Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 122 I Don't Know What Talisman

Chapter 122 I Don't Know What Talisman
Tong Sisi rolled her eyes, touched her cheek and pinched her, "You treat me as Lord Hades, whoever you want to die can die, and whoever you want to live can live? Huanhuan didn't die at all, but was entangled by a little ghost gone."

"Ah!" Yang Yang screamed suddenly.

Tong Sisi was taken aback by her bluff, "What are you doing!"

"Sisi, it seems that your amulet is still on that child."

"..." Now she also remembered.Then thinking about it at night, my scalp started to tingle.

She cursed a few words: This is all because of the anger of those villagers, otherwise how could I forget the talisman on that child!
Without that symbol, she would be doomed!

"No, I must get that talisman back. I'm going to go to the river at night. If you don't hurry up and find out the reason, when can we leave!" Tong Sisi said to herself, and asked Yang Yang to go back to the hotel to wait for her. , she wants to go back to Mrs. Liu's house again.

When she arrived at Mrs. Liu's house, it was Mrs. Liu's husband who opened the door for her.

Tong Sisi was very annoying to him, and didn't go around so much, so he said directly, "I forgot a talisman on your family's Huanhuan, so I won't go in, you can take it out for me."

"Fu, I don't know what kind of talisman it is. Who told you to come to our house, leave quickly." After speaking, the door slammed shut in front of her.

She was stunned for a moment, and then angrily knocked on the door, "How can you be so shameless! Those eyes saw me put the talisman on your Huanhuan, and you will be fine if you take it out!"

Tong Sisi's heart is full of grass, she has lived for more than 20 years and has never seen such a cheeky nonsense, maintaining her quality or something, she will only piss herself off!
She smashed the door for a long time, and Mrs. Liu's husband stood behind the door and turned a deaf ear to it. He repeatedly looked at the triangle symbol lying in his hand, and hummed, "I want to take back the things I gave to our family. What are you thinking?" , this thing is so useful, of course I want to keep it for my son as a talisman!"

Mrs. Liu, who heard the movement, looked at the swaying door of her house, and said angrily to the man, "How can you shut the door outside the benefactor? Is it the Sisi talisman in your hand? If someone wants it, return it quickly." .”

"What nonsense are you talking about, a girl with long hair and short knowledge! I don't have her in my house, do you understand?" The man grabbed Mrs. Liu's arm and squeezed it, "I warn you, don't open this door, or you will get out too this home."

After speaking, he shook his hand and rushed back to the house.

Aunt Liu bit her lip, looked at the slamming door with tears, gritted her teeth and went back to the house.

If it was someone else, Tong Sisi might have given up, but this talisman just won't work!That is her life-saving talisman. Without this talisman to ward off evil spirits, it would be like a ghost market in front of her eyes when it gets dark. Looking at you with those big, deadly eyes, not to mention how penetrating!

She also wondered why her heart was still so healthy after all these years?
Seeing that it was getting dark, Tong Sisi didn't dare to stay any longer, so she hurried back to the hotel.But when she was walking around the corner in a hurry, she was suddenly tripped by something under her feet. She staggered and stood still. When she turned her head, her heart suddenly tightened.

My mother, a skinless, bloody dog ​​stood up from the ground, grinning at her fiercely, and making hooting noises.

Tong Sisi's face turned pale with fright. The dog's death was obviously because it was skinned and eaten, so now it must be full of hatred towards people, and unfortunately, she caught up with it.

(End of this chapter)

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