Chapter 196
Yang Yang came to Mu Tianyang's house carrying a small suitcase.

When she rang the doorbell, a hot and high-jumping beauty came out. She immediately recognized the woman as supermodel Gao Xiaojie.

Gao Xiaojie just glanced at her and walked past her.

Yang Yang had also been Mu Tianyang's woman before, and he understood as well as these women who fell in love with him. Mu Tianyang, he doesn't like women fighting each other, and he can be generous if he is sensible.

"Here we come." Mu Tianyang stood in the stairwell with a towel around his waist, looked at her, and said, "Close the door, and come up with your luggage."

Yang Yang didn't say anything, took off his shoes before closing the door, and walked up with bare heels.

She knew very well that once she walked into this house by herself, all she could leave in the coming year was her dignity.

Mu Tianyang has changed clothes quickly, and took her to the room next to the master bedroom, "This is the room you want to live in, and this agreement has been signed."

Yang Yang raised his head and stared at him closely, "What does this mean?"

"Don't worry about what it means, after signing, I will immediately go to the police station to bring her out."

"Okay, I'll sign!" Yang Yang pulled out the document, signed his name with stiff fingers, and threw it to him.

With this bad attitude, Mu Tianyang temporarily let her go, but as a contractual partner, he has no chance to shake his face again.

...Mu Tianyang drove directly to the director's office, but the police outside didn't even stop him.

"Hey, Mr. Mu..." The director quickly got up when he saw the person who opened the door, "Mr. Mu is so busy, why do you have time to come to the bureau?"

Mu Tianyang sat down directly on the sofa, and took the tea handed by the director.

"Mr. Mu, I only have a cup of bad tea here, so don't dislike it."

"Don't bother, I have a friend who has been taken to your bureau, I'm here to fish."

The director patted his leg, "Ah! There must be a misunderstanding here. Mr. Mu, what is your friend's name? I'll have someone bring him out."

When Mu Tianyang said Tong Sisi's name, he found that the director's expression changed instantly.

With an abnormal expression, he said, "Mr. Mu, your friend, I really can't do anything about it. She really committed a crime..."

"Fart!" Before the director finished speaking, Mu Tianyang slapped the short plane with his big hand, glaring at me, "Don't talk about such useless things to me, you have done a lot of this kind of thing, why don't you usually see someone?" You remember the black veil on your head, so just tell me whether you want to let him go or not!"

"Mr. Mu Mu, this... just this Tong Sisi will definitely not work." The director is also very embarrassed, but no matter how difficult it is, he still has to remember the words of the Yu Jiang family. Besides, the Yu family is going to marry the Qin family, and there is a big Buddha like Qin Mu. Who dares to move at home.

"You have guts!" Mu Tianyang got up with a cold face and left, leaving behind the chief who was about to send him off.

The secretary came in from the outside and said, "Who is this chief, he is so arrogant that he simply doesn't take you, the chief of police, seriously."

"Mu Tianyang, who has suddenly risen in City A, has a lot of money and is a capable person. The important thing is that he has a strong relationship with Qin Huang's president, Qin Mu. If it's not because of the Yu family, I don't want to offend such a person."

Mu Tianyang came out of the police station after eating a meal. Looking back at the director's expression, the first thing he thought of was that the identity of the manipulator behind him made the director more afraid than him. Who can't be offended more than him?
And who is it that mobilizes the crowd to deal with such a small person like Tong Sisi?
"Could it be the Yu family?" The only thing he thought of as he knocked on the steering wheel was Yu Jiaxin.

For Young Master Mu who likes flowers, he knows exactly what it means for women to be jealous!
The 44th floor of Qin Huang.

When Xiao Cheng came back, he saw Mu Tianyang sitting in the president's outdoor reception area, and walked over in surprise, "Young Master Mu, why are you here? My boss is on a business trip."

Mu Tianyang's eyes widened, "Fuck me, I'll go to him for something in my lifetime, but he's actually on a business trip?"

"Where did he go and when will he come back?"

"America, it's supposed to take another four days to come back. Young Master Mu, if you have anything to do, you can call the boss."

"Do you think I don't want to fight? I did, but no one answered!" Mu Tianyang wanted to jump, waiting for the boss to come back for four days, wondering if he could catch Tong Sisi's body in time!
Xiao Cheng said, "The boss didn't bring his personal mobile phone, let me call the business number for you."

"Then hurry up!" Mu Tianyang glared at him.

When Xiao Cheng called from the secretariat's landline, Qin Mu was in a meeting with Wai Guoren, and took Qin Huang to enter the Nth authorized cooperation company in the United States. Originally, this kind of cooperation was negotiated by the US side in Market A. Qin Mu wanted to avoid a certain woman in city A and let him think about it. He didn't bring his personal mobile phone, and his business mobile phone was only known to Xiao Cheng and a few important customers, and none of his relatives and friends, so when a big event happened in city A, he was the only one Xiao Cheng who was able to contact him also lost contact with him.

The meeting ended, and the cooperation with the US side was also negotiated. Qin Mu rejected the dinner invitation from the US company on the grounds of vacation.

Before leaving, Boss Dunya held Qin Mu's hand and spoke fluent Chinese, "Boss Qin is young and promising, I don't know if he is married."

Qin Mu glanced lightly at the fashionable woman who was following him, and said distantly, "I'm going to get engaged soon, come to City A when I have time, and I'll entertain you."

"I have a fiancée, then Boss Qin's fiancée must be a great beauty, and I will definitely bring a gift to the wedding ceremony." Boss Dunya was a little disappointed, but thinking about how it is possible for a man like Qin Mu not to have a woman.

It's a pity that he wanted to send a daughter, but he couldn't.

Back at the hotel, Qin Mu took a shower and sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows waiting for dinner. He has been here for the past few days, and he doesn't want to see the nightlife in the United States at all.

He just felt that when he walked out of the hotel, he would be surrounded by a very upset mood.

Later, he couldn't sleep at night, and he thought about what this emotion was called.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that he missed Tong Sisi, maybe because of her body, but definitely not her.

He took a deep breath, took the phone and turned it on, and saw that there were two missed calls from different numbers, but he didn't know the two numbers, so he threw the phone aside and went to customer service Open the door and go to dinner.

...Fan Fan was transferred to the Criminal Police Brigade to serve as the squad leader because of Qin Mu's relationship. Tonight, he was serving as a substitute. When he was patrolling the detention center according to the regulations, suddenly a dark wind blew through the corridor behind him.

Fan Fan's back stiffened, and he was inexplicably reminded of the scene that happened in Longtan Village.

He had the courage to turn around and look, hoping in his heart that he hadn't encountered a ghost again. He couldn't see ghosts like Miss Tong, and Miss Tong, who was physically capable of attracting ghosts, was not here, so everything was his wishful thinking. Come on!

It's just that the moment he turned his head, the fortune tree placed in the corridor fell to the ground with a bang...

(End of this chapter)

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