Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 230 She Doesn't Know When It Will Start

Chapter 230 She Doesn't Know When It Will Start

Nan Qi was very defensive, Tong Sisi struggled for a while before getting Li Xiaoyu's phone number.

She called on her mobile phone and only picked up when the phone was about to hang up.

"Are you Li Xiaoyu?"

"I am, who are you?" The girl's voice was soft and low, and Tong Sisi felt that this voice was a little familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere in her memory.


After shouting twice over there, Tong Sisi came back to her senses and said, "We are the police. I got your mobile phone number through Nanqi. I need to go to your school to investigate a case. I hope to get your help."

Li Xiaoyu was surprised, but agreed without hesitation, saying that she would wait for them outside the school gate after class.

"Okay." Tong Sisi told her the license plate number, hung up the phone and said to Qin Mu, "She agrees, shall we go there now?"

Qin Mu knocked on his watch and said, "It's time for dinner, I don't have time to hang out with you."

"..." Tong Sisi was mad inside: Did she ask him to spend time with them?
But she didn't dare to howl with those words!
... After class, Li Xiaoyu refused to go to the dormitory for dinner, and walked out of the campus with his textbooks in his arms.

She walked with her head down, her long black hair hanging vertically on both sides, she was very quiet, with a very melancholy and artistic temperament.

Nan Qi was once deeply attracted by this side of her. More than a year later, when he saw her walking alone on the campus path again, his heart still remained.

"Little fish." He called out and walked towards her.

Li Xiaoyu looked up and stopped when he saw him, a little surprised, "Aren't you in the army, why did you come to my school?"

"Brother Mu asked me for your phone number. I'm a little worried and miss you." Nan Qi gently put her hair behind her ears, and held her hand, "Let's go, I'll take you to dinner."

Li Xiaoyu gave a compliment, raised a smile, and followed him.

In the following years, Li Xiaoyu walked this road over and over again, the scenery remained the same, but the people who enjoyed the scenery were gone.

... After dinner, the three of them came directly to University A. It may be that Qin Muqian had greeted them, and the principal of City A was waiting for them outside the school, and welcomed the three of them into the office.

Before Tong Sisi and Fan Fan explained their purpose, Qin Mu sat directly on the sofa and said to the principal as if ordering Xiao Cheng, "These two are criminal police officers. You are here for a case. You should cooperate with them."

This majestic appearance made Tong Sisi a little bit smart, and he always felt that this man was used to giving orders, and he couldn't even keep a low profile!

Has he managed to come to the cultural site as a businessman?
But the headmaster said "OK."

"!!!" Now Tong Sisi was surprised, she looked at Qin Mu in surprise, and Qin Mu was also looking at her, but he didn't intend to explain to himself at all.

But after thinking about it, Qin Mu really didn't need to explain to herself.

He can be mountains and rivers, but he is not a port that she can stop at.

The school boy poured water for the three of them, and then asked, "The two police officers don't know what our school can help you with."

"Hello principal, my surname is Fan. A girl died in a car accident before. We generally know her name is Liu Jiajia, but we don't know her identity very much. We suspect that she is a student of University A. We have a photo here, please ask the principal Help me take a look. Sisi?" Panfan waited for Tong Sisi's photo to come out, but Tong Sisi was in a trance.

Fan Fan pushed her, "What's wrong with you, take out the photo you took?"

"Ah." Tong Sisi lowered her head to avoid Qin Mu's gaze, then took the photo out of the file bag and handed it to the principal.

The girl in the photo has a pale face and her eyes are tightly closed, making it hard to make out.

The principal said, "I don't usually teach, so I am very unfamiliar with the students in the school. I will call the teachers of the school to recognize them."

"That troubles you." Tong Sisi said.

"No trouble." The headmaster went out with the photo.

Not long after, the principal came back and said, "Except for Professor Zhang who is away on sick leave, all the teachers said they didn't know this girl. Officer Fan may not be a student of University A."

"Really, but please ask the principal to check on the campus website to see if there is a girl named Liu Jiajia in the school."

"no problem."

There is a big backstage behind University A, the principal is usually very arrogant, like now he says there is no, there is no, don't bother to check for you, it is a good thing not to drive them away!
As a student who graduated from University A, Tong Sisi knew very well that it was all because of Qin Mu sitting here.

Because the principal would look at Qin Mu every time he said a word.

This made Tong Sisi's heart sink even more. It was one thing to know the difference between the two, but another thing to experience it personally.

She just let herself do not think about it.

As soon as the principal left again, the atmosphere in the room became too quiet.

Fan Fan touched his nose and said, "I'll go outside and ask around, maybe someone knows Liu Jiajia."

As a result, neither of the two answered him, Fan Fan twitched his lower lip: Don't say anything, leave this place quickly.

Tong Sisi's thoughts were a little wandering, she didn't know when it would start, the two faced each other but they were relatively silent, they were clearly beside each other, but they often felt that he was far away from her.

Qin Mu didn't want to do this either, maybe he wanted to say goodbye, so he felt an unspeakable sadness.

At this time his phone rang, Tong Sisi breathed a sigh of relief, Qin Mu saw it.

He answered unhappily, "Hi. Well, you wait there."

After finishing speaking, I hung up.

Tong Sisi swallowed, and asked him, "Who called..." But she closed her mouth after asking, feeling a little regretful.

Because of the current relationship between the two, it is inappropriate for her to ask such a sensitive topic, as if...she is a wife, so she naturally asked her husband, "Who called you?"

But Qin Mu couldn't help being annoyed by her desire to speak.

With a cold expression, he got up sullenly, "Let's go, Nan Qi and his wife are waiting outside the school."

"Oh good." She hurriedly took her bag, but was stunned as soon as she turned around.

Seeing that the seat just now was empty, his nose was sore and he almost shed tears.

He left without hesitation, without looking back...

...Tong Sisi walked behind him silently with his head bowed. When he came outside the school, he greeted Nan Qi and his wife without paying attention.

Suddenly Li Xiaoyu approached her, "You look familiar to me?"

The sudden sound made Tong Sisi look up in shock.

As a result, the two girls were stunned, and then pointed at each other in surprise.

"It was you."

"It's you."

Li Xiaoyu smiled brightly, "It's really a coincidence, you said that you have the opportunity to meet again and invite me to eat salted fish." She stretched out her hand, "Let's get to know each other again, my name is Li Xiaoyu, you can call me Xiaoyu."

"Hi, my name is Tong Sisi." Tong Sisi liked Xiaoyu's smile very much, it was very contagious, and made a little depressed mood brighter in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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