Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 169 I am so flattering you

Chapter 169 I am so flattering you
When the frivolous and unruly young master Mu has ever been humiliated by a woman, he really gave this woman too much face.

He was also angry, and stood up sullenly, "You have really changed. You were very gentle before, but you have been pretending in front of me."

"Get out!" Yang Yang couldn't help trembling.

Mu Tianyang glanced at the money on the ground indifferently, took out his pockets and stepped over, leaving the ward.

As the door closed, Yang Yang, who was lying on the bed and unable to get up, shed tears silently.

They hadn't been together for a long time, and at first they said they couldn't fall in love, but feelings are something that people can't predict, just like they didn't expect that Mu Tianyang's words and actions could break her heart.

When Mother Yang came back, she was shocked when she saw so much money on the ground, "Yangyang, who has been here?"

"It wasn't someone who came here. Mom, you put the money in a card and send it to an address for me."

Yang's mother called Yang's father, and then took the address and money to Qin Huang's company, looking for Tong Sisi.

Tong Sisi is considered a figure in the company. Although this character's reputation is not very good, but when Mother Yang mentioned her name, the front desk has a kind heart. Made a phone call.

It just so happened that Zhang Xiaoxiao answered the call.

"An aunt on the first floor of Tong Sisi is looking for you, go down and have a look."

Tong Sisi looked at her with that kind of look, "Zhang Xiaoxiao, you're doing this again, do you think I'll fall for your tricks again?" With lessons learned from the past, Miss Tong's mind became more flexible.

Zhang Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, picked up the landline on her desk and called to the first floor, then put the phone next to her ear and said "If you don't believe me, ask yourself" and left.

She grabbed the phone and looked at Zhang Xiaoxiao's tall back very strangely, a little bit lost.

It's so hot, Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't run on her, but she didn't feel used to it!
She ran downstairs and saw Yang's mother standing at the front desk a little bit tied up.

"Auntie, why are you here?"

"Sisi, come here, I have something to tell you." Mother Yang pulled her aside, and then carefully pulled the bag in her arms to reveal a huge amount of cash inside.

She was surprised, "Auntie, where did you come from!"

"I don't know either. The girl Yangyang refused to tell me, but I'm worried about what's going on here. She asked me to deposit the money in the card and send it to this address. Sisi, do you know this place?"

Tong Sisi knew who it was when she saw the address on the paper, and she couldn't help but feel a fire in her heart.

She said, "I know who sent the money. Auntie, please give me the money, and I will pay it back. There is also the matter of the VIP ward, you and uncle, don't worry about it. I will call my friend later and return the ward." That's it."

"Okay, then Auntie will trouble you again."

"Look at what my aunt said, you watched me grow up, you and my uncle are the closest people besides my mother, and I plan to take care of you with Yang Yang in the future."

Mother Yang was laughed at by her, and then left in peace.

Holding the 10 yuan, Tong Sisi's expression turned ugly, and she turned around and got on the elevator regardless of the strange eyes of the two women behind the front desk.

Then I made a phone call, "I have something I want to talk to you about."

"I'll ask Xiao Cheng to pick you up."

Pick her up?Tong Sisi was taken aback: Is he not in the company?

As soon as she returned to the office, someone from above came to her, "Which one is Tong Sisi?"

"I am the manager." She raised her hand.

"Go downstairs and do me a favor," he said and left.

The Tong girl was stunned, motherfucking is downstairs again!

But before she could think about anything, the phone dialed an unfamiliar number.


"Miss Tong, I'm Xiao Cheng, I'll be waiting for you downstairs."

"Okay." She immediately thought that the manager who asked her to do a favor downstairs was probably just a cover for her to leave suddenly.

Without any worries, she went downstairs and got into Xiao Cheng's car, and Xiao Cheng took her to the place where she ate barbecue last time without asking any questions.

Xiao Cheng said, "Miss Tong's boss is negotiating a contract with a foreign client nearby, and will come here to have dinner with you after the work is over."

"Okay, I know, if you have something to do, go and do it first."

"That Miss Tong, I'll go first."

When Xiao Cheng left, she looked for Liu Yi on WeChat with her head down.

Miss Tong: Are you busy, sister? I want to trouble you with a little matter.

Years are like a butcher's knife: Yesterday, sisters, there is no need to say that our relationship is troublesome.

Miss Tong: A caesarean section woman died for a week in the hospital. Her name is Gu He. The time limit for her to stay in the world has come. Can you please let her go home to see her parents? child.

There was no reply for a long time, and after waiting for a while, the pig-killing knife went online: I just went to find the ferryman in charge of your area, shit, he made me look arrogant, he said that there is no way to accommodate business, and he is very special Tell me so seriously, if every soul wants to stay in the world for a longer period of time, then the order will be messed up, and then I will bring up the name of Ninth Brother, guess what?He said: If you want to say that, you can.

Tong Sisi: ( ̄ェ ̄;)
She lay on the table with her phone in her arms until her stomach ached from laughing: Oh, let me go, how can these ferrymen who have a cup of loess in the human world be so funny!
At this time the door opened, she straightened up immediately, and was pleasantly surprised when she saw the person coming in, "Shenguang is you, I want to thank you for what happened that day."

Shen Guang said calmly, "No, I just came to see if you are dead or not."

"..." Tong Sisi had a good time thinking: Upright young man, how about making a detour?
What the hell does your mother know about talking in society like this!
He said nothing more, Tong Sisi glared at him, "I've seen everything, and I'm still not leaving."

"It's my job to be here."


alright, you win.

I didn't even bother talking to Qin Mu!
Tong Sisi lowered her head in annoyance and ignored him, but Shen Guang started to serve the dishes before waiting for a while.

"Huh? Someone hasn't come yet..." She was stunned as soon as she raised her head. Qin Mu was sitting opposite her, tapping the table with her fingers little by little, looking at her leisurely.

His coat was draped over the chair, and it seemed that he had been here for a while.

She didn't notice it at all.

This is embarrassing, "Hehe, when did you come?"

"Not much." Qin Mu held up the phone to her. "Just 13 minutes."

"..." Hey buddy, it's boring to be serious!

If you want anything from someone, you have to ask for a dog leg. Tong Sisi gave him barbecue and dipped it in sauce, thinking that with Qin Mu's smart mind, he must know the phrase "nothing to show affection", so she waited and waited patiently Waiting for him to ask himself what happened.


After waiting for a meal, Qin Mu didn't even ask, but was addicted to being served by her.

"Pour me a glass of water." As soon as he opened his mouth, Tong Sisi picked up the teapot.

Suddenly stunned, put it down angrily, "I won't do it, I've already flattered you so much, so you can't ask me what happened!"

"I thought it was you who didn't want to say it." Qin Mu came up with a trick to carry on pretending to be stupid to the end, which made her speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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