said in a voice like a mosquito: "It's Dai Mubai who is blind, it's Dai Mubai who is ignorant."

"I beg... I beg my lord to spare my life. Zhu Zhuqing was also impulsive here. I... I didn't expect that she was serving you, lord."

"If... my lord, if you still need it, I can contact my royal father immediately, and I will send you more maidservants day and night."

No fun!

Silently listening to Dai Mubai's begging for mercy and flattery, his heart suddenly became interested.

Those who were able to escape from the Star Luo Empire had cowardly characters carved into their bones.

Punishing such a person would make his hands dirty.

"Zhao Wou-ki, his punishment is entrusted to you!"

"Think for yourself!"

Turning around and returning to the recliner to sit down, Su Chen stopped looking at Dai Mubai.

In the past, when the spirit beasts were relatively weak, in her era, she encountered countless spirit beasts of the same level.

In order to have a way out, he has been killing.

To be precise, he is a bit annoyed with killing now, Dai Mubai simply can't bring up the thought of letting him kill him.


Except for the hypocritical gods in the God Realm, he has no interest in anything else.

Seeing that Su Chen was not angry, Zhao Wuji couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately answered affirmatively: "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely do my best for the punishment."

While talking, Zao Wou-ki already grabbed Dai Mubai's shoulder with one hand.


Dai Mubai cried out in pain, but he didn't dare to say more, he only dared to hold back.

At other times, Zao Wou-ki would only put on a show, at most he would do some face-saving work.


With a high probability, he will still have the idea of ​​protecting the calf.


Now Dai Mubai offended Su Chen, the beast god.

Being able to save his life is already Dai Mubai's greatest luck.

As for other aspects, it is simply out of his consideration.

He also knew the meaning of Su Chen's words.

The death penalty is acquitted, but the living sin cannot escape.

The matter of punishment must not be dealt with casually like this.

In short.

As long as Dai Mubai is still alive, even if it is a year or two, or even a lifetime, it is only natural.

After dragging Dai Mubai away from the courtyard, a series of muffled sounds resounded.

Along with these muffled sounds, there was Dai Mubai's miserable howl.

There was a sound of miserable howling, which made people's scalp numb.

Hearing these screams, Zhu Zhuqing woke up as if from a dream.

"My lord, it was Zhuqing who didn't handle everything well before, Zhuqing...Zhuqing..."

After waking up, Zhu Zhuqing immediately began to blame himself.

Su Chen smiled slightly, and said softly, "Since you have become my maid, then let's leave these things alone."

"From now on, you only need to do your own thing with peace of mind, and you don't need to worry about other things!"

Zhu Zhuqing hummed moved, and squatted down beside Su Chen again, gently pinching Su Chen's calf with his frail and boneless hands.

The little tail on the black leather jacket also raised a lot.

The pressure in her heart has disappeared, and she is now in a much lighter mood.

Su Chen could see that Zhu Zhuqing was in a very good mood at this time, so he didn't point out these things.

After enjoying a massage, he looked not far away.

within sight.

Bi Ji, who had been away for two months, came back in a hurry, accompanied by two burly men.

He is not much better than Zhao Wuji in size, but the hostility on his body is more ruthless than the other.

After appearing in Shrek Academy with Brigitte, he looked around very curiously.

In the eyes of both of them, there is a lot of curiosity.

Seeing a group of three people coming, Su Chen's mouth curled into a faint smile.

It was none other than Da Ming and Er Ming who he arranged for Bi Ji to return to the Star Dou Forest to bring back with Bi Ji.

Judging from the appearance of the two of them at this time, they accepted his arrangement and embarked on the road of rebuilding their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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