Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 145 Is This What You Obsessed With

Chapter 145 Is This What You Obsessed With
Fan Fan had successfully entered the fenced yard and was looking for the bunch of eight grapes. He went forward to pick them in surprise, when he was pushed out by a black mist, overwhelmed the fence and fell outside.

"Just an idiot!" The person hiding in the dark cursed, and then threw a talisman over before Fan Fan didn't notice, and the black mist was completely dissipated.

So when Fan Fan crawled back, he found that the bunch of grapes fell on the ground.

"That's okay too?" He was dumbfounded.

"Why are you stupid, take it and go!" The people in the dark finally couldn't stand him anymore.

Fan Fan was startled, and looked around, "Did you help me just now, thank you!"

After speaking, he quickly took off his coat to wrap the grapes, and left here.

If he turned around, he would find that the vine withered quickly, and the house next to it became dilapidated and covered with spider silk.

The dead and alive people in the formation suddenly became violent and violent. Their sharp nails tore off the ropes that the little ghosts had turned into and threw them towards the magic circle. superior.

Although Tong Sisi's magic power is weak, she is very domineering in this battle, as long as she is evil, she will not distinguish between friend and foe.

She was afraid of hurting the little devils, so she quickly closed the magic circle.

As soon as the dead and alive were freed, they didn't pay attention to them at all, but quickly flew towards the fence yard.

"Team Fan should have succeeded." Tong Sisi was exhausted, sitting on the ground panting.

"Are you all right?" She turned her head and saw that the eight little ghosts had climbed up from the ground, but their figures were shaky, their souls were overdrawn just now, and they would not be able to support them for a long time before they would fly away.

But they have no regrets.

It was rare for Xiaosheng to look good to her, "I believe you now, if we really disappear this time, please tell my parents, actually... I don't hate them anymore."

Yaya also said, "I'm just jealous, but Huanhuan is my younger brother. Even if my parents chose me that time, I would still give up the opportunity to Huanhuan. Sister, tell my mother that the clothes she burned for me I received."

"And my elder sister. When I was in school, the teacher said that nurturing grace is more important than the sky. Our parents brought us into this world. No matter what they did wrong, we have no right to blame."

"I just want to see my parents again, and I still want to eat my mother's cooking." The little fat man cried, and this time the tears were no longer blood red.

"Don't be discouraged, you little devils, my sister promised you that you will be reincarnated." Tong Sisi's eyes became hot, and she raised her hand to touch the little fat man's head, but this time she passed through him.

She was taken aback for a moment, then she smiled.

It turns out that the cleanest thing in the world is the heart of a child, pure and loving.

"Miss Tong, I brought the things back." Far away, Fan Fan's voice came over.

Tong Sisi excitedly got up from the ground, but just after taking two steps, she yelled in horror, "Team Fan is behind you, run!" After she finished speaking, she quickly ran over!

Decided not to let her take away the hopes of the little devils!
It was too late for Fan Fan to react when he heard her words.

The living dead hung in the air in white clothes, and his long hair wrapped around Fan Fan. Fan Fan couldn't see anything, but found that he couldn't move anything except his hands.

Knowing that he couldn't run away, he threw the clothes in his arms towards Tong Sisi, "Go, leave me alone!"

"I...of." The living dead let go of Fan Fan and chased after something in the air.

But a sachet flew over and hit her, shaking her far away.

Tong Sisi also took advantage of the opportunity to catch the clothes and dragged Fan Fan along to run.

"The things your mother prepared are quite useful, and don't they?"

"After tonight is safe, I'll ask my mother to make a dozen for you!"

The two had already run to the little ghosts, and Fan Fan saw her distribute eight grapes to the air.

Tong Sisi said hurriedly, "Find your own grapes and eat them, and go up and beat them after you eat them."

Xiao Sheng gave her a white look, "This is your sincerity!" Even so, he still picked up the grapes condensed with his own soul and attracted them to the side.

After the eight grapes were eaten by the eight little ghosts, there was a sudden screaming sound that resounded through the night, and the two of them couldn't stand because of the strong wind and the stormy soil.

And the living dead who flew towards them bleed blood from the seven orifices, and their hair grew wildly like water plants, but it suddenly turned white, and countless air currents flew out of her stomach, shrinking rapidly like shrinking.

"Don't—" the living dead screamed frantically and terrified.

An urgent voice came from Bluetooth's ear, "Right now, attack her stomach with peach wood!"

Take advantage of her illness to kill her!
Tong Sisi grabbed the peach branch and rushed up, and cast a few curses on herself against the wind, and then took advantage of the living dead's head up, and stabbed her in the stomach...

Then there was no more, she forgot that the branch was chopped down by Fan Fan, and it didn't have a tip at all...

She swallowed and looked up, the living dead stared at her angrily.

The eight little ghosts and Fan Fan had already covered their eyes, unable to bear to look directly at them.

"I'm sorry... I was wrong——" Tong Sisi was rolled a hundred meters into the sky by countless strands of hair, and then was pulled down forcefully.

"Go. Die..." The dead and alive screamed, but her movements suddenly stopped, and then she lowered her head and found that her stomach was pierced by a peach tree branch.

But the culprit, Fatty, had already run far away, and Tong Sisi was also rescued by other little ghosts.

Puffs of air flowed from her stomach, and the living dead screamed, "My child, my child—"

Tong Sisi saw the sky change suddenly, especially the black around the fenced yard disappeared little by little, the wind gradually subsided, the living dead lost their mana, and finally fell backwards with their eyes open.

The space seemed to be distorted, and then a dozen of Nan Qi's subordinates appeared not far from them, and they quickly ran towards her and Fan Fan.After seeing her intact, thank Fan Fan.

As a result, someone saw the pile of bones on the ground.

"what is that!"

Tong Sisi opened her eyes and said nonsense, "It's nothing, you go back and report to Qin Mu first, I'll be back in a while. Team Fan thank you tonight."

Fan Fan took out his pocket, "It's okay, the people's police serve people, next time something like this happens, remember not to tell me, thank you."

Tong Sisi, "..."

After Fan Fan and the others left, Tong Sisi walked up to the pile of bones, and said to the female ghost squatting on the ground, "Look for yourself, so many children died because of your obsession. Your children are children, so they don't have to die." Parents! Your child can go to rebirth after death, but because of your sins, he may be tortured in hell for hundreds of years before he can be reincarnated. Is this what you are obsessed with?"

"Impossible...my child is not dead. If it wasn't for you, he would have been born soon!" The female ghost looked up at her fiercely.

If she hadn't been stunned by her talisman, she might still want to kill herself.

"You are hopeless." Tong Sisi turned around, and saw that the hell-walker had arrived.

 There is another update in the evening, and the exact time cannot be determined. I suggest you watch it at ten o'clock.Tomorrow will be able to update at normal time, or eleven o'clock in the morning, four o'clock in the afternoon, eight o'clock in the evening, and... ummm~
(End of this chapter)

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