Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 191 How Can You Be So Shameless

Chapter 191 How Can You Be So Shameless
Qin's mother was nervous, "Then what should I do?"

Second Aunt Yu raised her hand, "Don't panic, it's not easy to become an evil spirit, I'll study it carefully."

"That would be troublesome."

Second Aunt Yu suddenly said, "Did my Jiaxin cause Qin Mu some trouble recently? Didn't she go to work in Qin Huang before? Why didn't she come back in a few days and couldn't talk about it?"

When she heard that she was here to inquire about the crime, Mother Qin quickly said, "I really like Jiaxin, but if she is suitable as a daughter-in-law, she may not be suitable for a job. Although Jiaxin is a high-achieving student, she has no experience after all. Qin Huang has many properties. There is no room for mistakes in the expenditure of the finance department. Besides, she can't manage such a large department with a girl. After Manager Zhang left, the position has been vacant. Experienced Jiaxin is also afraid of making a mistake, so he hired someone from abroad with a high salary, but the position of deputy manager is still Jiaxin's, so don't worry, it doesn't matter whether you work or not when I am the young lady of the Qin family."

"That's right, I agree with you. I told Jiaxin's mother a long time ago that girls don't need to show their faces, and they can't lack their money." Knowing the situation, Second Aunt Yu got up, "Okay, I'll do it first." Go back and study it, or find a way to lure this wraith out and catch it."

Qin's mother also got up and called the butler to see off the guests.

Qin's mother snorted, "You still ran to my Qin family to Xingshi to inquire about the crime."

"What's the matter, Mom." Qin Tianai came back with the butler, and she hugged Mother Qin's arm.

Qin's mother nodded her head and said, "Don't ask children about adults."

"I'm in my twenties!"

"But you will always be a child in your mother's eyes."

Qin Tianai snorted twice and leaned on Qin's mother, but saw the butler still standing beside her.

"Is there anything else, Uncle Qin?"

The butler glanced at Qin's mother, and seeing that Qin's mother had no objection, he took out a note with several addresses and phone numbers written on it.

Qin Tianai snatched it over, "What is this, Uncle Qin."

Butler Qin said, "This is where Ms. Tong went today and the people she contacted. One is the business office of Fenghuang Community, and the other is a girl named Jiang Xiaomei."

Mother Qin let the butler go down first after she said grace.

Qin Tianai asked in surprise, "Mom, why are you investigating Tong Sisi?"

Qin's mother said, "Her mother has already charged me a sum of money and still let her daughter chase after your brother. Of course, I want to fully understand what kind of person Tong Sisi is in private, and how she can be so shameless." After finishing speaking Qin's mother took the note away from her hand and said, "Okay, you can go upstairs."

"Oh good." Qin Tian'ai went upstairs and closed the door, then called and told Yu Jiaxin the address of an apartment he had written down.

Yu Jiaxin frowned, "Why is this address so familiar, but it must be no good for Tong Sisi to go there suddenly, I have to ask Xue Shuai to check it for me, and hang up first."

Qin Tianai looked at the phone that was hung up, and threw herself onto the bed with a grunt.

…Tong Sisi handed over her mobile phone to the police, made some notes and left from the police station.

But as soon as she left, someone called Yu's house.

Yu's mother was terrified when she received a call from the police station's internal line, and hurried to her company by car to find Yu's father.

Unexpectedly, the police had already arrived at the company, and Yu's father entertained him in the office for a long time.

When Yu's father saw his wife coming, he became angry, "What's going on! Where is Yu Jiaxin, call that damn girl!"

Yu's mother defended her shortcomings, "I don't know, what's going on with the police comrades, what happened to Xinxin in my family?"

"Madam Yu, we suspect that Qianyuan is related to the murder case that was not closed a year ago, and we want to ask her to go to the police station to make a statement..."

Before the criminal police could finish speaking, Yu's mother said in a sharp voice, "Impossible, how could my Xinxin, a lady of great family, have something to do with the murder case, did you make a mistake!"

The criminal policeman was embarrassed, "We are just suspicious, so we just asked Qianyuan to go to the police station to make a statement. If there is no problem, she will come back soon. We are also business-like, please Mrs. Yu don't make things difficult for us."

Father Yu pressed his hands, "Wait a minute."

Father Yu went back to his desk, wrote a check, and sent it to the two criminal policemen.
"Boss Yu, this is..." The eyes of the two detectives lit up, and their hearts moved, but it was difficult to take it.

Father Yu naturally understood, he stuffed the check into their hands with his backhand, and patted "You see, we businessmen are busy every day, and we have no time to worry about our wife and children at home. I am just such a precious daughter. Even if I just go to the police The bureau made a record, but it would be bad if outsiders found out, and I won’t be able to show my face in the mall in the future, not to mention that my little daughter will be engaged to Qin Huang’s CEO soon, if this stall gets out Such a matter is not explained to the in-laws."

The word "Qin's family" made the detective's heart skip a beat, and he hurriedly said to his companion, "Look, this is a big deal, Mr. Yu has already finished his record today, and Qianjin has nothing to do, so we won't bother you."

Yu's father hurriedly asked his assistant to see the guests off, then turned around and raged at his mother, "Hurry up and tell your daughter to get out of here! You are getting more and more courageous, you dare to break into any trouble!"

Yu's mother said, "You don't want to get so angry with Xinxin without knowing everything. I'll tell her to come back, but you are not allowed to get angry with her, otherwise I won't make this call."

"You...you can do it, hurry up and call."

Mother Yu called when she saw that he was really angry.

Not long after Yu Jiaxin came to the company, Yu's mother talked about what happened just now in a good voice.

Yu Jiaxin stood up suddenly, and said ah, "I remember, I said, why is that address so familiar! It's the apartment of that bitch named Jiang Meimei."

When Father Yu heard this, he grabbed the photo frame on the table and threw it over, "This matter really has something to do with you, do you want to rebel!"

Yu's father wanted to go forward, but Yu's mother stopped him, "I think you want to rebel, so you can't listen to your daughter, sit down!"

Yu's mother pressed hard to control Yu's father on the swivel chair.

Yu Jiaxin sat down on the sofa and said without repentance, "Can you blame me? Who let that bitch who was used to death hold me, brother Qin Mu? You don't know how cheap she is. If she is a little bit pretty, she will show her head in front of my brother Qin Mu, and I will tell her well who is to blame if she doesn't listen to her."

"So you killed her." Father Yu asked, suppressing his anger.

"I didn't kill her, I just locked her in the elevator, and when she was about to die, I scratched her face a few times. I didn't know that she would die inside..."

"You still said that you didn't kill the man!" Yu's father got up angrily and wanted to rush over, but Yu's mother hugged him quickly from behind, and then said to Jiaxin, "Xinxin, you go, I will tell your father the rest."

Yu Jiaxin stomped her feet with a stinky face, "Anyway, I will deal with this matter, so you don't have to worry about it, Dad."

After speaking, he quickly grabbed the bag and left.

(End of this chapter)

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