Coming to the world of anime

Chapter 259 Final Chapter

Chapter 259 Final Chapter ([-])

"Brother Qingfeng, we are enemies now, I can't do much for you, at least, I can give you this chakra, I hope it can help you!" Gaara smiled, not avoiding Nuliang Qingfeng With the attack, the roots of the shark muscle version of the sacred tree were pierced into the body.

"You are an idiot, a likable idiot!" Nuliang Qingfeng smiled wryly.

"After becoming Kazekage, it's hard to hear the voice of scolding me. I didn't expect to hear it so kindly now! Brother Qingfeng, I know that you have no intention of killing us, and those who were absorbed by Chakra were not injured. , just lost Chakra! However, for ninjas, losing Chakra is more painful than killing them!" Gaara laughed, implying the meaning of persuading Nuliang Qingfeng in his words.

"I know, and I understand, the feeling of losing power! However, in this world, there is no shortage but inequality. A person will feel pain if he loses Chakra. Everyone loses Chakra, but it will not be too much. Sad, so don't worry!" Nuliang Qingfeng said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Gaara said sincerely, his body was sent to a safe place aside by Nuliang Qingfeng.

"Gara, remember, you have grown from a Jinjuriki that everyone hates to a generation of Kazekage, and after being drawn out of the one-tailed crane, you can continue to serve as Kazekage, which has proved that you are a true hero You lost your power once, and now you lose it again, you can still stand up and lead your people, lead the entire human race, to a new future!" Nuliang Qingfeng shouted loudly.


"It's really inspiring words, but you have no chance, the future of mankind is up to me!" Uchiha Madara walked out from the side and sneered.

"You dare to appear in front of me, you are really brave enough!" Nuliang Qingfeng said sarcastically, not paying attention to Uchiha Madara at all.

"Although this filthy reincarnated body prevents me from exerting my full strength, the immortal body is still very convenient!" Madara Uchiha sneered.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Nuliang Qingfeng's mouth. He looked down on Madara Uchiha from the bottom of his heart, no different from a lost dog.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, Nuliang Qingfeng was sneaking carefully, restraining all his breath, and walking slowly.

What is here is of course not the body of Nuliang Qingfeng, but a clone of Mu Dun.

The place where Mu Dun's avatar went was the location of Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto who was captured by Orochimaru was here.

There is also a reason why it was Nuliang Qingfeng's Mu Dun avatar who came instead of the main body.

Nuliang Qingfeng knew that Orochimaru and Uchiha Madara had teamed up, but Uchiha Madara could distinguish the Mudun avatar from the main body, so Nuliang Qingfeng had to secretly send his own Mudun avatar to rescue Uzumaki Naruto, and His own body absorbs the attention of Uchiha Madara and Orochimaru.

Moreover, as Nuliang Qingfeng expected, Uchiha Madara came out to prevent him from absorbing the Chakra of the Ninja Alliance, fearing that his power would become too strong, so strong that he could not compete.

This is also the fundamental reason why Nuliang Qingfeng laughed at Uchiha Madara.

Nuliang Qingfeng's Mudun clone followed Naruto Uzumaki's breath and found the place where Naruto Uzumaki was trapped.

This is not a place that is too secret, but an experimental base of Orochimaru. Nura Qingfeng also knew about this base at the beginning, but he had never been there.

"No, not only the breath of Uzumaki Naruto, but also other people here, they are all very familiar smells!" The look of Mu Dun's avatar suddenly became serious, and he thought of a possibility, a terrible possibility.

"If I let you succeed, I'm afraid, I might really lose this time, at least I can't win easily, but now that I have discovered your purpose, it is naturally impossible for you to succeed!" Nuliang Qingfeng sneered Dao, with a hint of disdain in his smile, but he became more and more careful in his actions.

In the deepest part of the base here, Orochimaru is doing intense experiments. The reason why he joined forces with Uchiha Madara is to help him get rid of the control of Nuliang Qingfeng, just for one thing, resurrection, complete resurrection.

After investigation, he discovered the secret of the reincarnation eye, and also knew that the reincarnation eye can resurrect dead humans.

However, there is a prerequisite for resurrecting the dead, that is, there must be a basically complete corpse.

It can be said that Orochimaru died a miserable death, the body was absorbed by Nuliang Qingfeng, leaving a dead body.

Therefore, when he snatched the Eye of Reincarnation from Uzumaki Nagato, he did not take it as his own, nor could he take it for himself.

Whether it's Uchiha Obito or Nuliang Qingfeng, he can't provoke him, even when he is alive, let alone when he is reincarnated by the dirt after death and cannot exert his full strength.

The reason why Orochimaru was able to get Uzumaki Nagato's reincarnation eye was that he took advantage of a surprise, and it was when Nura Qingfeng and Uchiha Obito were in a stalemate.

Knowing that he couldn't take away the eyes of reincarnation, Orochimaru fortunately set up a game, let Nura Qingfeng and Uchiha Obito each have a reincarnation eye, let the two sides fight to the death, and he is a good fisherman.

It's a pity that Orochimaru's calculations came to nothing, and the struggle between Nura Qingfeng and Uchiha Obito did not give him a chance to be a fisherman.

However, it is not only Orochimaru who wants to be resurrected, but also Uchiha Madara. At the moment of Hei Ze's death, Uchiha Madara began to find a way out for himself and killed Orochimaru.

In this world, Uchiha Madara is not the only one who has the eyes of reincarnation, but also the Sage of the Six Paths.

Uchiha Madara is only the second person to have the eyes of reincarnation. He gave the method of getting the eyes of reincarnation to Orochimaru, which is why they captured Uzumaki Naruto.

At this time, in Orochimaru's laboratory, there are not only Uzumaki Naruto, but also Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi who have long since disappeared, as well as Shigego and Uzumaka Rin.

However, Uzumaki Naruto was in a coma, Uchiha Sasuke was also in a coma, but Uchiha Itachi was gagged and tied to a shelf beside him.

Chong Wu and Uzumaki Karin just stood aside, staring blankly, waiting for Orochimaru's order.

What Orochimaru is doing is to implant Uzumaki Naruto's cells into Uchiha Sasuke's body, in order to open the eyes of reincarnation for him.

"It's such a pity that your perfect body can't be my container. However, your most important eyes will still be accepted by me!" Orochimaru smiled evilly, looking at Uchiha Sasuke's eyes, Like looking at a plate of meat, full of desire for greed and possessiveness.

PS: This chapter is updated for the endless traveler, and the next chapter is updated for the King of Night!

The following are some things I want to say about obsession. For book lovers who don’t like to read nonsense about obsession, just ignore it.

Recently, I obsessively want to revise the previous chapters. However, it is close to 60 words. It is impossible to make a careful and comprehensive revision.

Try to complete this revision before the end of the Naruto volume and the start of the One Piece volume.

Well, the Naruto volume is almost finished, that is, two or three days.

In other words, Obsession has revised a small number of chapters in the past two days, and found that some chapters really seem to be journals!
Now that I think about it, I am still inexperienced. At the beginning, I was also reading some great books. Of course, there were also some books by minorities.

I saw some book reviews, some speeches on post bars, and many of them said that the author was watery.

Therefore, obsessively and instinctively wanting to keep himself dry, he went astray and unfolded the plot too quickly, turning it into a running account.

In this case, if you want to make up for it completely, you can only overturn and rewrite it. However, nearly 60 words have been overturned and rewritten. This kind of boldness and obsession can't show it!

It's been almost four months since the letter was passed on in January, I really can't bear it!
Therefore, the obsession had to be tinkered with, trying to make the original nonsense article at least understandable.

I hope that everyone can help, and point out the paragraph in which the obsession is the worst in my impression, and just say the number of chapters.

Obsessively believe that the book lovers who read this chapter, not to mention reading it from Chapter 1, at least started reading it from Chapter 1 of Naruto Volume, and have some understanding of this book.

Being able to see the present, not to mention liking this book, at least not hating it to the point of abandoning it.

Obsession is here, I sincerely ask everyone to help, point out the bad chapters, leave a book review, obsession will modify it, thank you.

I hope everyone will not say that all the chapters are very bad, and they can all be changed.

thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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