Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 181 She Is Rat, Not Ox, So She Never Eats Grass

Chapter 181 She Is Rat, Not Ox, So She Never Eats Grass
Seeing her coming, Aunt Li got up, "Why did you come here? Why are you a daughter? How could you leave your mother at home so late? If it wasn't for me, I just happened to go to your neighbor's house and saw that your door was open. I took a look inside, maybe your mother is really dead, I didn't go to the night shift after waiting for you for so long, and I paid for the medicine, remember to give it to me."

Tong Sisi cared about her mother wholeheartedly, and was very annoyed by Aunt Li's nagging, so she opened the bag directly, "How much does it cost?"

"The medicine costs [-], I didn't catch up with overtime..."

She took out [-] claps and put them in Aunt Li's hand, "This is enough, thank you for sending my mother here."

Aunt Li looked at the shabby two hundred in her hand, muttered in her mouth but didn't ask for any more, took the money and left directly.

Tong Sisi hurried to the bedside, looking at her mother's pale face, she regretted why she was so capricious and why she had to leave!

The nurse came over, "You are Ms. Tong's daughter. Don't worry, my aunt just has a little high blood pressure. I just took some medicine and she will fall asleep. The clinic is on duty 24 hours a day. You can wait for my aunt to wake up before leaving, or you can go now." Wake up people."

"Wait a minute."

"Okay, let's pay for the medicine."

Tong Sisi raised her head in surprise, "Didn't someone just get married and pay 80 yuan back?"

The nurse was even more surprised, "How is that possible! The receipt is still here. Besides, it costs 80 yuan for a tablet of antihypertensive medicine. No matter how much it is, it's just a blood pressure measurement."

"..." Tong Sisi immediately knew that she had been cheated!

Fuck!It's really next door to Nimaga!
"It's two dollars and five."

"..." This number seemed to be mocking her IQ.

Tong Sisi didn't get a dime in the bag, and then remembered that Aunt Li had cheated her of the last two hundred, so she had to ask the nurse to wait to get Mama Tong's bag.Fortunately, Aunt Li didn't do too much and didn't put her hand into her mother's bag.

She pulled out a five-dollar bill and gave it to the nurse, who gave the change and walked away.

When Tong Sisi was about to put the change into the bag, she suddenly saw a classic red wedding sticker in the side pocket.

Her family knows very few friends, and whoever gets married sends wedding stickers
She opened it out of curiosity, but the two names above directly made her shocked brain go blank.

The man Qin Mu, the woman Yu Jiaxin, and Yu...

Unable to look at the rest anymore, Tong Sisi stared at the man's name for a long time, and even her breathing became unknowingly disordered.

She suddenly remembered that Mrs. Qin had said that Qin Mu was about to get engaged, but she chose to believe in Qin Mu at that time, and believed that her feelings for Qin Mu were not that deep.But now that the iron-like facts were in front of her eyes, Tong Sisi immediately didn't know what to do with her, and her heart became flustered.

Today is different from the past, she can no longer confidently say that the relationship between herself and Qin Mu is clean and innocent.

"You saw it." Tong's mother opened her eyes for a long time, sat up with a sigh, and felt very distressed when she saw her daughter's lost soul.

"I knew there would be today, so I told you that Qin Mu is not someone you can trust. That's why I let you break up." Tong Ma gently held her head and patted "Are you Mom and Dad’s baby, it hurts me to slap myself, how could I send you to a family that eats people and doesn’t spit out bones to be wronged, you have always been obedient and sensible, and I rarely worry about it. Sort out reality, and love."

Tong Sisi bit her lip, trying not to let the tears fall from her eyes, and hugged her mother tightly, without saying a word.



Coming out of her mother's room, Tong Sisi plunged into the room to call Qin Mu. She likes to have fun with some things.

It's not that she hasn't been in a relationship, she hasn't been hurt, and she hasn't been dumped once or twice. Tong Sisi has long learned to regard this kind of sadness as a kind of growth, a kind of cruel growth!

Listening to the long beep on the phone, it was like her flustered heartbeat now.

"Hello." Finally, when the phone was about to hang up, Qin Mu answered it, but his voice today was a little dull and cold.

Tong Sisi's heart sank again.

She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Give me 10 minutes, I have something to tell you."

"I'm a little busy right now, let's try another day." Du...

Hang up, so straightforward.

Tong Sisi took away the phone, tears rolled in her eyes, and suddenly found that everything around her was quiet, and she couldn't even hear her own heartbeat.

She remembered such a sentence.

People who love you are on the way, people who miss you are not busy day and night...

Just as the tears fell from her eyes, she slapped herself on the ground, "Tong Sisi, look at you, you are so cheap, you have plenty of men, don't tell me you have to fall in love with each other once you sleep, let's play!"

Sleeping once is called being confused, and sleeping twice is called turning heads, but she is a rat and not a cow, so she never eats grass!

With a crown in my heart, even if I bow my head, it won't fall off.

So what wealthy family, what Qin family, what Qin Mu all disappeared!

Tong Sisi has already planned to go to the company to resign tomorrow after a good night's sleep. I believe many people would like her to leave as soon as possible, and maybe they will give her a good salary.

at home.

Qin Mu watched for a while, then suddenly stood up.

The harmonious atmosphere of the conversation stopped when he got up suddenly.

The Qin family couple and the Yu family couple looked at him in puzzlement

Yu Jiaxin asked softly, "Brother Qin Mu, what's wrong with you, is there something wrong with the arrangement on the day of engagement?"

Mother Yu patted her forehead and said with a smile, "Look, we're so busy and confused. This is a happy event for the young unmarried couple. We're so excited about choosing things that we don't ask Qin Mu's request..."

"No, it's up to you to decide." He said blankly, "I'm going on a business trip tomorrow morning, so I'll go back and pack my luggage first."

After finishing speaking, he didn't even look at how ugly Father Qin's face was, and left Yu Zhai with his long legs out of his pocket.

Yu Jiaxin also quickly followed out.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Father Yu said, "Look, old chief..."

"The arrangements are almost done. Tomorrow I will have people distribute the wedding stickers, and my Qin family will take care of the rest." After speaking, Qin's father stood up and left with a cold face, and Qin's mother had no choice but to leave.

After the Yu couple sent them to the car and left, they saw their daughter walking back alone.

"Baby, have you caught up with Qin Mu?"

Qin's father glanced at his wife, "Do you think she looks like she got what she wanted?"

Yu Jiaxin chopped off her foot angrily, and gritted her teeth, "It must be the call he just answered! Who has business at this late hour!"

Not to mention that Brother Qin Mu never talks about business at night!
It must be Tong Sisi again!
She went back to the house and made a phone call, "Xue Shuai, please check Brother Qin Mu's phone call just now, and find out who is calling."

After a while, Xue Shuai told her that he couldn't find it. Qin Mu's call records were banned, and all the numbers he found were 10086.

(End of this chapter)

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