Fast-wearing female supporting roles: carry the viciousness to the end

Chapter 3 Hanging and Beating the Scumbag of the End Times, Little White Flower

Chapter 3 Hanging and Beating the Scumbag of the End Times, Little White Flower (2)

"Cheng Lin, how are you doing?" Su Wan quickly cruised to the base, using her spiritual skills to communicate with her teammates.

"Fuck! Big sister, you're not dead?! That's great!" Cheng Lin was excited for a moment, and his figure paused. He was hit by the opponent's wind blade, and there was a bloody gash on his body.

"Big sister, we are being besieged, what is going on?"

"Du Qiang betrayed you, you continue to rush south, and I am here to meet you." Su Wan closed her eyes and opened her mental power to scan the base, and quickly locked on a few subordinates. Fortunately, the battle started not long ago. They suffered only minor injuries.

"Okay." Cheng Lin replied mentally, and turned to his teammates in the next second and shouted: "Come on, guys, the big sister will bring us back to settle accounts with them in the future!"

He didn't call out to his teammates!

The eldest sister is still alive, and her deterrent power is still there. Those who come up to encircle and suppress must also weigh in their hearts whether they will be blamed.

You know, their 'Fire Phoenix' is also famous!

Situ's winning team relies on quantity, there are not many elite players, but they are taking the high-quality route. The eldest sister said that every teammate can support another team with special abilities, and it will never be too weak.

But they just like to do tasks together, and they are very skilled in cooperating with each other. Whatever they pass, they are invincible!
Sure enough, after he finished yelling, the twenty-odd people who besieged them were stunned for a moment. Obviously they hadn't got the news yet, and of course it was possible that Situ Ying didn't intend to tell them at all.

Huodian conveniently released a fire dragon to wreak havoc, grinning and said, "Oh, so you are cannon fodder? The cannon fodder that attracted our hatred! Tsk tsk, how pathetic!"

"Spiritual storm!" Cheng Lin took advantage of the moment when their minds were shaken and swept them with a mental storm.

Large-scale attack!
Everyone felt as if a chopstick had been inserted into their brains, and they were stirring vigorously like eggs, not to mention the uncomfortable force!

The irony is that they usually stand aside and watch the zombies or opponents being tortured by the mental storm, but now it is their turn.

"Lightness technique! Wind technique!" Yun Miao gave support to his teammates in time, and then led by Cheng Lin, the eight of them headed south together.

Many people with supernatural powers in the base didn't know what happened. When they came over, they saw that the Fire Phoenix team had fought with a group of people. When they looked again, they were all familiar faces, and their minds became even more dizzy.

They are all their own people, what is going on here? !

If they didn't understand the reason, they naturally didn't dare to make a move. Just kidding, no matter which side they are, they are big people they can't afford to offend.

Therefore, the party in the encirclement and suppression shouted: "Stop them!"

But no one really stepped forward to stop him, you looked at me and I looked at you, with a dazed look on his face!

Five seconds later, 13 of the twenty or so people recovered from the dizziness and chased after him.

The others were either still staring at the stars, or simply collapsed on the ground, and two weak ones even vomited.

These 13 people were not single-minded, and those with more thoughts would inevitably take the opportunity to slow down by two points in speed, causing the entire team to be divided into three batches.

There were only three people rushing to the front, and they were all supernatural beings that Situ Ying regarded highly.

"Still chasing? You're welcome to chase us again!" Leng Jue smiled playfully, and waved his hand behind him, countless crystal icicles appeared, and at the same time Yun Miao's Swiftness Technique also landed on these icicles.

Those people didn't see what the attack was, they only felt that their vision was blurred for a moment, and they were hit by the ice spike.

"Damn it! This is an ice storm!" A supernatural being held the pierced blood holes, slowly stopped, and stopped chasing completely.

The ice storm is just one of the unique skills of the Fire Phoenix team, and it is not considered a killer weapon. If they continue to chase, they might lose their lives.

Those who were not strong enough were all injured this time, but the severity was different.

This time against the Fire Phoenix team, Situ Ying promised a lot of benefits, but Queen Huang is not easy to offend. They want benefits without offending Su Wan, so they have been hesitant.

In fact, they don’t need to make a decision. The Fire Phoenix team in front let out a cheer. They looked up instinctively, and saw Su Wan standing on the high city wall in a fiery red dress, looking down majestically. A murderous look appeared between the brows.

Of the dozen or so people who were chasing after him immediately, half of them stopped abruptly, not daring to move forward anymore.

"Situ Ying, seizing power and killing people, cheating on you, you are doing well! This revenge, I will avenge it!"

The passionate voice with strong hatred echoed over the base!

Everyone looked up at Su Wan who was standing on the city wall, their minds were captured for a moment, and they couldn't speak.

After a long time, Su Wan left the base with the Fire Phoenix team, and people slowly came back to their senses.

"Queen Huang is injured! I saw blood on her body, but her clothes are red, which is not too conspicuous!" murmured A.

"Only your eyes are good! Hmph, damn Qingdi, he dared to hurt the Queen of Phoenix!" Supernatural person B was indignant.

"You're crazy, the Empress Huang is gone, and now Emperor Qing is in charge, do you want to die?!" His friend hurriedly stepped forward and covered his mouth.

"So what if he is the head of the family? I just look down on him, scumbag, and still cheating. Is he blind? With a beauty like Huanghou, still cheating? It's purely brainwashed!" Patient B also knew that he was reckless, but he was not convinced in his heart, so he could only vent a few words in a low voice.

Such a scene is not uncommon in the base. I don't know how many people scold Qingdi blind behind his back.

The Empress Huang is the dream lover of all male supernatural beings. Ordinary people are not qualified to even think about it. The Qing Emperor is lucky enough to be favored by the Empress Huang.

He didn't hesitate to be lucky, and made so many things.

Not only did he cheat, but the damn thing was, he also wanted to kill the Phoenix Empress.

Simply unforgivable!
Angry, wishing to kill Emperor Qing.

With a common belief, many supernatural beings gathered spontaneously, ready to do something.

Su Wan would not let Situ Ying's wish come true.

To say that she castrated Situ Ying was just a moment of anger, but after accepting the original plot, she hated Situ Ying.

Because of the plot, she knew a lot of Situ Ying's tricks, including the heroine he had been protecting all along.

Su Wan has no impression of Bai Yan, because Situ Ying has always protected her, and every time she appears, she is extremely low-key, dresses low-key, behaves low-key, often follows at the end of the team, and doesn't even talk to people on Su Wan's side. Say a word.

But Su Wan, who has the plot in hand, knows that she has a space, a very magical space, where food can be grown, and it matures quickly. At the same time, the spring water in the space can also dissolve corpse poison and strengthen the body.

Although it doesn't allow supernatural beings to level up like in the novel, it's amazing enough. What's important is that taking out the spring water, diluting it and blending it can end this apocalypse.

At the end of the novel, it is because of the heroine's spring that the end of the world ends.

But it has been three years since the end of the world. She couldn't believe that Bai Yan hadn't discovered the function of spring water in three years, but she just didn't use it!

Oh, what innocence, kindness, and selfless devotion, people will regard her as a saint in the end.

Does she deserve it? ! !
(End of this chapter)

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