Chapter 111 Meeting the Phoenix Man (10)

"Honglang, let's have lunch together. Don't you like ramen and cumin beef? I'll eat this for lunch today." Hu Yiyi stood under the boys' dormitory early in the morning, and handed over the soy milk buns in his hand , said the side.

Wen Honglang took the breakfast and responded in a low voice.

Hu Yiyi immediately smiled and narrowed his eyes.

Yo, the male god has changed his girlfriend? !

The onlookers all looked at it curiously, from Wen Honglang to Hu Yiyi.

Instant gossip on campus.

"Tsk, this is Hu Yiyi prying the corner of the school belle."

"It should be regarded as taking advantage of the situation. Didn't the school belle have an awkward relationship with the male god a few days ago?"

"They didn't break up, this is prying corners."

"I said, are you guys ignoring something? The male god and Xiaohua never said they were together."

"That's right, the school belle is definitely not a male god, the school belle belongs to everyone."

"The male god belongs to everyone."


"Nympho +1."

"(ー`ー) Who dares to call me a nympho, come out, I will definitely not beat you to death."


The campus post bar is crooked. When Su Wan clicked on it, she didn't know where it went.

Wen Honglang was also interesting, since Hu Yiyi leaned forward, he stopped acting in front of Su Wan.

Su Wan was quiet for two days, very happy.

But after two days of silence, Cheng Zihui came to find him on the third day.

As soon as Su Wan left the classroom, she saw him standing with his hands folded.

Then many students' eyes fell on him. In their opinion, such a handsome man is very suitable for the school belle.

And by looking at their clothes, you can tell that their family conditions are very good.

That's right!
"It's you, what's the matter?" Su Wan was quite indifferent, but nodded politely.

That's right, the two of them only met once, so they really didn't say much.

"I have something to do with you." Cheng Zihui also nodded politely. The two of them were indeed unfamiliar, and judging by his attitude, it seemed that he didn't like him very much.

It's really strange, when did he become so disliked? !
In the past, wherever he went, the little girl's eyes followed him.

"Let's go out and talk." Su Wan glanced back, and saw a lot of eyes go away, and a lot of black heads shrunk back.

Tsk, I guess the campus internet post bar is lively again.

It will really cause trouble for her, and this gossip will have to spread for a while.

After taking Cheng Zihui out of the teaching building, Su Wan asked, "Who do you want to know is Wen Honglang?"

"It's not that she is worthy of being Su He's sister, she's just smart." Cheng Zihui was startled for a moment, then laughed.

Only now did he realize that it turned out that the girl who provoked Han Xiayao was the one who hung her up.

It turned out he was really hooked.

"Then you can find a place to sit for a while, and have a meal together at noon, I still have a class." Su Wan waved her hand and dismissed her.

She is not willing to ask her to find Wen Honglang now, and she can have a chance encounter during lunch.

Cheng Zihui: "..." Sure enough, he is not welcome.

So what to do, what can be done?wait.

Walking around the campus, this is the first time he has come to Tongda University. It is also good to see the scenery and experience the campus atmosphere.

When class was over, Su Wan closed her eyes and released the invisible eye.

Wen Honglang's morning class is full today, that is to say, he is in his own classroom now.

The original owner used to remember Wen Honglang's routine very clearly, even if he forgot his own class, he would never forget him.

If you want to know where he eats at noon, you can only watch him.

Su Wan thinks that she should exercise a lot. She can't always use the invisible eye with her eyes closed. If she uses the invisible eye like her third eye, she can release the invisible eye at any time.

And it won't affect your actions.

For now, that's all we can do.

As the bell rang, the teacher walked out of the classroom, and Su Wan got down on the ground, ignoring what others thought of her behavior.

All she cares about now is where Wen Honglang is going.

Wen Honglang left the classroom and the teaching building, and then saw Hu Yiyi running over.

Seeing Hu Yiyi, he was relieved, which meant that there was something to eat at noon, and it was still delicious.

To say that he is stingy, he is not born, but he has been poor all the time, and he pays special attention to money.

He loves Han Xiayao in his heart, so whenever he wants to spend money, he is very stingy.

Eating other people's food and drinking other people's food, in his mind, is saving money.

Besides, he didn't pay anything, didn't he just chat and joke with the other party.

Others spend money to treat guests, and he satisfies other people's wish to get close to him, which is considered an exchange of equal value.

"What do you want to eat today? How about Cantonese cuisine? There is a new Cantonese restaurant opened nearby, let's try it." Hu Yiyi reached out and grabbed the corner of Wen Honglang's clothes.

Wen Honglang frowned, took two big steps forward, and said, "Go, why don't you go?"

"Ah, let's go, here we come." Hu Yiyi's face, which had been frozen just now, smiled again.

Su Wan also opened her eyes at this time, and walked outside the classroom.

After leaving the teaching building, she retracted her invisible eye, waved to Cheng Zihui who was waiting for her by the door of the building, and walked forward.

"How do you know where he goes to eat?" Cheng Zihui was a little curious. Isn't this guy in class all the time?
"I have clairvoyance." Su Wan replied flatly, which made people feel quite careless.

Even Cheng Zihui felt that Su Wan didn't like to talk to him.

God knows, what Su Wan said was the truth.

After entering the Cantonese restaurant, Cheng Zihui looked around.

Before he could find him out, he heard someone calling Su Wan.

"Su Wan, I said, why are you lingering? You have chased me here." Hu Yiyi's face darkened unhappily, and he glanced at Cheng Zihui, and said, "You know how to bring a shield?" , you can really do it."

What is this all about? !

Su Wan glanced at her, then took Cheng Zihui to another table.

"Who is she?" Cheng Zihui asked curiously.

"She is the woman who is chasing Wen Honglang now."

The one chasing Wen Honglang?Doesn't that mean that the person sitting opposite her is Wen Honglang?

Cheng Zihui looked over without concealing it.

So what did he see?He saw this man named Wen Honglang looking at Su Wan with resentful eyes.

What's the situation?
Cheng Zihui turned his head and stared at Su Wan again.

"Look at what?" Su Wan's face also darkened.

Cheng Zihui bowed his head immediately, and an angry woman should not be messed with.

"Su Wan, it's useless even if you chase me now, don't forget what you said before." Hu Yiyi was like an old hen protecting her cub, staring at Su Wan defensively.

"I haven't forgotten, can you leave me alone?" Su Wan was impatient, is Wen Honglang that good?Is it worth her protecting her so much?

You're short-sighted, isn't it? !

(End of this chapter)

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