Chapter 151

And not far away, wandering souls wandered into the black and oppressive door. There was chaos behind the door, and the ghosts who walked in were gone. 
That is the gate of hell, if you go in, there is really no turning back.

Tong Sisi was so anxious that she wanted to run away after the ghost bus stopped, regardless of whether it was hidden or not, but she didn't even stop, and drove directly into the gate!

Passing through the chaos that made her uncomfortable, she opened her eyes and saw the ghosts in the car walking slowly down one by one, she quickly lowered her head and followed in line to get off the car.

There were ghosts floating around in the air, dead in various ways, and half of their body was crawling on the ground holding their intestines. Tong Sisi almost threw up when he saw it.

She closed her eyes and trembled all over: This is why I have entered a ghost nest......

There is a huge blood pool in front, and there are two passages from the blood pool, one on the left and one on the right. Tong Sisi closed her eyes and didn't see the result, so she fell behind and walked to the left.

"Stop." With a yell, the two ghosts guarding the gate blocked her, and the ghost with corn-eyed and sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks glared at her, "Where did you come from, you idiot, what are you doing in the animal way, go back."

Tong Sisi was taken aback for a moment, and looked forward to see that a pig brother was staring at her with two pig eyes, and there was a row of beasts in front of her...

"..." What kind of stupidity is this, the more you don't want to attract attention, the more you will become brainless.

She didn't dare to stay longer, so she turned around slowly, and as a result, the wind brought a smell to another ghost's nose.

Sniffing, "Human? She's popular, she's human!" Gui Ya suddenly screamed and pointed at her, "Catch it, quickly arrest the person who trespassed in the underworld."

"I'll go!" Tong Sisi turned her head and saw a row of ghost soldiers suddenly appeared, her eyes widened, she ran away, and couldn't help but cursed at the ghosts in her heart.

Why is the nose of a dog?

She didn't see the gate of the underworld that she entered when she came, so Tong Sisi had no choice but to run towards the human way, regardless of whether the ghosts were ugly or not, she pushed aside all the way, but every time she turned her head, the ghost soldiers were chasing after her.

She ran into the ghost market, exhausted enough, and more anger was released from her body with sweat. The surrounding ghosts looked at her one by one, looked at her greedily, and finally followed the ghosts to chase her.

Suddenly, she saw a bright door in front of her, engraved with three anti-ancient characters, Tong Sisi didn't understand it, and didn't even bother to read it, so she plunged in.

As a result, there are more ghosts in it...

Tong Sisi is determined to die, she really can't run now!

The ghosts here are scattered here, and she is rushed into it and is not tall, so she can't see what is ahead, and she can vaguely see where she is queuing to enter.

Suddenly a ghost stood in front of her, tilted its head to look at her, Tong Sisi suddenly lowered her head.

This won't be recognized again, she just cast another curse!
"You are Tong Sisi?" the ghost said suddenly.

Tong Sisi was surprised and raised her head, only to find that there was an old man in front of her, and she had a deep relationship with her!

"Grandpa Jiang, why do you..."

Grandpa Jiang was her ex-boyfriend's grandfather, and she was the only one who didn't object to Jiang Kailun when they were together.But the old man was in good health back then, and he was full of energy and energy, how could he...

"It's hard to explain, but how did you die, girl." Grandpa Jiang asked her with a sigh.


"There she is." Tong Sisi was about to speak, but those ghost soldiers came after her.

She hurriedly said to Grandpa Jiang, "Grandpa Jiang, I'm going to run away first!"

"Girl..." As soon as Grandpa Jiang stretched out his hand, she ran away, and then saw a group of ghost soldiers chasing after her.

"Huh?" The code-named 251 who had just come out of Nie Jingtai suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at a figure who had just run past, and tilted his head, "Is that Tong Sisi?"

The inseparable code number 128 next to her gave her a cold look, "Why did she come to the underworld by herself, and even ran to the first hall, nerves."

"Get out! You're crazy, I think that person looks like Tong Sisi, I'm going to see it anyway, if you like it or not." 251 just walked along that road, and saw many ghost soldiers trying to catch a person.

It's right to catch people, 251 is more sure that it is Tong Sisi.

The ghost soldier ran through a passage, but 251 stood at the intersection and called tentatively, "Sisi, are you here?"

"Sisi, I am 251. Do you still remember, a female ferryman you met in Longtan Village?"

As soon as the ending sound fell, a figure rushed up and hugged 251's neck all of a sudden, startling him.

Tong Sisi cried and howled, "Sister, it's so good to see you! I thought I would have to confess my life."

"Okay, my sister is here." 251 patted her on the back and asked, "Why did you come to the underworld?"

"Oh, it's hard to describe..." Tong Sisi recounted the incident.

251 had a strange expression on his face, "You are so weird, even a taxi can come to the underworld. According to what you said, the taxi driver is fine, and he should be able to wake up after you leave."

"..." What do you mean, this disaster was all caused by her?
"This is not a place to talk, you can follow me to the unit dormitory."

Tong Sisi stared, "I'll go, you still have dormitories! Just tell me what you don't have."

251 thought about it seriously, "Well... just don't assign a man."

"……"Depend on!

The standard one-bedroom, one-living-room and one-bath kitchen in the dormitory of Yin Si Du Zhe, the furniture inside is still standard.Tong Sisi walked around with her before realizing that the place where she was chased by the ghost soldiers just now is the way of rebirth. Those who have done good deeds in life, and those who have done good or bad deeds can enter the underworld after recording their identities, and choose to stay for a hundred years before reincarnating.

And this underworld is no different from the human world, and the speed of development is fast enough, and high-rise buildings have been built!
The only difference is that there is no means of transportation here, because everyone flies around~

Tong Sisi was a little envious and jealous, she worked so hard that she was not as comfortable as a ghost, and her family in the mortal world spent a lot of money to buy a villa in the underworld!
Are there any people who are so mad!
Tong Sisi visited her room casually, and said, "Can you send me away, even if your underworld is good, I still miss my big A city."

251 Tsk tut and shake his head, "No. I don't have enough authority. I can only bring the dead to the underworld but not the living out of the underworld. Don't you have a backstage? Find the code number 9 and it will be done for you. How can it be used? Follow me."

She slapped her forehead, "Hold the grass, how could I have forgotten him."

"Bring the phone, I'll give you the wireless connection to the underworld, and you can find him on your own initiative."

Tong Sisi gave her the phone, and watched her type a series of passwords.

She opened her small mouth, "It's an eye-opener, no wonder that guy buckles me every time he wants to buckle me, but if I buckle him, he can't send it out, so that's what happened!"

That guy is so unreasonable!
(End of this chapter)

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