Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 160 is so domineering

Chapter 160 is so domineering
Li Xiaoyu was shocked immediately, "No! I'll ask my roommate to help me, so don't go."

Nan Qi's face is familiar to everyone in City A, and it won't cause trouble even if he goes there!
"I'm just so shameless!" Nan Qi was very unhappy, and ended up hugging his wife and rolling away all day.

The Nan family is a large family of military officers. His father is a military commander who holds two important decision-making powers. His elder brother is the deputy commander of the military. The newly appointed mayor of the city, even the second uncle is the mayor of city B.

In the Nan family in the military, it can be said that he can cover the sky with one hand. As the youngest child of the Nan family, he is always pampered, but the only thing that disappoints the family is probably secretly marrying Li Xiaoyu.

Li Xiaoyu was very aware of her situation, and after following Nan Qi desperately, her first request was not to disclose their relationship, which is why the Li family has not moved Li Xiaoyu so far.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Tong Sisi drove to the aid station and donated the 10 yuan that Jiang's mother humiliated her.

Accepting the 10 yuan is the only way to completely draw a line with Jiang Kailun today, but it is also a way to humiliate himself.

But what's the big deal, there's nothing you can't lose before you've loved.

On the way back by car, she saw the bar outside the window, and suddenly said, "Master, stop."

The Didi car stopped, and Tong Sisi walked into the bar for the first time by herself, the first time because she came to get drunk.

She doesn't drink well, and her wine quality has always been poor. She drank three bottles of beer and became drunk.She was leaning on the bar chair, looking in good shape from behind, and a few social gangsters were already eyeing her not far away.

The waiter behind the counter couldn't help but push her, "Ma'am, do you need us to call your friends?"

"Friend, you said Yangyang..." Tong Sisi's eyes were drunk, pointing at him and dangling, "I tell you, Yangyang is my best friend, we have a good relationship, I don't know how many times better than you stinky men... ..."

"Then what is your girlfriend's phone number?"

Tong Sisi took out her mobile phone and posted it to read it hard, "I'll look for it... Hey, why is this word dangling around..."

The waiter next to her couldn't stand it anymore, so she dialed the number for her and told Yang Yang the address here.

"Hahahaha..." Mu Tianyang, who was on the railing on the second floor, laughed like crazy, and patted the man next to him, "Brother, you are such a weird woman, you can even get yourself drunk with beer."

Qin Mu shook his shoulders and glanced at him, "Fuck you, fuck you!"

After finishing speaking, he took out his pocket and went downstairs with a cold face, then walked towards Tong Sisi's.

Suddenly, two men stood in front of him and walked towards Tong Sisi.

Mu Tianyang, who had just moved upstairs, just saw this scene, and suddenly regained his energy, and leaned on the railing to prepare to watch a scene.

The two gangsters saw the drunken Tong Sisi lying on the bar, took a look and walked up.

"Is the beauty alone..." One person just stretched out his hand, and before touching Tong Sisi, a gust of wind swept over from behind.

Then before he saw anything, he was kicked in the head and flew away, hitting a table not far away, covering his head and rolling down.

The other person turned his head angrily, but when he saw Qin Mu with a sullen face, his legs softened in fright, "Qin Qin... President Qin."

Qin Mu took a step forward, lifted his foot and kicked him on the head again.

The crowd quickly backed away with an exclamation.

The man in black hurried forward to lift up the two who were rolling on the ground in pain.

Qin Mu moved his wrist and said, "Throw it out."

It's so domineering, without explaining a single word!
After cleaning up, he walked to Tong Sisi's side, and found that the woman was unusually drunk, her eyes were closed and her mouth was murmuring, but Qin Mu's eyes were hurt by the tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

It was because Jiang Karen was getting married that he drank himself to pieces and cried for him!
How could Boss Qin endure this!
Angrily, he grabbed her hair and exposed her bright red lips, then kissed her fiercely.

Tong Sisi frowned in pain, and beat him with both hands, "It hurts..."

Qin Mu let go of her, stared at her closely for a long time, then suddenly bent down to pick her up and walked out.

Tong Sisi, I want you tonight!
As soon as the two of them left the bar, many people dared to speak boldly.

Qin Mu! The prince of city A actually took a woman away from the bar!
Simply big news!

"Shameless guy!" Mu Tianyang stood up and cursed angrily, this guy left and left trouble for him!

He beckoned to a few men in black, "Go get the camera in the hands of the two paparazzi below, the photos in it have been deleted."

After explaining, Mu Tian raised his hair and went downstairs, his eyes scanned the beauties below like a pair of radar...

A Didi taxi parked in front of the bar.

"Master, slow down." Yang Yang slammed the door and got out of the car, straddled his bag and ran in, looking around anxiously.

The lights are feasting, the shadows of each other are close to each other, but there is no shadow of that dead woman Tong Sisi.

She ran to the bar with her mobile phone and asked, "Sorry, I asked if there was a drunk woman here just now, and you even called her."

Yang Yang showed the mobile phone number to the male waiter.

The male waiter said, "I made this call just now, but your friend was taken away 10 minutes ago."

"Hold the grass!" Yang Yang grabbed his collar and cursed, "You idiot, didn't I tell you to keep an eye on her, how could you let someone take her away, that man and woman!"

This sturdy personality startled the waiter, "That person is our President Qin."

Yang Yang was taken aback, let go of his hand, and raised his eyebrows, "Mr. Qin? Qin Mu?"

"Yes." Otherwise, they wouldn't dare to ask someone to take someone away in a bar.

Hearing this, Yang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "That woman is frightening to death, so have a good drink!"

Still getting drunk, who did you learn from!

Yang Yang was about to leave, but he heard a very familiar voice, and when he looked around, it happened that the colored lantern was shining on Mu Tianyang's face.

He hugged and kissed a scantily clad woman, holding red wine high in his hand, as vigorous as he could be.

Yang Yang's head exploded suddenly, and he didn't know where the fire came from, so he walked over angrily.

As soon as she approached, she happened to see the shepherd's left hand in the woman's clothes in her corner, and the fingers holding the woman's chest were exposed.

Yang Yang gritted his teeth, grabbed a glass of wine on the table and poured it over.

"Oh my god!" The women next to her were startled.

The woman who kissed Mu Tianyang bounced away instantly, took out a few pieces of paper and pressed it on her face.

Mu Tianyang hated good things being disturbed the most, and glared at her angrily, "Yang Yang! Why are you crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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