Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 199 The Boyfriend Has Someone Else

Chapter 199 The Boyfriend Has Someone Else

"What are you looking at?"

"It's okay." Mu Tianyang looked at her and said, "You can bear with it for a few more days, you can go out when you contact Brother Mu or when he returns to China."

"No need!" Tong Sisi looked at him coldly, "I don't want to know anything about him, so don't come here again!"

Mu Tianyang hehe, said sarcastically, "You really take yourself seriously, do you think I came here for no reason to see that you are full, and I am so easy to please move without any price."

There was something in the words, Tong Sisi suddenly widened her eyes, "What did you do to Yang Yang!"

"What can I do?" he asked
Tong Sisi went crazy, got up and grabbed his collar, Mu Tianyang was startled.

Can you recover from this injury?

He really ignored how tough women are...

"Mu Tianyang, let me tell you! If you dare to do anything to Yang Yang, I will never let you go!" She let go, "Get out!"

Mu Tianyang smoothed his clothes, and said angrily, "You are a shrew, no wonder you can't get into the eyes of the Qin family."

Tong Si wanted to hit someone, looking for something, suddenly saw the bed board, stepped on it last time, and then stretched out his hand to pull it out...

Mu Tianyang took a step back in shock, "Hold on! What are you doing!"

It was the first time he saw someone break off a bed board so abruptly, and this person was an injured woman...

Tong Sisi held the bed board with both hands and walked towards him with squinted eyes, "If you don't leave, I will send you away."

"Tong Sisi counts on you!" Mu Tianyang immediately backed out when she called, and asked the people waiting outside to lock the door.

Turning around, he glared at the director, "You didn't see anything."

"It's Mr. Mu, I didn't see anything." The director responded, but his heart was already shaken.

But once again, I'm sure that the woman inside is really not simple, she can force a character like Mu Tianyang to surrender, tsk tsk...

After sending Young Master Mu away, the director hurried back to call out the people in the institute.

He looked at "Where's Fan Fan?"

"It was still there just now, maybe it went to the toilet."

The director said, "Then wait for him to come back and you can tell me that Tong Sisi who is locked up inside will be taken care of by me from now on, if not, please call a doctor."

"Then if Yu's family calls..."

The director glared, "Aren't you stupid! If you don't know how to learn to be flexible, the Yu family can still come and follow them in person! Let's all be safe now, let's wait and see what happens."

The director's thinking is very simple: Since no one can offend anyone, then wait for them to finish their fight and choose the strongest one to rely on.

So right now Tong Sisi can't move anymore.

Tong Sisi had a good life without knowing it.

……United States.

Qin Muwo was playing the king on the balcony of the hotel, and when he was doing pentakill, a phone call came in...

"Lie down..." He answered with a fierce look, "Tell me quickly!"

"Uh...President Qin."

Qin Mu took the phone away and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, but then thought that it was his business number, and all the calls were from business contacts or famous bosses.

But he seemed a little too domineering just now...

Put the phone back to your ear, pretend nothing happened, "Hi, I'm Qin Mu."

There was a pleasant surprise on the phone, "Great, Mr. Qin, you finally answered the phone. I'm Fan Fan. Do you remember me? You gave me your business card..."

Qin Boss's memory is also targeted, and he has an impression of Fan Fan.

It's just that Fan Fan didn't expect to call until this evening.

"What do you need." Qin Mu attached great importance to his promise.

Fan Fan knew that he had misunderstood as soon as he heard it, and quickly explained, "President Qin, I have already been transferred to City A as the captain of the criminal police team thanks to your blessing. Ask, what is your relationship with Miss Tong, she has been detained for several days now and has suffered a lot..."

"Say it again!" Before Fan Fan finished speaking, Qin Mu became irritable. "Take your phone and go to the director immediately. I will tell him in person."

The director was still confused when he saw the mobile phone Fan Fan handed over, but he stood up immediately after he answered the phone.

Then Fan Fan was stunned as he saw their bureau chief, who was like an emperor, holding a mobile phone and nodding respectfully, treating Lafayette just like him...

"It's Mr. Qin, it's a misunderstanding, it's an absolute misunderstanding, it's because I let him go immediately, how can this be!" After hanging up the phone, the director patted Fan Fan's shoulder sweatingly, "Xiao Fan, I know you and President Qin's relationship is not shallow, so if there is any movement on this matter, remember to write to the director in advance, the director will benefit you a lot."

"Ah? Director, what do you mean?"

The director's face was full of smiles, "Good seedling, you can get through with one click, work hard!" He patted him on the shoulder again, "Go and release Tong Sisi, remember to send him to the hospital for an examination first, those little bastards are not serious. Don’t worry about it, come to me for reimbursement of the medical expenses.”

"Oh." Fan Fan went out, but he still couldn't figure it out.

What does the director mean, what kind of letter do you want him to report?
As soon as Fan Fan arrived outside the prison, some colleagues rushed out.

Fan Fan quickly grabbed him, "Why are you running?"

"Someone suddenly fainted. It was Tong Sisi who the director just sent a message to take care of. I have to call an ambulance..."

As soon as Fan Fan heard that he let go, he ran over in a hurry.

Tong Sisi was lying on the ground with her eyes closed tightly, and there were two policemen beside her. No one dared to touch her because she didn't know why she fainted.

Fan Fan stepped forward and picked her up to go outside, and at the same time said to the colleague next to him, "Tong Sisi was released without charge, please vacate a room."

"Then go to the lounge!"

It didn't take long for someone to come from the hospital, but it wasn't an ambulance but a man.

He was a gentle and handsome man with two long legs. If he hadn't shown his doctor's certificate as soon as he came in, Fan Fan would have scolded him out immediately.

After seeing Tong Sisi, Chu Wei said, "It's nothing but dehydration and strength, just take a rest, and the back is also injured, just apply some medicine for bruises."

Fan Fan, who was very worried, kept asking, "Is it really like what you said? Then why would people still be in a coma? You are really a doctor. Could your certificate be fake?"

Chu Wei raised his eyebrows and stood up.

He looked at Fan Fan interestingly, and then at the woman on the bed, "You are very nervous, you are her boyfriend, right?"

"No, no, don't talk nonsense, I'm just her friend, and her boyfriend is someone else." Fan Fan said blushing.

Chu Wei gave a meaningful oh, and then said, "I'll take him back to the hospital first. This is my business card. When her 'boyfriend' finds someone, just ask him to find him according to the phone number above."

"No, I'm going with you."

Chu Wei said, "Whatever you want."

Chu Wei got into the car first, then stared at the rearview mirror and saw Fan Fan put the person in the back seat and closed the door, then stepped on the gas pedal when he got on the other side of the car, and the car drove out immediately , leaving Fan Fan far behind.

Fan Fan looked bewildered and shouted after him, "I haven't gotten into the car yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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