Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 134 A Strange Pregnant Woman and Off-Season Grapes

Chapter 134 A Strange Pregnant Woman and Off-Season Grapes
Mu Tianyang said intently, "Only the place of the dead can be extremely shady."

Yang Yang's face turned pale from his fright, and Tong Sisi stared at him angrily, "You know again, don't you talk about dying all day long?"

Mu Tianyang couldn't beat her, and with the big move of Boss Qin behind her, he still waited for the ass to stop.

Tong Sisi had no time to talk to him, so she pushed open the fence door and walked in, "Is anyone there?"

"I told you that no one is staying." As soon as Mu Tianyang spoke, Qin Mu turned his eyes sideways instead of someone, and Mu Tianyang immediately sealed his mouth.

After shouting for a long time, there was no answer, so Tong Sisi stopped in front of that vine, always feeling that this unattended tree, which was still growing mature in June, had become a spirit.

Yang Yang looked greedy, and suddenly stretched out his paw, "See what's the use, don't you know if you try it."

"Little girl, don't mess with my grapes." A sudden voice came from behind them, and the voice was empty.

The four of them felt a sudden shock in their hearts, they just shouted for a long time and there was no one?

Standing behind them was a pregnant woman with a seven or eight-month-old belly. Her face was very pale and even her lips were pale. Doesn't this seem like a pregnant woman should look like?She just stared at Yang Yang's hand.

Yang Yang's heart was trembling, and he withdrew his hand in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back for a while, but I didn't pick it for you."

The pregnant woman ignored her and walked towards them, Qin Mu and Mu Tianyang made way for her, and saw her go directly to the grape trellis and count the grapes bit by bit.

"36, not less." After speaking, she turned around and walked back tremblingly.

"Be careful." Yang Yang was worried that she would fall, and wanted to reach out to help her.

But Tong Sisi grabbed her hand and pressed her lips tightly, extremely serious.

Until the pregnant woman walked back into the room again, Tong Sisi said with an ugly face, "Go, get out of here first."

I didn't expect that one day I would meet her!

Now Tong Sisi felt cold all over her body: it was simply too scary!

She walked back without speaking, and no one spoke.

Back at the hotel, Nan Qi crossed his legs and ate breakfast. When he saw them, he greeted them, "The four of you are back. You must be in a good mood to have sex in the morning. Let's play cards later."

Of course, no one paid attention to him.

Nan Qi saw that their expressions were serious, so he leaned over, "What's wrong with you, going out really feels like going to hell."

Tong Sisi suddenly said, "We may really have taken a trip to the underworld..."

Nani!Not only was Nan Qi startled by her, but the three of them also looked at her.

She panted a few times, unable to calm down, "Didn't you notice that the pregnant woman can't breathe, and... There is also a shadow on the ground, she has no shadow at all!"

At that time, the sun was already hanging in the east, she just glanced at the ground unintentionally, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and the pregnant woman seemed to notice that she had stared at her before she left. I took a dip in the ice-cold water.

Yang Yang and Nan Qi opened their mouths wide, while Qin Mu and Nan Qi became calmer, but their faces were still grim.

Now Tong Sisi thinks back and realizes that the windows of the houses in the countryside were opened to the south, while the doors and windows of the pregnant woman’s house were all opened to the west.

"This matter should start from the village, and ask about the origin of the pregnant woman."

(End of this chapter)

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