Chapter 103 Meeting the Phoenix Man (2)

"Wanwan, Wanwan? Su Wan?!"

The voices went from far to near, until the last "Su Wan", Su Wan realized that it was calling her.

Isn't her name Qingqing?Why is she called Su Wan again? !

Su Wan didn't understand, she turned her head instinctively and looked at the strange boy who was walking hurriedly.

"Wanwan, what's wrong with you? Why are you in a daze?"

The strange boy reached out to touch Su Wan's forehead, but was stopped by the male god beside her.

"Wanwan just has a headache, it's fine."

"What do you mean it's okay, the headache is already serious, okay?" The strange boy glared at the male god, then turned his head to Su Wan and said, "I'll take you to the infirmary and let the doctor take a look."

"No need, it's just that I didn't have a good rest yesterday, just go back and have a rest." Su Wan shook her head and refused.

She didn't really have a headache.

"That's fine, then I'll take you back to the dormitory." The strange boy said hastily.

The male god next to him didn't speak, just stood coldly.

Su Wan didn't care what he was thinking, she nodded to the strange boy in agreement.

It happened that she didn't know where her dormitory was, so it would be great if someone could lead the way.

Seeing her agreeing, the strange boy was very happy, and he laughed, showing two deep dimples on his cheeks, paired with those big moist eyes, really cute.

This boy is also handsome, but his baby face is a bit of a disadvantage. No matter how you look at it, he looks like a younger brother.

The male god next to him was stunned, he looked at Su Wan in disbelief.

Su Wan didn't turn her head or look at him, but just reached out and stroked her forehead.

As if he had defeated the big cock, the strange boy arrogantly challenged the male god, then stretched out his hand and pulled Su Wan away.

Su Wan didn't object and followed him.

"Let me tell you, you shouldn't get close to him. He's just a little boy. He eats yours, uses yours, and hangs you. What's the relationship between you now? To put it nicely, he's a classmate. To put it badly, you are His cash machine, you said you are quite smart, why can't you see this scumbag clearly, you..."

The boy chattered all the way, but let Su Wan know a lot of inside information.

Before I knew it, I arrived at the downstairs of the girls' dormitory. The boy stopped and said, "Go up, sleep for a while, set the alarm, there are classes in the afternoon, don't be late."

"Understood." Su Wan nodded, ran two steps, and entered the dormitory building.

After entering the building, she was at a loss. She didn't know which floor or room the original owner lived in.

Su Wan looked around and saw that besides the dormitory management room, there were several bedrooms on the first floor. After thinking about it, she turned around and left the dormitory building.

The strange boy had already left, Su Wan looked up at the environment, then walked to the right.

She didn't know where the road led to, but she saw chairs beside the woods beside the road.

In the middle of the day, there was no one sitting there, so she just used it to receive memories.

Sitting down, Su Wan closed her eyes.

The Su family is a wealthy and powerful family in Tongcheng. The three brothers of the Su family are all doers and quite capable. Su Wan’s father was in business and made a lot of money. Big, the position is still very important, the third uncle is in the army, a small company commander, but he is much younger than the two brothers, it is not bad to be a platoon leader.

Tongcheng can only be regarded as a second-tier city in China, and the Su family is not bad here, but it is not counted in the whole country.

Tongcheng University is a famous university, the quality of teaching is not to be said, and the average person really can't get admitted here.

The original master was admitted to the Department of Business Administration, and his academic performance was quite good.

That male god, named Wen Honglang, is a talented student in the Chinese Department. He is good at writing poems and looks good. He really attracted many little girls.

The original owner was also one of the attracted ones. She went after Wen Honglang, and almost the whole school knew about it.

Who made her the school belle herself?

The original owner is [-]% similar to Su Wan, so it goes without saying that the appearance is.

Wen Honglang is also a person who has attracted much attention. The things between them are like under a magnifying glass, and anyone can see it.

Now the relationship between the two of them is really as Qiao Rui said.

It's very ambiguous, but to be honest, the two of them have no definite relationship.

Qiao Rui is the childhood sweetheart of the original owner. The Qiao family is also in business. Both parents know each other and are good friends. They have played together since childhood.

It's really normal for Qiao Rui to report her grievances.

After receiving the memory, Su Wan got up and went back to the dormitory.

"Qingqing, why are you back today? Don't you want to copy the notes for the male god?"

The one who spoke was the girl who bumped into Su Wan when she first wore it.

Her name is Liu Xiang, and she is her roommate.

The reason why she is called Qingqing is because the four people in this dormitory are code-named by color, the eldest is called Honghong, the second is called Lanlan, she is called Qingqing, and Liu Xiang is called Chengcheng.

Just fun for little girls.

But almost turned her into a ditch.

Su Wan shook her head and said, "I'm tired and want to sleep for a while."

"Oh, then go to sleep, I'll call you then." Liu Xiang didn't take it seriously, only thinking that Su Wan was really tired.

Su Wan lay on her bed and let the system meow transmit the plot.

In the plot, the original owner successfully caught up with Wen Honglang, but that was a year later. It should be said that Wen Honglang chose her because of the original owner's dedication.

Wen Honglang is a famous man, and there are many girls who like him, so he will naturally choose the best one, that is, the richest one.

His true love is the heroine of this world, Han Xiayao.

Both she and Wen Honglang came from poor families, but she is a girl who has been admitted to university and has no money for her to study.

Besides, although Wen Honglang's family wanted to support him in college, they had more than enough energy.

Han Xiayao had no choice but to look for a job. On the one hand, she supported herself, and on the other hand, she saved for Wen Honglang's tuition.

Wen Honglang will also understand her hard work and is very frugal in living expenses.

Of course, his frugality is to save his own, and spend others.

The original owner was just a meal ticket, not only to pay for the meal, but also to buy clothes, shoes, school supplies and so on for Wen Honglang.

It can be said that he is the most obedient bully!

If you only look at the male and female protagonists, there is one who is affectionate and the other is righteous. They fell in love when they were poor, and they did not forget each other when they were rich.

But if you zoom out the camera and look at the cannon fodder stirred in by this pair of lovers, you will feel disgusted.

Wen Honglang obviously had a girlfriend, but he was still with the original owner, and they even got married later.

Su's father only had the original owner's daughter, so he naturally hoped that his son-in-law was capable. No father would wish his child to work hard.

The same is true for him. He cultivated Wen Honglang in the hope that he could take care of everything, support the company, and give his daughter a happy life.

Anyway, all his property will eventually belong to his daughter and grandson.

Su's father really didn't regard Wen Honglang as an outsider, which is probably why Wen Honglang acted well, he trusted him very much.

It's a pity that this kind of trust is so heavy, but it has lost the entire Su family.

 Finished, Quack!
(End of this chapter)

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