Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 114 Put Me Down Quickly

Chapter 114 Put Me Down Quickly
Qin Mu let out a cold chuckle, and looked at the two of them with disgust, "You two are awesome, even I dare to bet."

Mu Tianyang had a hippie smile on his face, "Isn't this a small fortune?"

Qin Mu felt sorry for his fists if he didn't teach them a lesson. He pressed his fingers and walked over step by step.

"Wait." Nan Qi said, "Old rules..."

Half an hour later, Sisi, Yangyang, and Yang Yang looked at the dishes on the table, and their stomachs were full of empty plans. The three came, and Qin Mu walked in very elegantly with his pockets in his pocket. When the two who followed, their jaws dropped.

Yang Yang exclaimed, "Oh my God, Mu Tianyang, you are stealing someone's window and being KO'd by her husband!"

"Don't mention it, I'm depressed." He sat down beside Yang Yang.Mu Tianyang's face was covered with old wounds and new wounds, with bruises and purple patches, and his strikes were unusually ruthless, and he greeted him exactly where he looked good but couldn't bear to be beaten.Mu Tianyang looked aggrieved, touched the corners of his eyes and let out an 'ow'.

Tong Sisi looked at Nan Qi again, although he was not as lively as he was, his chin was still a little red and swollen.

The only one with the old god was the Qin boss next to her. Tong Sisi twitched, poked Qin Mu secretly, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you fighting?"

Qin Mu didn't lift his eyelids, "It's okay, it's just that their faces are itchy."

"..." These words are a bit awkward, but Tong Sisi just thinks, why is he so handsome!

After dinner, a few of them walked towards the hotel in small steps, and the two women naturally walked in front, chatting about family affairs.Suddenly Yang Yang fell silent, and struggled for a long time before opening his mouth, "Sisi, I have something to tell you, you have to be prepared..."

"What is so mysterious" made her feel a little nervous.

"That's the one……"

"Yangyang" Mu Tianyang came over suddenly, held Yang Yang's hand, and said to her, "I will take Yangyang away first, you can go to Brother Mu."

After saying this, before Tong Sisi snatched him away, the two of them walked away chattering.

After reacting, she yelled at the two of them, "Mu Tianyang, I must bring my sheep back safely at nine o'clock!"

"Got it" came from far ahead.

At this time, a hand suddenly appeared on her shoulder, and she was in his arms in a flash.She was startled, and quickly looked to the side, only to find that Nan Qi had already left.

Qin Mu said, "Don't look, he doesn't dare to stay, it's still early to think about our evening activities."

"!!!" Ms. Tong was in a daze. At this moment, Qin Mu bent down and picked her up.

"Ah!" The baby was scared to death immediately, Tong Sisi beat him on the back with a rapid heartbeat, "Qin Mu, you bastard, you put me down quickly, everything is easy to talk about!"

Qin Mu kept walking towards the hotel, and said coolly, "If I don't put you down, everything will be bad. How bad can it be? Let me think about it..."

It can be said that immediately, several scenes of yellow and hot eyes appeared in front of Tong Sisi's eyes, her face flushed suddenly, and she scolded him all over in her heart through gritted teeth.
Mu Tianyang took Yang Yang to the field beside the village.Yang Yang shook off his hand, and glared at him angrily, "Mu Tianyang, what do you mean, why did you bring me here?"

Mu Tianyang put his pockets in his pocket and turned back, "I won't pull you out, what did you want to say just now? Did you want to talk about what you overheard yesterday, didn't you tell you that love is a matter between two people, don't interfere, Besides, Qin Mu is not the kind of person you see."

(End of this chapter)

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