Fast-wearing female supporting roles: carry the viciousness to the end

Chapter 101 The Fox Demon Who Vows to Repay Her Grace

Chapter 101 The Fox Demon Who Vows to Repay Her Grace (End)
[Found it, she is squatting in someone's woodshed in Beicheng. 】System Meow jumped onto the soft couch next to Su Wan, and began to groom his body with his paws.

"Good job, keep watching." Su Wan grabbed a handful of walnuts and pine nuts and threw them in front of System Meow.

System Meow looked down and pouted, obviously dissatisfied.

But she didn't dare to say anything, she just patted the walnuts with her paws angrily, one by one, and then pulled out the walnut kernels and put them in her mouth.

After tasting the taste, System Meow narrowed his eyes and showed a happy expression.

Su Wan herself also smashed walnuts to eat. She really has nothing to do these two days, and she is not allowed to go out of the house, so she has nothing to do.

There are only her and the old lady left in the mansion, and the task is to guard the Ye mansion.

But Ye Mansion has so many guards, what can they do with her.

After the Ye family and the Su family got married, the old man of the Ye family had a quarrel. Who made Father Ye dare not tell the old man.

The old man was forced to go to Liangshan.

These days, they are busy finishing the work, there are many things to be busy, even Ye Jinghuan was pulled out to help.

[Can't you give me some more delicious food?Don't keep fooling me with dried fruit. 】The system cat ate up all the walnuts, and began to use its small fangs to nibble the pine nuts one by one. Right here, it is still striving for benefits for itself.

"Take care of the heroine. When she goes to save the heroine, tell me that you can eat whatever you want in the next world." Su Wan agreed casually.

The system meow rolled her eyes, let's do it, wait for the next world to settle the bill, if she dares to renege, hum!
Soon, that day will come.

Chu Qing's injury is not recovering well, one is that the environment is too bad, and the other is that she has to keep vigilant all the time, and she can't rest well at all.

There is no more food, she sneaks out at night to get something to eat.

He wanted to eat people, but he didn't dare, for fear of being discovered by others.

After resting for a few days, Chuqing decided to go to the prison to rescue Pu Yuanlong. As long as Pu Yuanlong is around, she doesn't have to worry about these trivial matters.

Following the taste in memory, Chu Qing slowly sneaked towards the prison.

At this time, the system meow also notified Su Wan.

So, poor Ye Jinghuan was knocked out again.

Su Wan knew the location of the sky prison, so she flew directly to the place with a bamboo dragonfly, waiting for Chuqing to arrive.

The prison was guarded very tightly, Su Wan looked at the defenses and felt that even she might not be able to rescue Pu Yuanlong successfully with a gun.

"I said, Erfei, the hidden mission should be completed now, right? Why is there no reminder?" Su Wan sat on the roof, waiting for boredom, and then thought of the mission.

[The male protagonist is not dead yet. As long as he is not dead, there is hope for a comeback, so the task is not considered complete. ] System Meow explained.

Su Wan nodded, expressing her understanding. Although it was a bit far-fetched, it was still reasonable.

"The heroine is here." Su Wan stood up abruptly, carefully observing with a telescope.

I saw the heroine Chu Qing hiding in the shadows, quietly approaching the prison, and then began to dig a hole!
Digging? !
"The hostess wants to dig it down?" Su Wan raised her eyebrows, um, she didn't know how to evaluate this thought.

Chuqing's claws are very sharp, no matter whether it is dirt or stone, nothing can stop her sharp claws.

The sky prison is underground, but she doesn't know how deep it is underground.

She just searched for the smell and picked a place close to Pu Yuanlong to dig.

Su Wan held her chin and sat back on the roof.

Running over in the middle of the night, it turned out to be to see the heroine dig a hole.

This is really... drunk!

Not to mention, the heroine is really good at digging holes, and now she can't see her body, and her whole body has gone into the pit.

Su Wan held up the binoculars and stared at the movement over there.

Although the location of the hole is very hidden, there are so many people patrolling, it won't take long before it will be discovered.

Sure enough, about 3 minutes later, a group of patrolling soldiers passed by and found the hole dug by the heroine.

A whistle sounded, and the soldiers moved in an orderly manner. Another team rushed to this side. Some of the other people entered the sky prison to watch, while the other guarded the gate of the sky prison.

Pu Yuanlong in the prison also heard the movement outside.

His life was not difficult, the emperor did not treat him harshly, whether it was for others to see, or out of his own heart, in short Pu Yuanlong did not suffer any crime, what he endured was only psychological torture.

The empress dowager was locked up in the harem, and he was locked up in the sky prison, all of which indicated that the general situation was over.

He can no longer be that virtuous king with power over the court.

I felt empty in my heart, feeling like something was missing.

He was also worried about Chuqing, what would that little goblin do if she was cheated?
"Yuanlong? Yuanlong? Where are you?"

Pu Yuanlong thought he was hallucinating, but when he thought of Chuqing, he heard her voice.

But the sound was getting closer, and he immediately stood up and looked out through the railing.

"Come on, someone has robbed the prison!" The jailer shouted.

Pu Yuanlong is an important person, so he will naturally arrange someone to guard him.

When Chuqing yelled, Pu Yuanlong hadn't answered, but the jailer reacted first.

When they shouted, in addition to informing the guards outside, Chu Qing was also attracted.

"Yuanlong?" Chu Qing killed the jailer with a clean swing of her claws, and then demolished the fence in front of Pu Yuanlong.

It's violent, and it's effective.

"Chuqing, why are you here? Are you injured? Did you come here by yourself? Didn't you bring anyone with you?" Chuqing didn't have time to answer Pu Yuanlong's series of questions, so she pulled Pu Yuanlong up and rushed out.

At this time, the guards also rushed in.

Pu Yuanlong was also very alert, picked up the jailer's knife on the ground, and stepped forward to help Chuqing.

When Su Wan saw the figures of the two, both of them almost turned into blood men.

I don't know if it's their blood or someone else's blood.

it's time. !
Su Wan swiftly and quietly flew over with a gun in her hand.

She felt that in modern times, she needed to buy a sniper gun.

Her archery is still not good enough, she still needs to practice.

At this time, she believed in guns more.

'puff! '

"Chuqing!" Pu Yuanlong shouted.

He didn't hear any sound, but saw Chu Qing's body tilted and fell down.

This time Su Wan saw it clearly, she hit the heroine's heart.

Did you really wear out your luck?
It's really hard to kill them.

Without hesitation, Su Wan pointed the gun at Pu Yuanlong in the next second.

[Ding, the hidden mission is completed, the main mission is completed, and the host returns. 】The stereotyped electronic voice sounded.

Su Wan found herself back in the system space.

System Meow was lying on a cat-paw lazy sofa, tilting his head, looking at Su Wan with a smile.

But Su Wan and System Meow didn't know, just when they returned, Ye Jinghuan, who had been in a coma in the Ye Mansion, suddenly woke up, as if realizing something, and looked in the direction of the palace.

Then, he lay back down again, and soon lost his breath.

 One chapter has been added, and another chapter will be added tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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