peach blossoms smile

Chapter 25 Is It Really You?

Chapter 25 Is It Really You?

I force myself to immerse myself in random thoughts, not to think about who Yun Qiuyue is, the Yun Niang he misses so much is right in front of my eyes, and not to think about the words he said when he was fishing with Emperor Wu Chong by the pond in the Imperial Garden── I only think of her as my sister...

I even turned my face away, not wanting to see him and her looking at each other without words, only tears.

He finally found his Yuniang, even though her expression changed drastically.

Even though she has escaped into Buddhism, if he still has her in his heart, what's the point?
I lowered my head and saw that the curling leaf pattern embroidered on the sleeves was originally a bright light green color, but for some reason, it was dripped into a dark green color. When I reached out and touched it, it turned out that the water drops were flowing from my cheeks. .

There is nothing to cry about, I originally only regarded him as a brother-in-law, the brother-in-law who could ask "Does your arm still hurt?"

At this time, I hated God very much, and hated why it installed such a developed lacrimal gland in me, which made me unable to bear the tears, why didn't I install a face like him, unfathomable, Taishan Collapsing in front without changing color.

"Yunniang..." His sigh was like a spring breeze blowing through the tender grass that spit out the first pistil, "Is it really you?"

Yun Qiuyue, the woman who saved him in the heavy snow, the woman who accompanied him through dangers and adversities, the woman who fought side by side with him, was always hidden in his heart, and he never had a corner to let others go. ...and a woman with the same extraordinary wisdom as him.

"It's been so many years..." Yun Qiuyue whispered, "I wanted to call you and ask you several times in front of the hall and corridor, but do you still remember the heavy snow that year?"

There was a touch of nostalgia in his voice. If it wasn't for the immobility of his body, I think he would have held hands with her and looked at her: "Unexpectedly, the person I have been looking for for a long time is by my side."

"The past is like ashes, and Yun Niang has become Yun Qiuyue..." Yun Qiuyue finally walked up to Bai Mi, stretched out her hand, and brushed his forehead and nose, but finally lowered her hand, "Current events are like chess, if you can Do it all over again, I would rather not save you."

Her voice turned cold, like a jar of vinegar frozen in the snow, and the faint sadness slowly evaporated from the bottom of the broken jar.

There was a trace of pain in Bai Mi's eyes, but he didn't say a word in the end.

"That's right, if you don't save him and let him be buried under the heavy snow, there will be nothing like that in the future, and you won't even ignore your parents and relatives just to enter this splendid hall." The mother said lightly. Interjection.

The meaning hidden in her words was like a thunderbolt, which exploded above my head, making me inexplicably think of the human tragedy that would never appear in my mind... Mother means that the tragedy in Qukou Village is Yun What did Qiuyue do by herself?
Is there any reason why she didn't even spare her own relatives?
At this moment, I only felt that the green tent and incense fan, where the jewels and jade were piled up, were full of dark shadows and biting ice.

But when I looked at Yun Qiuyue, I realized that her eyebrows and eyes were originally like a clear sky, dyed with rosy clouds, but now they all turned into a dark iron gray color.

As for Bai Mi, his eyes were half down, his face was covered by the veil, making it difficult for me to see his expression clearly. Is he regretting it, or can't believe it?Maybe in his heart, there is a reason for everything she does, right?
"The reason why Guanzhu Yun ordered Wu Que to secretly assassinate Princess Lingxuan is not because of other things, but because she will recognize you! Although your appearance has changed, your body shape is not as bad as before, but the body that has penetrated into the bones Every word and deed, even a small movement, has been formed since the mother's womb. What's more, the people of the royal family of the former Great Zhou Dynasty, because of Emperor An Huang's elegance, used incense to dye the body of every child born. There is a mark on the ink mark, and the scented ink is made of more than ten kinds of pigments mixed with precious medicines, and as the child grows, it penetrates into the skin and bone marrow, and there is no way to remove it even if the flesh and bones are broken." The mother said lightly, "Ling Princess Xuan is dead, and those old courtiers in Qukou Village are also dead, do you think that no one knows who you are? Mr. Xianggong said well, we don't have to search for trivial evidence, as long as our Guess, everything will be revealed as the truth!"

My heart was pounding, and the fact hidden in my mother's tone made me almost unbelievable, the royal blood of the Great Zhou Dynasty?An indelible mark, what did she say?Who is it?

I thought of young people swimming secretly in the stream, turning their heads occasionally, the water was sparkling, and the butterfly symbol on my back was about to spread its wings, making me think I was wrong, thinking it was a real butterfly, Occasionally, it landed on the surface of the lake, and its wings were wetted by water droplets, so it had to fly low.

Yun Qiuyue sneered, but turned her gaze to Bai Mi: "Brother Mi, why do you push me to a dead end again and again? The worst thing I did in my life was to save you!"

Bai Mi raised his head at this time, and sighed: "I didn't push you to the end, it was you who pushed yourself to the end, so why didn't they save you? But how did you treat them?"

The cold wind and shattered ice they talked to was no longer charming and charming. This situation made me feel like I was in a fog, and I couldn't see the people and things in front of me clearly.

"You are used to pretending to be true, so how could I be fooled again?" Yun Qiuyue murmured, "Princess Lingxuan... my imperial sister, she is not dead, Wu Que's hairpin must have been replaced by you!" It became a fake death without hurting people's lives, in order to uproot my Shen Cao's outer palace, Emperor Wu Chong will never ask another princess from the old dynasty to take charge of such an important family!"

"No, Yunniang...Xin Dynasty no longer needs this kind of department that makes children cry at night and officials are afraid!" Bai Mi said lightly.

"You already know my identity, and you have been holding back? You are such a good showman, even the emperor was deceived, and you picked up the butcher knife in your hand, but let him think that you still miss 'Yunniang'." Yun Qiuyue smiled wryly, "Let me relax my vigilance, thinking that you know nothing...but there is still a little hope in my heart."

Princess Lingxuan stood up slowly from the place where she was lying, supporting the curtain. Although her face was still so blue, white and dark purple, her eyes returned to clarity... She looked towards me and smiled slightly, but at this moment I But I don't know how to deal with it at all, I just feel that my mind is in chaos.

"You are too eager to clean up your innocence. You must know that there are some old people and old things that can't be cleaned up no matter what, Princess Anning..." Mother said slowly, "Your concubine Chi Guifei is worthy of being the harem of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The only sober woman knew early on that Da Zhou would destroy her country and family one day, and sent you out of the palace. At that time, you were only ten years old, right? Qukou Village is her mother clan, and the only one who can protect you In this place, she sent her cronies to form a family, asking you to recognize them as your parents, thinking that you would have a smooth life and have children, but in the end you are still restless... She thought of everything for you, but you put her All my hard work was wasted!"

"Her hard work?" Yun Qiuyue sneered, "I was ten years old that year, how can a person who is used to eating fine food still eat rough food? How can a person who is used to wearing brocade clothes wear coarse clothes? I remember that The rain dripping from the thick logs in the house, I remember the mosquitoes that couldn’t be driven away no matter what, I remember the sour smell in front of and behind the house, they are just eunuchs and servants who serve their mother and concubine, but they want me to respectfully call them parents, how can I ask If it were you, would you be able to bear it? So, I envy the fifteenth imperial girl who is already drifting away in her ignorance, at least she will not experience such a big gap..."

"So, whenever you have an opportunity, you seize it. Although the prince was only a secret guard that year, you know that if you follow him, he will take you to the peak again." Princess Lingxuan said flatly, " It's a pity that everything didn't go as you wished, your 'family' threatened you with your life experience, wanting you to return to their embrace..."

"No!" Yun Qiuyue said, "It would be fine if it was just like this..." She smiled wryly, "Such a rotten imperial remnant still wants to restore the country, thinking that if I ascend to the top, he will follow me like this!" Yun, I don't want to live a wandering life anymore, so I can only secretly assassinate..." She turned her eyes to Bai Mi, "Do you know what the first task they gave me was to remove Ding Zhou's pillars? You are the most talented person, and you, the prince, are the No.1 one who bears the brunt of it!"

Their narration was thrilling, and the road turned and turned, which made me almost speechless... I could see clearly that Bai Mi's face was hidden in the dark shadow of the room, as cool as the mist of late autumn.

"Since you have chosen this path, you must already know the consequences." He said lightly.

"Yes, I know the consequences. I know that all the harem battles in the world will be bloody. I predicted everything, but I didn't expect that I would fall short because of you. It was the same more than ten years ago, and it is still the same today." Her voice turned sad and sad, "I didn't realize until today that you have no heart..." She turned to Princess Zifeng and said, "You are as pitiful as I am, you think you can get everything by sitting on the supreme position, you Wrong, what you didn’t get back then, you won’t get it today! Do you think that if you take him into the royal family and become your younger brother, he will get along with you day and night? You are wrong, although the person is close in front of you, his heart is far away from you Wanli, this is even more painful! Back then, no matter how I tried to please him, he was always far away from me. How could I believe that he would look for me after so many years? But even though I didn’t believe it, I stepped into a trap..."

Although he didn't believe it, he also stepped into the trap.

Everything that is so sad and helpless, and so deeply emotional, is all deception.

I knew I shouldn't sympathize with her, but I unconsciously remembered the night when I first arrived at the palace, he picked up the slippery dish for me and asked me, does it still hurt?At that time, did he really mean anything to me?Even if it is like a sister's emotion?
Princess Zifeng chuckled: "So, I'm not as stupid as you. I support him to grow wantonly if it doesn't belong to me, such as that bonsai. No matter how much you like it, you can only break it."

After hearing this, Yeluqi sneered: "It's such a situation, what can I do if I dare to ask Princess Zifeng?" Princess Zifeng turned her head slowly, with a strange look on her face: "What do I want? Yeluqi The prince came all the way, presumably not just because of old grudges? Dingzhou was in trouble with foreign countries, so why is Jiaozhi different? Dingzhou Dynasty was a natural disaster, but Jiaozhi was a man-made disaster. Prince Yelu was driven out of Jiaozhi by his younger brother and stationed in the desert There are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses among them, and they are short of people and horses. It seems that they have reached the point of lack of water and food. If not, the prince would not have the idea of ​​​​taking the treasures of the royal family of the old Zhou Dynasty."

Yeluqi's face changed a few times, and he sighed: "If Princess Zifeng is not a girl, she is really the most suitable person to be in charge of the world."

Princess Zifeng's eyes were burning, she looked around, and said with a smile: "The emperor did not hesitate to join forces with the officials of the old dynasty, and married the princesses of the old dynasty under the order of his father, just for the sake of those treasures, but Guanzhu Yun, What you have done is just to make great contributions in front of the emperor, so as to stabilize your position as a member of Cao's outer palace. Mr. Wei, what can you do with the seal and the seal on the gold book that you cheated from this palace? Epiphany?"

Seeing the old man's appearance, his complexion recovered a lot at this time, and he spoke with a bit of energy, but he said: "Ashamed, ashamed..."

"You don't have to underestimate yourself. It's not bad to be able to lead people to find this place. Indeed, this old dynasty and old palace is where the treasures are piled up. Emperor An Huang didn't transport the treasures of Dazhou out back then, but hid them. In this palace, when the city was broken, the countless treasures scattered on the ground were only one percent of them. In order to protect his beloved, Emperor An Huang left her There are countless treasures, and I originally wanted to send them to the palace, but I didn't know that he couldn't deceive his son-in-law... Although they put on Jingchai cloth skirts and dressed up like ordinary people, they were still stoned by his son-in-law. Ning Tian found out, so those treasures are hidden here." Princess Zifeng laughed.

"Impossible, since it is in the palace, why can't I find it?" Yeluqi said, "I heard that Shi Ningtian searched every corner of the palace but couldn't find it, and Emperor Wu Chong even searched the whole palace It was demolished and rebuilt, but there is no trace, so there are these temples..."

The expression on Princess Zifeng's face was extremely mysterious: "Do you know how the palace of the Great Zhou was built? Why are the craftsmen who built this palace all members of the army, and why did they all die in battle? Why did the Great Zhou end up so weak? In addition to reciting poems and painting, the whole country can't find an army capable of conscripting and fighting?"

Her words made the old parents look at each other, and they both lowered their heads at the same time, with sad eyes: "That's right, the only one to blame is the Emperor..."

"No, it's not that your emperor can't do it, but that he can't do anything. How can he maintain a country that has been damaged at its root? He can only retreat and retreat. The country is getting smaller and smaller, and he can only immerse himself in it. In poetry and painting..."

The more I listened, the more curious I was, but I caught one of the hidden hints in her words: "Could it be that hidden dangers have already been planted?"

As soon as I said this, I felt her burning eyes swept towards me, with broken snow and ice between them, and swept towards me. Suddenly, the ice broke and the spring came, and she smiled and said: "Yes, the fifteenth princess understands after all." Be reasonable!"

I saw the fleeting killing intent in her eyes again, this is not the first time I feel that killing intent, she has no elder sister Lingxuan, nor tenth sister An Ning, only me, That killing intent never faded away, and I was very wronged.

Dad interrupted my grievance at the right time: "If the princess has anything to say, you might as well just say it!"

Her gaze finally turned to her father: "In this world, there is a yang world, and there is also a yin world. Everyone knows that. But the yang world was once under the sun, and everyone could see it, but no one has ever seen the yin world... "

I looked around and saw blank expressions on everyone's faces, but my father frowned tightly, as if he was puzzled by something, and murmured in agreement: "Hell, mean...?"

"That's right. When the Great Zhou Dynasty was founded, the first Great Zhou emperor, Emperor An Bei, began to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to build the Great Zhou Harem. But no one knew that when the palace above the ground was built, the palace below the ground was also built. It started at the same time. Not only did he want to be the emperor on the ground, he also wanted to be the emperor under the ground. Here is his Hades, but the ones above the ground are made of ordinary craftsmen, while the ones under the ground are the ones he trusts the most. Because only the personal soldiers will be unconditionally loyal to him, they will let him betray him. In the end, those personal soldiers were sent to fight, and all of them were killed, thus damaging the foundation of Da Zhou!" She looked around, " The purpose of the cooperation between the emperor's younger brother and Lord Wei is to deal with Shen Cao's outer palace and find out the real identity of Guanzhu Yun, and Prince Yelu may also be skeptical about this underground treasure, but with the illusion of just in case, I will tell you that this Under the ground, there is indeed a palace..."

Yeluqi's face was scorched, but he asked, "Even if there is, how could His Highness tell us?"

Princess Zifeng suddenly let out a long laugh, her wide sleeves flew up, rolled up the silver hook beside the bed, when the veil floated up, the whole bed board turned over, and in the next instant, she was at the side of the bed, turned her head and smiled at Princess Lingxuan Said: "You must have traveled this road many times, but you don't know it. You know it, but it's just a part of it."

I looked at Princess Lingxuan in astonishment, but saw her complexion fluctuating red and white, with a strange expression, hesitant to speak, but Princess Zifeng disappeared at the entrance of the cave in a flash.Now that she had disappeared, Yeluqi didn't want to be left behind, and without caring about anything else, he quickly fell towards the entrance of the cave, followed by Yun Qiuyue.But in an instant, only a few of us who were poisoned were left in the room.

They didn't have time to notify the guards, so they followed.

We looked at each other and remained silent for a long time before my father said: "My lord, how much strength have you recovered?"

Bai Mi shook his head, with an anxious expression on his face: "If Yeluqi really succeeds, his sand robbers will drive straight into the Central Plains."

The old man said: "Although the crown prince seeks rebellion, she is determined to be the emperor. She will not let Yeluqi succeed!" He turned to Xia Han and said, "Xia Han, Xia Han, can you move?"

Xia Han was next to Xia Tian, ​​who was covered in blood, and when he heard his father calling, he said, "I could still move, but I don't know why, but now I can't move."

I understand the reason for this, she was the least poisoned, she was able to walk around, but because of Xia Tian's serious injury, her memory regained, when she was in great sorrow and joy, the blood flow accelerated, and the poisonous gas attacked upwards.And Xia Tian couldn't count on it. Seeing his pale face and the appearance of blood oozing from the wound, if he wasn't treated in time, his life might be in danger.

Princess Lingxuan wanted to come to me, but she took a few steps, supported the pillar and took a few breaths, and she couldn't leave anymore.

Shall we just wait like this?

I was just about to ask, but I heard the sound of the bowstring being drawn outside the house, and my father said urgently: "Not good!"

Someone called out loudly: "His Royal Highness..." There were also strange syllables mixed in, obviously it was the native language of Cochin.

"Yeluqi and the others had an agreement in advance, if you don't answer, I'm afraid you will..." The old man frowned and said, "If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. Yeluqi has put all his eggs in one basket!"

Before the words were finished, arrows rained in from between the window lattices, clanking and hitting the tabletop. At first, they were just a few tentative arrows, but seeing that there was no sound in the room, the rain of arrows was like big pearls and small pearls. The disk shot into the room like a bullet.

The window lattice was shaken again and again by the sharp arrows, the arrows rained like locusts, and the bluestone slab carved with thin lines was split in two. An arrow pierced through the curtain and hit my calf. I felt the sharpness of the arrow The edge of it rubbed me raw and painful.

But at the same time, I also noticed that my hands and feet could move slightly, and seeing another arrow shot from the window lattice, I struggled and rolled to the ground, trying to avoid the arrow, but my hands and feet were weak. But the swiftness of the arrow!Seeing that the arrow came through the air and was about to be stuck somewhere in my body, I felt that I was being pulled and hugged in my arms, but when I turned around, I fell into the darkness in a whirl of heaven and earth.

I heard my screams echoing in the darkness, and the fear of falling into the unknown made me tremble.

But I heard his soft whisper: "Don't be afraid, I'm by your side."

There was a faint scent of sandalwood on his body, and his words were like mellow wine that had been left for a long time, bringing a faint fragrance and driving away the darkness and coldness.

The fire folds lit up, and while the flames were shaking, his brows and eyes were serene, and I felt his breath brushing against my face, like a butterfly's wings fluttering slightly... I struggled a few times, and broke away from his embrace...

"Don't move!" He stared at me with deep eyes, like a deep lake, making me feel like I was in midsummer, and my body was involuntarily on fire.

The dark fragrance on his body is even stronger, making the thick darkness seem to have a faint fragrance.

"What?" I said.

He approached me with burning enthusiasm, his eyelashes trembled slightly, his pupils were dim, and his thin lips gleamed faintly: "Ah Dan, your face is much rounder again."

My toes groped in the dark, and I found a protruding shoe-like object, I crushed it hard, and raised my head with a slight smile: "Second brother, your waist is thick."

"Does your foot hurt? Does your jaw hurt?"

"Does it hurt? Do you still want me to step on it?"

I hugged him face to face.

In the darkness, we are the only ones with a faint light here, and the surrounding area is completely dark, so when the arrow arrived at my side without a sound, I could only see the cold glow from the arrow tip... I spun again, and the arrow brushed away from me.

"Follow her!" He said in a deep voice in the darkness.

There was a chorus of greetings from around, and the voice was so familiar.It turns out that father and mother have been around us for a long time, lurking in the dark, watching Bai Mi and I embrace and hurt each other.It turned out that the embrace between me and him became another bait, luring her to make a move.

The crazy obsession with what she couldn't get finally made her go crazy, and she shot when she should be lurking in the dark, and I was hit by him again.

I don't know if the person hiding in the darkness is the noble and proud princess or an unscrupulous lunatic. At this moment, there is only a slight sadness in my heart. It turns out that no matter what he can turn decay into magic, I would have taken it from my waist if I knew it. Dagger came out to tickle him.

I heard the hurried footsteps in the corridor, and in the dim light, I could see the exquisite bead pattern decoration on both sides of the corridor, the blue bricks with tangled branches and animal patterns on the soles of the feet, and the dragon-shaped columns filled with gold powder... It is a place I have never been to, but it is so familiar, brick by brick, like the reflection of the palace above on the lake.

Even here the light is dim, and the houses are shrouded in darkness.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of the wooden door opening and closing. In the twilight, the golden doll door god on the door was smiling, exactly the same as the door god in the room above.

"She's in!" Dad's voice suddenly sounded beside me, and I almost jumped up in fright. I tried my best to twitch, but there was no twitch.

I had no choice but to say: "Second brother, I'm very sorry for you."

He turned his face in the dark night, confused: "Why?"

I frowned in the dark, and felt that he might not be able to see me frowning, so I had to add a bit of sadness to my tone: "I went out this morning, and accidentally slipped on the ground, because of the thick fog in the morning, I couldn't see clearly. , I didn't realize that I pressed my palm on the place that couldn't be pressed, and because I was in a hurry to go out, I wiped it on the grass and drove out, second brother... So, I'm sorry for you. "

Before I finished my last sentence, he had already let go of my hand, and I hurriedly hid my hand behind my back and walked away from him calmly.

I am very afraid that he will turn decay into magic again, causing people to misunderstand.

But at the same time, I saw clearly that he turned his face, his eyes flickering in the darkness, like the undercurrent of a river, and I also heard his soft sigh: "Ah Dan..."

There were bursts of laughter in the darkness, and someone muttered to himself, although I couldn't hear clearly, I knew it was Xia Ji: "A Dan, every time this time comes, I don't know why, I always worship you It is as continuous as the Taotao river..."

Because I was familiar with it, I also heard the unfamiliar sounds mixed in, the slight and painful screams, and the heavy objects falling to the ground.

I heard it, so everyone else heard it too...

When we walked in through the tall vermilion lacquered door, there was only a thud, and the butter lamp in the hall was lit. This is a perennial lamp oil, and sandalwood is added to the oil. Like the taste of the temple.The railings carved from white jade, the five-clawed golden dragon circling around, the tall coiled dragon pillars, and the white jade hollowed-out three-flower ear flowers are placed in the corners of the house, while the white jade steps are placed on the throne that everyone yearns for. On the table, there is even a gold inlaid jade seal.

At the bottom of the jade steps, Yeluqi's chest quivered with arrow feathers, and blood soaked the white jade steps. On the steps, Princess Zifeng sat sideways, and beside her, the exquisite jade bow shone dimly under the light.

"I don't have a colorful phoenix or two flying wings, but I have a clear heart..." Yeluqi turned his head and looked at the place where she was sitting, "The poems of the Central Plains are always so colorful and gorgeous, people can't help being bewitched..." The corner of his mouth Smiling, but slowly lowered his hand, "It makes me gradually confused, what is the purpose of coming here this time..."

His long sigh echoed in the hall and flowed in our ears, but it couldn't change Princess Zifeng's gaze back.

He finally begged for benevolence, and died in this vast courtyard.

In addition to us, there was another person sitting on the precious chair in the hall, with bushy eyebrows flying into the temples, thick gray beard and hair, and bright yellow tunic, obviously dragged from the bed and brought here.

A person who would never appear here... Emperor Wu Chong!

Princess Zifeng stood up from the steps, approached gracefully, and came to him to salute: "Father."

She was still wearing Bai Wending's flaming red dress, with a shadowy dragon pattern on her chest and shoulders, a white jade belt, and a red thread woven.

"What are you doing? Ding'er? Where is this place?"

He still called him Ding'er, if it wasn't for what happened today, he would always regard her as Ding'er.

"Hahaha, Ding'er? Ding'er is the only one you remember... No matter how ignorant he is, he only likes music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and he's not afraid that he has the same temperament as the subjugated Emperor An Huang. The only person you care about in your heart, It's just him!" She laughed bitterly, "Who will protect the country for you? Review the memorials? Eliminate the rebellious courtiers for you? It's me!"

"But aren't you Ding'er?" Emperor Wu Chong looked at her blankly. He looked at her, and the shadow of the lamp made ripples in his eyes. His tone was not very sure, but he still had a glimmer of hope, "You It must be Ding'er..."

In the shadow of the red candlelight, Princess Zifeng slowly pulled out the jade hairpin on her head, her hair fell down like a waterfall, making her face smaller, but her eyes were bigger, she wiped her hair on her temples , the beard and hair on the temples have all fallen, and the brows that were originally stiff swords have become curved like the first moon.

"Feng'er, are you Feng'er?" Emperor Wu Chong's tall figure became hunched, as if he had aged several years all of a sudden, "Where's Ding'er?"

Princess Zifeng smiled lightly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, after a while, my son will send you to see him."

Emperor Wu Chong leaned on the throne, but also smiled: "You want to know why I always favor him? It is because he is loyal and peaceful!"

He is loyal and peaceful, while Princess Zifeng is cruel and vicious.The sarcasm and contempt in his eyes made her tremble all over, and she laughed suddenly: "Yes, I am vicious and vicious, but if it weren't for my viciousness and viciousness, you would have been able to sit firmly in this country? Originally, I still wanted to be filial, so I did my best." Filial piety, let you die in the harem, but I didn't expect you to miss Ding'er so much. As a last resort, I have no choice but to let you reunite with him."

She slowly put her hand on the seal next to the throne, and looked towards Bai Mi with a smile: "Imperial brother, I would like to know, this time, will you save her or your father?"

There was a crackling sound from all around, as if a huge wheel was rolling, or as if a mountain rock was cracking.I didn't know why, so I looked around, but I saw panic on the faces of my father and others, Xia Ji was yelling, everyone was yelling, their voices came into my ears, and it became Loud and indistinct mix.

When I woke up, I found that except for the place where I was standing, the ground around me was sunken. There was a long ditch between my father and mother, and I could see the anxious expressions on their faces clearly. Princess Lingxuan rushed towards me in vain regardless of her mother's pull and obstruction, and there was a long gap between us.

I grinned: "Don't be afraid, after a while you take off your belts and make them into a long rope, and I'll be able to come over."

I also imagined that their clothes were disheveled except for their belts, and how they would look if the clothes slipped off their bodies.

But they were running around in a panic on the other side of the ditch, pointing to the top of their heads as they ran.

I followed their fingers and looked over my head, and finally understood why they were so anxious to help me find a way out: the square lotus-patterned bricks on the ceiling formed a pattern of dragons and phoenixes showing auspiciousness and disappeared, revealing those sharp teeth, and The teeth are still slowly moving downward, and it won't be long before the teeth made of chaotic swords will nail me to the floor.

Where I stand is the center of this mechanism.

I thought to myself how could I be so lucky?I am the only one standing here with so many people, neither far nor near, not the slightest difference?

But I saw that Emperor Wu Chong's body on the precious chair on the steps was slowly sinking, and the wind from the ground blew up Princess Zifeng's hair, making her look like a monster from hell: "Bai Mi, are you going to save her or save her?" Your father?"

She took Emperor Wu Chong down, as if something pulled them into the abyss: "If you save her, you will never see your father again..."

I heard her laughter echoing in the hall, with a faint echo of the valley, accompanied by the sound of crackling, like the melting of a sharp glacier, bringing an avalanche and ground cracks.

The dark cold blade had already reached the top of my head, cutting off a strand of hair on my bun.

When I sat down on the floor, I saw Bai Mi flying away with a sword in his hand, and the direction he was walking was exactly where Emperor Wu Chong was about to disappear.

How can he save me?

If I fall into the water, even if there is no emperor and his old man is in danger on weekdays, if he saves me, he will send guards around him to keep his hands from getting wet.

If I fell into the trap, even if there was no emperor and his old man was in danger at that time, if he rescued me, he would still have to consider whether there were big leaf Nanhua in the trap.

There was a continuous cracking sound above the head, like playing a soul-sending song, which reminded me of the place where he lay when we first met, which was also a deep trap.At that time, he was in the trap and I was outside the trap, but at this time, I was in the trap and he was outside the trap.

Through the dense cold blade that is getting lower and lower, I can clearly see the figure fighting around the throne, one red and one black, like two vigorous flying dragons, the sword knocks on the gold chair from time to time, making jingling sounds ring.

He saw clearly that the red figure fell beside the treasure chair, and when the treasure chair was about to disappear into the hole, Emperor Wu Chong was pulled out of the chair.

Finally, everything is perfect and the family is reunited.

I was very relieved, and began to think that with so many sharp knives falling on me, maybe the road to hell would not be so difficult, but in a blink of an eye.

I closed my eyes and lay flat on the ground, but I imagined that soft sigh in my mind: "Does your elbow still hurt?"

At that time, those eyes were gloomy and dark, like a pool of deep water.

I felt the tingling pain when the spike pierced the skin. It turned out that it did not fall all at once, but advanced inch by inch. Then, the road to hell is still quite difficult.

I am afraid of pain. I have always been afraid. The pain at the injured elbow has started when I was young and penetrated deep into the bone marrow. But what is the use of being afraid?

What should come will come...

Life is really a game of chess that has been laid out long ago, and people are like pawns on the chessboard, which makes people helpless.

I smiled wryly from the bottom of my heart while waiting for the piercing pain. According to the density of this cold blade, it will definitely not leak anywhere in my body.

But all of a sudden, I felt my body fly up suddenly, and my clothes were torn by a sharp knife. When I opened my eyes, I found that I had reached the other side of the gap.

Princess Lingxuan and Niangqin pulled me from left to right.

And the black figure fell into the endless place, with fluttering clothes, like a colorful butterfly whose wings were burned, and walked towards the underworld with black ashes all over its body.

In an instant, it was swallowed by the night.

"Prince Ning..." the people around shouted.

The sharp cold blade hit the ground, and the sharp blade pierced through the floor, causing the dust to fly, and the gravel to fall, the wind brought up from the ground lifted the veil in mid-air, and the candle was half-lit and half-extinguished .

He saved Emperor Wu Chong and me, but he gave up his own life.

Isn't he cold and cold, calculating everything?
But why at the end, he couldn't count his own life?

I don't understand, I don't understand at all. Whenever I don't understand, I want to take out a piece of rose candy from my sleeve pocket and eat it. I really took out a piece and stuffed it into my mouth, but it was salty and bitter.

There was another scream, and a pale yellow shadow shot out from the corner of the room and fell towards the chasm. I could clearly see the whisk in her hand, and her head was not stained by ordinary dust. She was Yun Qiuyue, It's also his Yuniang.

I don't know why, but suddenly I feel a little comforted, he finally saves Ren, but why does my heart hurt so much, so painful?As if still lying on the cold blade, all the blade points were aimed at the chest, pierced inch by inch, and slowly slid in.A few worried faces appeared in front of me, and someone called out loudly: "Ah Dan, Ah Dan..."

"I'm fine, I'm fine..."

Everything in front of me began to spin, depressed, and blurred, and I could clearly hear my own words: "It's okay, I'm okay..."

As spring goes and autumn comes, the green grass turns yellow and the maple leaves turn red. I am used to staying in this temple, watching the clouds close and disperse between the cornices and tiles all day long, and the colorful clouds are like blazing clouds.

Things in the world have nothing to do with me. For example, in the Dingzhou Dynasty, another emperor’s relative died, and Emperor Wu Chong faced the fear of having no successor. Or, for example, the daily stream of people and horses in the temple are clanging and beating all day long. rummage.

Crates and crates of things are being transported from here to there.

For example, the extremely deep chasm in the ground was found by Si Tianjian of Dingzhou. It turned out that when this place was first built, there was a ground fissure that connected to the big river outside the city... a miracle, a miracle... Si The Tianjian repeatedly lamented that the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty could do nothing else, but these strange skills and kung fu were unmatched by anyone.

But he also said that this crack was used in the mechanism, and those who fell into it would almost die.

Another example is that someone got married within this month. I heard that the bride was the daughter of General You of the old dynasty, but because You's family had long since fallen, the general's daughter only married an unknown person, which caused people to sigh.

Another example is that there are fewer and fewer people in ragged clothes in the capital. They heard that Emperor Wu Chong allocated money from the treasury for disaster relief. Everyone praised Emperor Wu Chong for his wisdom and martial arts. So rich?
The person who fell into the darkness has been forgotten. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I look at the sun shining through the red maple leaves outside the window, and I am a little confused. Is there such a person?

There was such a person who used all his strength to carry me to a safe place, when he knew that he had nowhere to cling to and would fall into the deep darkness.

There is such a person who has accurate calculations in everything, specializes in trapping people, has never been trapped by anyone, but at the last moment, he pushed himself into the abyss.

No one can calculate him unless he does it himself.

I think about this every day, and I can't stop it, for fear that if I stop, the face of the person who fell into the darkness will be blurred and drift away.

I looked at the endlessly walking ants in the corner, heard the rumble of thunder in the distance, and felt the coolness of the water dripping on my body. I didn't want to leave... The rain soaked my whole body, and lightning tore the clouds , hit the roof, causing sparks to fly.

Lightning falls on the body, does it hurt?

He fell to the ground, does it hurt?
The surrounding rain is densely woven, splashing thousands of crystal water flowers, as if blooming on the bluestone slabs, and the yellow tiles and green walls are even brighter against the dark gray background.

I wanted to walk into the rain, but someone grabbed my arm, and someone whispered in my ear: "My son... Poor son."

She finally called out the word hidden in her heart, no longer caring about everything, fearing everything... Although Da Zhou has perished, the rules of etiquette never pass with time. She is afraid that my real life will be criticized by the world, and that I will live forever I can't hold my head up, afraid of the world's accusations, I understand all this, but she doesn't understand, the only thing I want in this life is to get together with my family.

Watching the falling flowers and flying birds, picking up plums and arranging flowers.

I was hugged tightly by her, and she smelled of plum, just like the smell that has been lingering in my dreams for many years.

"Forget it, my son, forget everything..." she begged in a low voice.

She has lived in this way for so many years, forgetting everything, forgetting her husband's betrayal, forgetting the past grievances, forgetting the red walls and blue tiles of Dazhou, forgetting who is right and wrong?

Maybe forget it?I was dragged into the house by her.

Outside the window, there was a cold wind and heavy rain, and the dead leaves were blown away by the strong wind, but inside and outside the door, this place became two worlds.In the room, the white jade hollowed-out three-flower ear flower incense is slowly burning incense, and the copper heater in the hall is full of charcoal fire.She handed the ginger tea to me, saw that I didn't drink it, and then fed it to me with a spoon. She made me feel as if I had reached the infant stage, and I didn't have to worry about everything outside, because she was there for everything.

But the ginger tea that flows into my throat can warm my stomach, but I still feel cold all over my body, and the heat from my stomach cannot reach my whole body.

She put on a soft fox fur for me, embraced me, and hugged me: "My son, from now on, we will never be separated again."

I feel indifferent, so what if we separate, so what if we don't separate?Since she was a child, she has observed my pain and struggle in the dark, happy and joyful. To her, I am just a play she watched. From the beginning to the end, she watched from a distance.

"Ah Dan, he is not the only one in this world, you can't do this!" She shook me, hugged me and sobbed, but I just felt bored.

The rain kept falling, and it kept falling, as if thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky kept scooping up water from porcelain basins for washing their faces and pouring it down. After three days of this, the rain finally stopped, and the sun poked its head out among the thick clouds. Come, the water on the ground is shining with sparkling light.

I'm still lying in bed, thinking about what to do today?What are you doing?I heard the door of the room being knocked open with a bang, Xia Ji ran ahead, Xia Han followed behind him, his face was excited, he rushed towards me quickly, stretched out his hand to pull me: "Go, go and see, there is Wonderful sight, wonderful sight..."

I shrank back into the bed, avoided her pull, and made it clear that I didn't want to go.

She talked on and on: "Ah Dan, it's not surprising if you say it's strange, because it rained for a few days, the water in the river outside the city was extremely high, but it's okay, fortunately, the embankment was originally repaired. It is strong, and the emperor sent people to protect the embankment, but there was no accident of the embankment falling down. Not only did it not happen, but God also took advantage of the flood and sent a lot of good things, such as carved antique shelves, inlaid Mother-of-pearl boxes, etc., all kinds of things... the whole embankment is boiling!"

While she was talking, Xia Ji was gesticulating and drawing out the appearance of those things. His behavior was funny, but it was not funny at all.

Seeing that I was not very active, she put on a tantalizing look and asked, "Ah Dan, guess what is the strangest thing floating out of this river?"

I glanced at her lightly, I really didn't want to play this guessing game with her again, so I said: "Please go out, I want to freshen up."

She was unmoved by my chasing guests, and she looked excited: "It's a bed, a big bed, and there is a person lying on the bed... Ah Dan, can you guess who it is? You know that the canal outside the city connects you to me. Where is it?"

My heart began to thump, I jumped out of bed, opened the door, and ran outside, only to hear Xia Ji shouting urgently behind me: "Ah Dan, your shoes..."

But I just felt my heart was beating so hard that it was about to burst out of my body, the wind around me blew my clothes against my body, and the houses on both sides flew past me like flying.I felt that I was kicking on a pebble, but I didn't feel the pain. I felt that the road was going to the river, but I didn't know how I got here.Weeping willows on the embankment, the much wider river surface is rolling with white waves, there is no debris floating on the river surface that Xia Han said, no, nothing...

There is no carved bed, and there is no one on the bed.

There is only an unobstructed view of the vastness and paleness against the blue sky and the red sun hanging in the sky.

It turned out that this was just a joke they told me.

I stood up slowly, feeling that all the strength in my body was being drained, but I heard someone say: "Miss, do you want to take a ferry? There is a predestined person for ferry crossing."

He stood on the willow-leaf boat, and the reflection of the sparkling waves made his face shine like a diamond. He was still dressed in black, but the corners of his trousers were in tatters, as if scratched by rocks.

There is a wind blowing, and I suspect that his messy clothes will disappear with the wind.

But then I started to panic: I just got up, I haven’t washed my clothes, I haven’t put on my shoes, and I ran all the way, my socks are covered with mud and water... I’m so close, will he see the inexplicable dirt in the corner of my eyes? ?No beauty at all?
I also remembered what my mother said, the most important thing for a man is actually a woman's appearance, and the clothes should not be disheveled at any time.

I wanted to run away, but while I was thinking about running away, I approached his boat, jumped into his boat without his help, and hugged him regardless of whether his clothes would shatter if touched. , crying and laughing while looking at his clothes: "You will never be allowed to leave again."

The boat shook so badly that he couldn't free his hands to row the oars, and he couldn't keep his balance, because his other hand wanted to hold me, but the boat was being rocked by his one hand, and it was getting farther and farther away from the shore.

I heard a discussion from the shore: "Did these two elope? This little girl is too naive to elope with a beggar..."

I raised my head, and the sun shone into my eyes through his temples, which made me feel that the sun is so good today.

(End of this chapter)

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