Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 183 What I Can't Do Is Not a Job

Chapter 183 What I Can't Do Is Not a Job

The Yu family is gloomy at the moment, Yu Chang'en thought about it and thought about it, but he didn't think that he would offend Qin Mu in any way!

Seeing that the company is going from bad to worse, the company is also in panic. The employees are afraid that their jobs will not be guaranteed. Some people have already started planning for the next one to make a living, and the number of people reported by the secretary has exceeded Yu Changen's expectations.

Yu Changen angrily dropped the document, "These bastards! They are not treated badly on weekdays, and the company takes bonuses to support them in the off-season. Now when something happens to the company, everyone wants to change jobs! Now you can tell those people that they want to change jobs. Pay the compensation in the labor contract before leaving!"

The secretary nodded and went out.

Yu Changen was also very angry, if these old employees of the company left, the Yu family would really be doomed.

He didn't expect Qin Mu to be so ruthless, and at least he had a solid background in the company that had been in operation for decades, but Qin Mu said that it only took two or three days of hard work!

In the past three days, Yu Chang'en came to Qin Huang to look for Qin Mu again and again, but it was either an excuse that the president was in a meeting or he was on a business trip.

Yu Jiaxin has always ignored the company's affairs, but later it really caused a big trouble. Someone in the circle asked her if her family was okay, and Yu Jiaxin only found out.

As soon as she got home in a hurry, she asked, "What the hell is going on, where is my dad?"

Yu's mother said, "Your father is still in the company now. Xinxin, did you provoke Qin Mu? Otherwise, why would he suppress your father's company regardless of the friendship between the two for so many years?"

Yu Jiaxin had something on her mind, it must be because of that bitch Tong Sisi!

"Mom, have you ever been to the Qin family's old house?"


Yu Jiaxin jumped anxiously, "Why are you so stupid! Even if Uncle Qin doesn't care about the company anymore, he is still Qin Huang's biggest chairman and has the power to make decisions! Tell Dad to go to Uncle Qin immediately, Uncle Qin will definitely He won't disregard our life and death, my dad is his old subordinate!"

Yu's mother slapped her head, "Why didn't we think of it, my Xinxin is the smartest, I'll call your dad right away!"



Qin's father didn't expect Qin Mu to play so well. At first, he thought that he was seeking more business opportunities for Qin Huang. It's normal, but as soon as Yu Changen found Father Qin, he finally realized that this brat is really playing big!

Xiao Cheng hurried into the president's room.

"Boss Qin Lao is here."

Qin Mu raised his head from the computer. He didn't rest all night, and his complexion was a little bad.

Qin's father came in and walked directly in front of him, and slapped the table heavily, angrily.

Qin Mu raised his eyebrows, "What kind of wind brought the old man who couldn't join the company here."

What kind of 'wind' is this, everyone knows it well.

Qin's father snorted, "Don't make fun of me, you bastard! You did the Yu family, why?"

"No reason, it doesn't look pleasing to the eye." Qin Mu turned the chair, and continued to jump on the keyboard with his fingers, completely ignoring his father.

Qin's father already knew what he had given birth to, and there is no better way to know a child than a father.

Father Qin's eyes were shrewd, and he smiled sullenly, "Don't think that I don't know if you don't say anything, you were born by me, and I know exactly what your virtues are, Qin Mu, you sound like a woman who wants to come into our house, how about you?" It means that the family is well-matched, or that I have the ability to make the gap between families well-matched, otherwise everything is out of the question! Men, you can be more dissolute, but I don’t want your children to be affectionate, and the illusory things of love will make people uncomfortable. Changjin, if that woman Tong Sisi can make you change, then I will definitely get rid of her, why do I insist on you marrying Yu Jiaxin, is it true that Yu’s small family is right with my Qin family?”

Qin Mu's eyes were still locked on the computer screen, as if he didn't listen at all.

Qin's father doesn't care, "It's because you don't like Yu Jiaxin's child that I will definitely let you marry her. Women are optional. If there is no one, there will be another one. A suitable wife is only used to give birth to children in a fair manner." Heir. I told you these things since I was a child, but you didn't listen, and you insisted on having that girlfriend in college, and that child died before I could do anything."

With a creak, the chair slid, Qin Mu stood up abruptly, his gray eyes were filled with icicles, staring at Father Qin angrily.

Qin's father raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter, do you still want to get rough with your father?"

Qin Mu said in a low voice, "Xiao Cheng, see off the guests."

Being named, Xiao Cheng silently lit the wax for himself, hoping that next year someone would remember his death day.

"Old Qin... this way please."

Father Qin glanced at Xiao Cheng, and Xiao Cheng froze all over.

This look of being 'cared for' is not good at all.

Before leaving, Qin's father stopped and said, "Don't worry about it, no matter what, the Qin and Yu families will marry, so as not to spread the reputation of my Qin family as cold-blooded and ruthless."

After saying that Father Qin finally left, Xiao Cheng hurriedly closed the door for Mr. Boss.

Qin Mu sat back on the leather chair, closed his eyes and tried to calm down, but couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly.

Some things are destined to be regretted in a lifetime, and some people are destined to be unforgettable in a lifetime.

Just like first love.

Goodbye to the sun, Tong Sisi's eyes felt very uncomfortable, and everything she saw was a bit fake.

I wrote a resignation letter at the typing agency, put it in my bag, and came to Qin Huang. She didn't go to work for several days and didn't ask for leave. It was only when she returned to the financial office that she realized that she had changed the manager. Zheng Xiaoxiao told her the new manager. The manager came back from the United States. His name is Alan. He is a very funny and easy-to-associate man.

"Sister Sisi, what have you been doing these days? Why didn't you even ask for leave?" Zheng Xiaoxiao was surprised when she saw the envelope in her hand, "Are you going to resign!?"

The voice was a bit loud, and other colleagues in the office cast their gazes, including Zhang Xiaoxiao, who looked at Tong Sisi with complicated and struggling eyes.

"Why did you resign? You managed to get Yu Jiaxin away. Qin Huang's salary is so good. Where can you find a job with a high salary?"

Tong Sisi is happy that Zheng Xiaoxiao is a rare friend in the company who cares about her.

She patted Zheng Xiaoxiao on the shoulder, "Everyone has their own aspirations. I don't think I'm suitable for this job or the environment here. I might have to go back to my hometown to study."

Zheng Xiaoxiao didn't speak anymore. Tong Sisi's reputation and popularity in the company are obvious to all. It is really not easy to work in such an environment for several months.
Tong Sisi walked towards the manager's office after talking to her.

Alan is indeed a nice guy who is very communicative and funny.

Allen looked at the resignation letter and looked at her squarely, "Are you sure you want to resign? You can seriously think about it again and don't act rashly. I will treat it as confiscated."

He pressed the letter with a book, which made Tong Sisi laugh.

"The manager, I have already decided, please approve it."

Tong Sisi knew that what she was incapable of was not the job, but Qin Mu. It wasn't that she couldn't face a person in bed every day, but that she had nothing to say when they faced each other.

Allen signed when she saw her insistence, and watched her walk out with her back straight.

Chic and handsome.

Allen couldn't help whistling, and reached out to pick up the landline on the table...

(End of this chapter)

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