Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 162 Yang Yang Hospitalized

Chapter 162 Yang Yang Hospitalized
However, this kind of feeling will make her feel at ease, because he is Qin Mu, so he will not easily say "I love you" against his will. These three words represent too much meaning.If it starts with liking, that's when he really takes it seriously.

Tong Sisi didn't ask any more questions, and lay down on his lap as a pillow.

He stretched and rubbed her hair, bowed his head and kissed, "Wait a little longer, please."


Although such words are really like a blank check, but Qin Mu's ability to say it is a kind of confession.

She doesn't force it, because she just let go of everything and the past yesterday.

Tong Sisi turned her lower body, facing him, then stretched out her arms to hug his waist, suddenly she raised her head, "Qin Mu, I have something I want to ask you, yesterday your mother..."

"The most willing to forget the ancient poems, the most dismissive is lovesickness, watching love for fear of being laughed at, and afraid of being seen clearly..."

This phone ringtone...

Qin Mu raised his eyebrows and looked at her phone, Tong Sisi grabbed it and picked it up, "Hello, I am, who are you?"


Sitting up suddenly, she clutched the phone tremblingly with her lips, "Okay, I understand, I'm here to contact her family, and I'll be there right away!" After speaking, Tong Sisi immediately got up in a panic, and her leg hit the tea machine.

Qin Mu got up and grabbed her, "Don't mess around, what happened."

Tong Sisi's face turned pale, "Qin Mu, Yang Yang was sent to the hospital yesterday and is still undergoing surgery, I must go there immediately."

"Don't worry, I'll make arrangements." Qin Mu patted her on the shoulder, helped her put on her unworn shoes, put her phone in her bag, and then dragged her out the door.

On the way to the hospital, Qin Huang called Xiao Cheng and asked him to arrange a doctor for Yang Yang, and then explained some things.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Mu held her cold hand and shook it all the way without knowing how to comfort her.

When we arrived at the hospital, the lights outside the operating room just turned on, and a doctor walked out.

Tong Sisi immediately ran over, "How is my friend, doctor!"

"What's your friend's name?" the doctor asked.

"Yang Yang, her name is Yang Yang!"

Qin Mu said, "It was sent to your hospital last night."

"Boss Qin." The doctor was surprised when he saw him, and said, "The patient's condition is stable, but his left hand is broken, two ribs are broken, and there are many knife marks on his body, which may leave scars in the future, because she I have been covering my face, so the back of my hand has been scratched by a knife."

Tong Sisi gasped, almost unable to stand up.

At this moment, Yang Yang was pushed out, and she rushed over immediately. Seeing that Yang Yang's face was very pale, with gauze all over his face, she immediately felt uncomfortable.

Qin Mu hugged her and said, "Let her go to the ward first."

The doctor nodded and pushed Yang Yang away.

"Ah!" Tong Sisi yelled, and started to cry softly in Qin Mu's arms.

Qin Mu asked someone to arrange a VIP ward, which has everything from the toilet to the kitchen, and the beds are all Simmons.

After answering the phone, Qin Mu came back from the outside and looked at her, "I just found out that the group of people who beat her were gangsters in the society. I have already asked Nan Qi to solve it."

Tong Sisi carefully lifted Yang Yang's hands tied like zongzi, her eyes were red, "Yang Yang has always had a good personality, and has never offended anyone, why did the gangsters follow her, and why was it so late yesterday."

The doctor said just now that he received a call for help at around two o'clock.

that time...

Suddenly remembered that she was drunk and called Yang Yang last night, so Yang Yang was on the way to find her?
"It's because of me, because she is going to the bar to find me, and Yang Yang is going to find me." Tong Sisi's complexion changed terribly, and she shed tears in self-blame.

Qin Mu was most annoyed by women crying, and when Tong Sisi cried, he was even more disturbed and didn't know what to do.

He put his hands on her shoulders stiffly, "Don't cry, Nan Qi is going to deal with those people."

"..." Her tears still didn't stop.

Qin Mu scratched his head irritably: Mu Tianyang really wasn't lying when he said that women are made of water!

If Mu Tianyang was here, he would definitely pat him on the shoulder and say: Old iron, the 'water' I mentioned is not the 'water' you refer to, you mean the top, I mean the bottom.

At this time Xiao Cheng called.

After he picked it up, he glanced at Tong Sisi, and then walked out with an ugly expression, leaving a certain distance from the ward before saying, "What's going on."

"Boss, you asked me to adjust the bar video. Ms. Yang did have an argument with several women last night. During the beating, she hit a woman on the head with a wine bottle, and...Mr. Mu was watching from the sidelines... ..."

"I see." Qin Mu hung up the phone, and walked out of the hospital with his lips tightly pressed.

After getting in the car, he called Mu Tianyang, "Where are you, okay, wait for me."

Qin Mu is furious now.

Nan Qi told him that those gangsters had collected money, and the other party had named and intercepted a woman on the main road, and it was not as simple as beating up. The other party found six gangsters and said that they would pay another 5 yuan after they raped Yang Yang.

If it hadn't been discovered by the security guards in a nearby community, then Yang Yang lying in the hospital really had more than just a skin trauma.

It can only be said that she is very lucky!
When he arrived at the studio, Mu Tianyang walked towards him with his pocket in his pocket, "What kind of wind brought you here..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Mu punched him, and Mu Tianyang was completely unprepared, and hit the wall all at once.

The assistant next to him, Xiao Wen, murmured in shock.

Qin Mu pressed him against the wall with a cold face, his arms resting firmly on his neck.

Mu Tianyang coughed twice and glared at him, "Why are you crazy, don't think I dare not beat you!"

Qin Mu sneered, stared at him and said, "Do you know that Yang Yang is hospitalized?"

Mu Tianyang was taken aback.

"Yesterday, she was beaten by a group of gangsters on the way home. If the nearby security guards didn't find out, do you know what would happen to her? Mu Tianyang, it doesn't matter if you are alone, don't let those women of yours provoke the people around Tong Sisi , as a brother, that's all I can say, and I can figure it out." Qin Mu let go of him, straightened his clothes and turned to leave.

Mu Tianyang swallowed against the wall, slammed his head against the wall forcefully, cursed, and then rushed into the parking lot with a sullen face.

Driving outside a company, he waited in the car after making a phone call.

Not long after, a woman with gorgeous makeup opened his car door and sat up.

"Brother Yang, why do you have time to ask me out during the day?" Liu Xue ecstatically got into the car and hugged his arm.

"Let go."

"...Brother Yang"

Mu Tianyang shot over coldly, "I let you go!"

Just as Liu Xue let go, Mu Tianyang grabbed her by the neck, "Did you ask someone to beat Yang Yang?"

"Brother Yang, what are you talking about, I don't know Yang Yang..."

"Still lying!" Mu Tian raised his hands tightly, Liu Xue couldn't breathe immediately, and he said coldly, "For the sake of the past, I will let you go this time, but don't let me see you in City A in the future. get out."

After speaking, he let go of his hand in disgust.

Liu Xue nodded in short breaths, pushed the car door tremblingly and fell down.

Then the car drove past her.

(End of this chapter)

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