Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 141 The girl will know if she makes a move

Chapter 141 The girl will know if she makes a move

The doctor took out the glass on Qin Mu's body, but some fragments remained inside, and it had to be taken out so as not to inflame the wound. If Qin Mu had been rushed to the hospital for surgery in City A, but the current condition is poor, everything Can only keep it simple.

"Mr. Qin, please bear with me."

"Don't be verbose, hurry up." Qin Mu became impatient.


The doctor's psychological quality is quite good, and his hand movements are still very stable under Qin Mu's pressure.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Tong Sisi really wanted to give him a thumbs up.

Nan Qi and the boss came back after solving the loss of the hotel, and Qin Mu's wound was also wrapped up. The doctor ordered the wound not to touch water and some medicine in the near future, and then left.

Qin Mu stood up, "Let's go."

"Let's go, where are we going, what are we going to do at night." Nan Qi was bewildered.

Tong Sisi immediately understood what he was referring to, but now she was a little embarrassed, he just got hurt because of her, okay!Of course she didn't want Qin Mu to follow her, but as long as she went to the river, he would definitely follow her, but she had to go...

Tong Sisi patted herself on the head suddenly, annoyed, "I made a mistake again, the grapes of the living dead are not ripe yet, even if I go there tonight, I won't gain anything, and I can't beat her, so I'll call the master tonight." Let’s make a phone call and ask for advice. So I’m not going tonight, everyone go back to the house and rest, Yang Yang and I share a room.” After speaking, she ran upstairs holding Yang Yang’s arm.

Yang Yang didn't react for a long time.

Downstairs, there was a pair of deep and scrutinizing gazes that disappeared with her figure, and then they were taken back.

Mu Tianyang sat on the sofa and looked at him, "You believe what she said."

"There are many loopholes, I believe he is a fool." Qin Mu lowered his head and straightened his sleeves, and said after a while, "She will definitely run there alone in a while, Nan Qi, just let someone follow her in the dark, others, go back to wash and sleep Bar."

Qin Mu stood up with his hands on the sofa, and walked up the stairs gracefully with his long legs.

Nan Qi looked at him and blinked, "I'm so cute, it's really rare for Mu Ge to be considerate for a while, Lao Mu, tell me..." He twisted his head, where is he?
He used to lift off the sofa cushion Mu Tianyang made just now, didn't he?

Strange, people were still sitting here just now!
At 10:30 in the evening, the people around me were breathing evenly and fell asleep.

Tong Sisi opened her eyes and glanced at Yang Yang, then sneaked out of bed, took her clothes to the bathroom and put them on, then carefully moved them to the door with her shoes.

As soon as his hand touched the door, the bedside lamp suddenly turned on.

Her back froze suddenly: After the bird, catch it straight.

Yang Yang got up from the bed, his eyes were very clear, and he pretended to be asleep.

She hugged her chest and glanced at the shoes in Sisi's hand, "Little boy, you still want to lie to me with your little thoughts, so I know you want to die alone!"

"Don't say that, how could it be death, the girl will know if there is one as soon as she makes a move!"

"Come on, I'll sing to ignorant little ghosts with your little skills. If it's all right, wait for me to get off, and I'll get dressed and go with you."

Tong Sisi refused in horror, "You should rest, you will only increase my psychological burden, you can help me hide it from Qin Mu, and I will leave when you sleep."


Without waiting for Yang Yang to say anything, she hurriedly ran out and put on her shoes only outside the door.

But how could Yang Yang feel relieved, but she was really scared to follow alone, so she thought of someone.

(End of this chapter)

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