Chapter 154

"No, no, code number four is a ghost and Qin Mu is a human, how is that possible!" She shook her head quickly, and continued to ask Jiu Yue, but this time Jiu Yue might be busy and didn't reply to her.

Tong Sisi didn't have a good time all afternoon, so she scolded Jiu again.

The little bitch!
Speaking of her acquaintance with Jiu is really a big joke. She was only five and a half years old at that time, and she was already a well-known little strange child in Yancheng, because her father was killed when she was born. Bought a cake to live on, but was crushed to death by a flower pot that fell from downstairs.She has no friends, only her mother loves her under all the pressure, she can't go to school, because the children who play with her will have accidents, so no school is willing to recruit her.

Mom has to go to work, so the only ones who can accompany her every day are the ghosts who come and go.

But one day, a very handsome and tall big brother walked up to her and personally took away the stinky ghost who bullied her and pulled her pigtail. The brother didn't look at her strangely, but said, "Those People are superficial, and people are blessed with yin and yang eyes, and they can't even want it, little girl, don't be afraid, you will know its benefits later."

Later she knew that he was a ferryman from the underworld, who came to the human world to catch those ghosts who did not want to go to the underworld to reincarnate. She knew that he was very powerful, that he was high in the ranking of ferrymen, and that his name was Code Nine. When she was a child, she would call His ninth brother.

But now... that guy is simply seducing a little girl like a flower step by step!
After so many years, the old monster has not changed at all and is still handsome and handsome, but he just won't tell her what his name is!
She regained consciousness from the past, it was past seven o'clock, she put down her phone and went to the kitchen to cook.

At this time, the mobile phone on the sofa turned on, and the white screen buzzed, and it took about 3 minutes for it to calm down.

During dinner at night, Mama Tong asked, "Are you going to work tomorrow?"

Tong Sisi took a mouthful of food and had no time to speak, so she nodded.

"Then go to bed early after taking a shower, and your company is the same. People go on business trips for more than ten days and don't give them a vacation." Mama Tong got up to pack her things after she finished eating, and didn't let her touch them. "Don't worry about it." , hurry up and do your own thing.”

"Thank you mom~" Tong Sisi hugged her mother and kissed her before running back to the room.

After taking a shower, she set the bell for seven o'clock, then lay on the bed and called the master, telling her plan to go to Yancheng.

The next day, she squeezed the bus to work on time and entered the company at 55:[-]. When she clocked in, she was worried that her card might disappear again, but this time it was okay, and the card was still obediently lying on the bottom layer.

But as soon as she entered the accounting room, a strange voice floated over.

"Hey, look at who this is, isn't this Tong Sisi, a good employee who has been absent from work for more than ten days?" Zhang Yuan took a few good women from the financial office to stand in front of her, and sang loudly, "It's different to have a backstage." , I simply regard the company as my own home and come and leave whenever I want.”

"Sister Yuan, it's useless for you to be envious. We can't compare with some people. We won't seduce men."

"It seems that after get off work, I have to buy some gifts and go to a teacher with someone to teach me how to keep a man in bed."

Tong Sisi was not angry either, she pulled her neck and looked from both sides, "The sudden show made grandma and my old waist flash, where did this come from?"

"Haha..." Suddenly, a male colleague laughed out loud.

The few people in front of her were so angry that Zhang Yuan glared at her, "Tong Sisi, who are you scolding!"

Tong Sisi sneered, pushed them away and walked through the middle.Returning to his seat, he nodded to Zheng Xiaoxiao who was looking over worriedly.

"Who does she think she is? What kind of attitude!" Those people went mad with anger.

Colleagues stopped Zhang Yuan, "We don't need to be angry with her, she will be pretty when that person comes!"

"That's right!" A few people took pleasure in other's misfortune and took a deep look at her, and then dispersed.

Tong Sisi frowned when she heard what they said, she wanted to ask Zheng Xiaoxiao but she was afraid that she would bring unnecessary trouble to her.

Forget it, let's take a step by step.

She looked down at a pile of reports and heard the sound of a string of high-heeled shoes. When she looked up and saw the people coming in, her anger rushed to her head.

Zhang Xiaoxiao!
Tong Sisi had an angry face, got up and followed her, if she didn't teach this little bitch a lesson today, Sisi would write it upside down!

The people in the office saw her follow behind Zhang Xiaoxiao, and then patted Zhang Xiaoxiao very hard.

"Zhang Xiaoxiao and our grievances need to be settled today!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao sat on the swivel chair and hugged her chest and looked at her, "Tong Sisi, you don't have a brain, don't you notice that my current position has changed?"

"?" Tong Sisi realized that she had come out of the manager's room and was sitting outside like them!
"Let's talk about our matter when you have a chance." Zhang Xiaoxiao pointed behind her, then stood up and bowed respectfully, "Welcome Manager Yu!"

Tong Sisi was surprised for a moment, and was even more surprised when she turned around and saw the woman behind her who was half her head taller with high heels.

"You..." How could it be Yu Jiaxin?
Yu Jiaxin glanced at her, "What are you, don't you know how to call the manager, Tong Sisi, please come in."

Tong Sisi glanced at the work card hanging around her neck and it was indeed the manager of the finance department, so she reluctantly put her head on her phone and followed her into the office.

As soon as the office door was closed, the colleagues outside were instantly excited.

"You know, Manager Yu is the appointed wife of the president of the Qin family, Tong Sisi will be out of action now."

"That's right, everyone's main palace is here. She's just a little girl, what can she do to fight with them? Although the Yu family is not as good as the Qin family, they are well-known in City A."

Zheng Xiaoxiao listened to their talking, stood up and walked out the door without a trace.

She ran into the elevator and went up to the thirteenth floor, and then started to climb to the forty-fourth floor like Tong Sisi did last time.

"Miss, who are you?" The reception secretary on the 44th floor stopped Zheng Xiaoxiao. He might have offended an unremarkable girl in the last two terms and was expelled. This person obviously has a lesson from the past.

Zheng Xiaoxiao was a little nervous, "Hi, I'm from the Finance Department."

When the reception secretary heard about the finance department, his smile deepened, "What can you do?"

"I'll look for Mr. Qin, no, no, I'll just look for Assistant Xiao. Is he free? I have something urgent to tell him."

"Assistant Xiao went to a meeting with the president, and he didn't enter the company until three o'clock on the schedule."

Zheng Xiaoxiao was anxious, "Then what should I do!"

Xiao Cheng and the president had a meeting with foreign businessmen and suddenly received a voice invitation, and the person who invited was Ms. Tong.

He was stunned for a moment, and he showed Qin Mu his phone.

Qin Mu turned his eyes and frowned, "Go."

 I often feel that marriage is not as good as being alone. The women I see around me are struggling in marriage. They are struggling day by day because they have things that they can't let go, such as children.So every time I come into contact with boys, I am a little scared, not because I am afraid to try, but because I am afraid that if I try, I can be free and easy about everything and I have children. This shortcoming, I will not be the decisive person I was before, and I may also be with those women. They also live through their lives in marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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