Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 212 Tears Exploded

Chapter 212 Tears Exploded

Liu Yi gave her the set of overalls that she had taken off, and said, "With your girl's character, you will definitely come here secretly next time you have something to do, and next time you wear our ferryman's overalls, you won't be afraid that the underworld will suspect you. "Then gave her another watch, "You can use this watch to contact me when you come to the underworld. I don't really read WeChat."

After that, Liu Yi taught her how to use the watch and sent her to the ghost car.

The ghost car left, and Liu Yi remembered it with a gasp.

Where's that guy Li Mu?
Tong Sisi fell asleep on the ghost car, and when the ghost car stopped in a daze, she opened her eyes and saw that she had just arrived at Cemetery Road, so she quickly grabbed her things and ran down.

The sky had just dawned, and the air here was also good, Tong Sisi stretched her waist, "It's so comfortable..."

"Ah!" There was an ah from behind instead of her, followed by an important landing.

Tong Sisi's heart skipped a beat, it's broken!

She turned her head quickly, and saw an old woman pointing at her with trembling hands, "You are a human or a ghost, how could you suddenly appear..."


"Don't come here." The old woman took a step back holding her heart, her eyes began to roll upwards, "Oh my god, it's a hell of a day..."

After speaking, he softened.

Tong Sisi was frightened to death, and hurried over, hugged the grandmother and squatted down together.

"Grandma, don't get dizzy, don't feel dizzy, feel if it's warm, feel it." She grabbed the old grandma's hand and put it on her face, letting her touch it.

The old grandma felt a piece of warmth under her hands, and slowly calmed down, before she dared to look at her directly.

The old granny gasped, "I scared you to death, girl, how could you suddenly appear like a ghost. Well, girl, help grandma get up."

Tong Sisi quickly and carefully helped the old man up, wanting to let go but worried that the old woman would not be able to stand firmly.

"Why don't you go to the hospital, grandma?"

"No need." The grandmother said calmly, "Girl, don't be afraid, grandma doesn't blackmail people."

Now there are always those old people who are professional touchers on the street. Once they are stained, they can’t be shaken off no matter what. It’s good to lose a layer of skin, and they may be condemned by the society.But Tong Sisi didn't expect the old man in front of him to understand so well, and also hated such a professional householder.

She checked that the time was only less than five o'clock, so the old lady must be visiting someone with the sacrifice alone so early in the morning.

Insisting on the way to send the grandmother home, the old lady told her with a sigh, "When you are old, you love to miss the old days. I gave birth to two sons and a daughter, and they both became families and lived in other places. I have always only depended on my wife. I often dream that he comes to me, probably because he has no one to talk to and feel lonely down there."

When she said this, Tong Sisi saw the tears in her eyes.

I probably also understand that the old lady came to the cemetery today because she wanted her wife, and unfortunately she was frightened by her.

This shouldn't be the first time grandma has done this.

The grandmother's house is very close, and it takes only ten minutes to walk there.

Tong Sisi helped the old lady back to the house and made sure she was fine before leaving.

There was no bus at [-]:[-], so she took a Didi nearby and went home.

He tiptoedly hung the key on the wall, and then walked to his room.

"Sisi, you are back."

When she heard the sound, she turned her head and was shocked, "Mom, why are you sleeping on the sofa, it's so uncomfortable here!"

"Isn't it because I don't know when you'll be back?" Mama Tong sat up from the sofa with a look of sleeplessness, "Why are you hungry? I'll cook for you."

Then he stood up and went to the kitchen.

Tong Sisi hurried forward and hugged her mother from behind, and then dragged her into the room, "Your task now is to sleep well, you know?"

Pushed mother back to the room, looked at the watch before closing the door, "I can still sleep for an hour, you sleep, I will cook today, go to sleep!"

Mother Tong had no choice but to go to bed.

After setting the alarm, Tong Sisi lay down on the sofa where her mother had just slept, smelled the light fragrance of hair on the pillow, closed her eyes, and felt so at ease.

It's nice to have a mother waiting for me to come home.

He was fast asleep when something vibrated beneath him.

As soon as Tong Sisi woke up, she heard a snap.

She stood up abruptly, took out the only thing in her pocket after digging for a long time, and then remembered this strange teardrop.

It's just that this transparent teardrop is shining brightly at this time, and there are cracks on it.

Tong Sisi was surprised: How could this happen?

Could it be that she is like a princess in a fairy tale, where tears turned into pearls can be very valuable?

I don't understand, and I don't know who to ask...

"Ah, no, you can ask the master!" She quickly picked up her mobile phone and called the master in Yancheng.

As soon as the phone call was made, before she could ask, the master came over with a word, "Wrap that teardrop in the super-salvation talisman paper and burn it, kowtow to a hundred heads, and recite the super-salvation scriptures. It must be completed within half an hour."

Tong Sisi didn't rush to ask the master why, Ma Po hurried her to do it quickly.

She has always regarded this kind of thing as an imperial decree, and she will do what the master says.

Soon, he took a small iron basin, a bowl of clear water, and a talisman to the balcony.

As soon as the clear water was poured into the iron basin, and the teardrops were wrapped in the talisman paper, the mother child in the house called, "Sisi, bring in mother's cell phone."

"Oh, good." She put down her things and quickly handed the phone to Mama Tong.

Mother Tong pulled her and said a few words, when there was a sudden explosion outside.

Tong Sisi was shocked: It's over!
I ran out quickly, and saw that the small iron basin on the balcony was blown to pieces, and all the water in it flowed out.

Mother Tong followed behind her and saw the situation, "What's going on?"

Tong Sisi was stunned.

The master said that as long as it doesn't take more than half an hour, she just wrapped the teardrops in the talisman, but it exploded now...

Could it be that the princess dropped pearls, and she dropped bombs?
Then how did she survive with the bomb in her body for so many years?

Now that it's blown up, do you want to continue?

Tong Sisi took out her mobile phone in a daze, and called the master to tell the situation.

There was a long silence on the other side, and finally sighed, "You can't hide from what should come, you don't have to do anything, just go step by step."

"Hey master..." Before I could ask what "step by step" meant, the phone hung up.

Calling again will no longer work.

She drooped her shoulders in frustration, always feeling that the master had something serious that he didn't tell her.

At this time, Tong's mother suddenly called her loudly, "Sisi, come quickly!"

She went over, and Tong's mother asked her to watch the news, "Look, there was a series of car accidents here in the new district. Yesterday, there was also a car accident on another street in the new district. Many people died. You said that these traffic policemen are not vigilant..."

Tong Sisi took advantage of the situation and sat on the sofa to watch with Tong's mother.

Then I found a very serious problem. Last night, there were many ghosts in car accidents on the South Road of Xinqu District.

There was another car accident in the new district today?
(End of this chapter)

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