Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 124 She Can't Climb or Crush Her

Chapter 124 She Can't Climb or Crush Her

"Can I not get on the bed? I usually sleep on the floor, and I'm not used to the bed..."

He opened the corner of his mouth and raised his eyebrows, "What did you say?"

"..." Tong Sisi really wanted to scold: Your uncle!

She hurriedly looked at the whole layout of the house, and found that there were only two ways for her to go, either to rush through the door behind Qin Mu and run out of him, or to go through the window behind her...

But she is afraid of these two paths!

In this panic, Qin Mu has already stood in front of her.

"Oh my god!" Tong Sisi screamed in shock, jumping onto the bed and about to run away.But crawling and crawling, she didn't move for a long time, she was pinned down on the bed helplessly, she wanted to cry immediately, the strength of a man was really incomparable to that of a woman.

The current position is that Tong Sisi is lying on the bed, and Qin Mu is lying on top of her.But he controlled the weight so that she couldn't climb off or be crushed.

Tong Sisi felt that this was a tragedy, a tragedy that started with a misunderstanding.

She couldn't figure out why Qin Mu's communication method had to be on the bed.

Qin Mu didn't intend to make her figure it out, so he cast his gray eyes on the side of her face, and plucked her hair, "You delivered it yourself to the door today, it's too much to say if I don't open my mouth and take a bite." .”

Tong Sisi was short of breath, and said stammeringly, "You don't need to talk about it, you just treat me as a fart, let it go and it's over."

He hummed twice above his head, "Your description is quite appropriate, but what should I do if I don't like farting."

Cao Nima, you are willing to fart when you are a girl!

Suddenly, there was a stabbing sound, and then a chill ran down the back.

With a quick mind, she turned her head and looked back with effort, which almost made her turn her back angrily.

The back of the clothes was torn open, revealing the cute white inside.

Tong Sisi struggled in shame and anger, "Qin Mu, what an attitude! I'll wipe it, you've been blinded for nothing, why didn't you know you had this habit!"

I really like Qianglai so much!

Qin Mu replied calmly, "Actually, I just found out today, do you want to try it?" He then slowly unbuttoned the little cutie, and a string in Tong Sisi's mind suddenly collapsed .


The people downstairs immediately looked up at the floor.

Nan Qi shook his head in disbelief, "Crazy, crazy, these two are crazy, this game is exciting enough!"

Mu Tianyang stroked his chin and studied, "Listening to this voice, it must be a backward posture."

Nan Qi punched him and praised, "Okay, old Mu, you have enough experience!"

"That's right." Mu Tianyang wiped his hair triumphantly, but suddenly saw Yang Yang staring at him coldly.

He felt uncomfortable immediately, cleared his throat, and put Erlang's legs down.

Yang Yang calmed down the soreness in his heart, and suddenly blinked, "Would you like to make a bet, I bet nothing happened to them."


"Who am I, Brother Mu? The girl is already lying on the bed. If he is a man, he will do it!" Nan Qi took the lead in cleaning up the huge sum of money in his wallet, and threw it on the table and said to Mu Tianyang, "Old Mu, how much do you bet? You can't be cowardly!"

Mu Tianyang also pressured Qin Mu to deal with him, because he is also a man, and a man naturally wants to cheer up the men, not to mention that he already felt that the two had already slept together.

The combined money of the two was more than 3 yuan, and Yang Yang couldn't afford that much.

When the two asked her "how much do you bet."

Yang Yang said calmly, "I only have 320 yuan, and I don't gamble. If I lose, I will strip myself here, and you can see it as you like!"

As soon as these words came out, the two men were shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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