Chapter 105 Meeting the Phoenix Man (4)

Walking out of the teaching building, Su Wan felt very depressed.

The male protagonist can act, and his acting skills are superb. In comparison, she is too disadvantaged.

But if she wanted to play a poor little white flower, it would be better to kill her.

She has always been a domineering queen, little white flower, pretending to be pitiful or something is not suitable for her.

Just thinking about it, she found that her way was blocked.

The first thing that came into view was a pair of fiery red high heels. Just by looking at this pair of shoes, she knew who it was.

She prefers red so much, it is Hu Yiyi who loves the male lead, she is considered to be the luckiest female supporting role.

He also ran after Wen Honglang, but in the end Wen Honglang chose the original owner as the victim.

Probably this is also related to Hu Yiyi having an older brother.

After all, the Hu family has a son, and the family business must not be passed directly to the daughter.

So, the male protagonist is still very shrewd, and his calculations are deep enough.

"You don't know your blessings when you are blessed, but you are showing face to Honglang. Who do you think you are? Do you think all men will revolve around you? Honglang is a man with quality and style. If he is willing to talk to you, you should Burning incense..."

Su Wan took a step sideways, so she didn't bother to listen to her. Who did she think she was? !

"Hey, how dare you leave?" Hu Yiyi reached out and grabbed Su Wan's arm, her small face wrinkled into a ball, she was not happy about it, and she left without listening to what she had to say. Too arrogant.

"Are you finished? Look at him, you can post it, I don't care about it." I have to affirm my attitude, "If you are ambiguous with this one, and you are ambiguous with that one, you will be a treasure, my boyfriend But you can only treat me well, if you dare to smile at other girls, I can't beat him to death."

It's just so domineering, why not.

Hu Yiyi opened his mouth and stared at Su Wan, as if he didn't recognize her.

It took a long time to hold back a word, and said, "What are you talking about? Are you not curious?"

Who the hell is so rare all day like a treasure that he has the nerve to talk about himself?What the hell is this crazy?

He obviously guarded himself against wolves, but now he let go?
Hu Yiyi looked Su Wan up and down a few times, and said tentatively, "Since you say so, I will really chase after you. Don't say that I sneaked in when the time comes."

"If you want to chase, chase after him." She was eager, "By the way, let me remind you, he is not a good person, don't suffer, and you will trouble me again."

"Don't worry, definitely not." Hu Yiyi assured, patting his chest.

But when Su Wan left, Hu Yiyi scratched her head, is there something wrong?I came here to help Wen Honglang vent his anger, so why did he become a receiver?
Although she was quite happy, but if she snatched it herself and didn't want it from others, it doesn't feel like 01:30.

Why can't she be happy?

Besides, since when did she have such a good relationship with Su Wan?Give her advice?

In other words, if Wen Honglang didn't like Su Wan, he wouldn't be able to quit, okay?

Now that he wants to chase after him, can he still like himself? !

Hu Yiyi's face was tangled, overwhelmed by the sudden change.

Su Wan was in a good mood, and even sympathized with Hu Yiyi a little.

If she really posted it, maybe Wen Honglang really chose her.

Without comparison with himself, Hu Yiyi's family background is very outstanding.

"Young Master Hui, I work here. It's really not good for others to see." Han Xiayao took two steps back to distance herself from Cheng Zihui.

"It's just some trinkets, and they're worthless, so just take it, and I'll leave after you take it, okay?" Cheng Zihui coaxed the girl in front of him patiently with a warm smile.

Born in poverty, but very ambitious, never take advantage of others.

This is the kind of girl he likes. Compared with the money-digging girls who are all over the street looking for the rich second generation, she is a pure spring, worthy of being cherished, and even more worthy of the best life.

Anyway, Cheng Zihui really wanted to give her the best life, holding her in his hands, pampering her, watching her smile lightly, could make him feel happy all day long.

"You don't get paid for nothing, you take it back and give it to your girlfriend." Han Xiayao took another step back, her face full of embarrassment.

"You know, I don't have a girlfriend. You see, these are all for young girls. My mother's age is not suitable, so you just keep it. Don't let me buy it for nothing. Anyway, it's my heart. "Cheng Zihui directly stuffed the box into Han Xiayao's hands, and said: "It's really not expensive, but I think it suits you, so wear it."

"Hey, hey, you, don't go, this..." Han Xiayao chased after two steps but failed to catch up, and she didn't dare to shout loudly, so she could only stomp her feet and do it in a disgruntled manner.

Cheng Zihui felt as if he had completed a big project and was very happy.

But Han Xiayao, who was alone, opened the box, glanced at the crystal bracelet inside, and closed the box expressionlessly.

It's pretty, but it wasn't given by her beloved man, so no matter how much it's worth, she won't like it.

She didn't refuse firmly, but because Cheng Zihui was her boss.

She likes this job very much, the salary is not low, and it is quite easy. If she quits the job, what will happen to Wen Honglang's tuition?
When it's time to compromise, it's okay to compromise.

I guess it won't take long for her to be promoted.

Thinking of this, Han Xiayao finally smiled a little.

She is very confident. Although she is not educated enough, her ability is still good.

Coupled with the eccentricity of the small boss, it is difficult not to get promoted.

Thinking of how she could improve her life from time to time without having to wrong her man and only eat dry food after being promoted, her mood brightened.

In another two years, Wen Honglang will graduate. At that time, they will have no burden. If the two of them work hard, life will become better and better.

Wen Honglang definitely wouldn't think so, he was in a bad mood now, checked the time, and walked out of the classroom with his books in his arms.

Today is the day to meet Han Xiayao, he has to go back and change his clothes first, it's not a lie, it's just... he doesn't want to bother explaining.

"Honglang, are you okay?" Hu Yiyi struggled with two classes, but decided to come to him once.

"I'm fine." With melancholy hidden in Wen Honglang's eyes, he showed a forced smile.

"I, I invite you to dinner. Let's go to Shanhai Braised Zhenlou. The food there is very good. Let me tell you, if you are in a bad mood, just have a big meal. Really, I won't lie to you." Huy Yi cared about Wen Honglang in her own way.

Wen Honglang hesitated a little, should he go?If you go, you may be late for the appointment, but if you don't go, will Hu Yiyi follow you all the time?

He didn't want Han Xiayao to come to the stage. In that case, all the benefits at school would disappear.

"Then, okay, but don't go to Zhenlou, just eat something casually, I'm a little tired." Wen Honglang regretted that he missed a big meal, but he would not do bad things for the sake of his appetite.

"I'm tired, that's fine, let's eat something nearby, and then you go back to rest early." Hu Yiyi blinked his big eyes, only feeling that he was very considerate.

(End of this chapter)

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