Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 233 A poor man doesn't even need any self-esteem

Chapter 233 A Poor Man Doesn't Need Any Self-Respect Without Money

The mayor looked at the glaring invitation, and licked the flesh in his cheek with his tongue, "You mean Tong Sisi?"

"The mayor is really a smart man." She stood up with her bag in her hand. "It's easy to talk to a smart man. I want Tong Sisi to get out of my sight immediately. I don't have her in city A! That's it, the mayor, I'll go first."

As soon as Yu Jiaxin stepped on her high heels and left, the mayor threw the invitation out angrily, pointed at the door and yelled, "Do you think you are your father! What happened to the daughter of the Yu family, what are you without the Qin family! A little thing dares to run in front of me, the mayor, to be arrogant, afraid that you are my father! Secretary Zhang, come in!"

The mayor shouted loudly, and Secretary Zhang, who had been listening outside for a long time, hurried in.

"...What is the mayor's request?"

The mayor pointed at her, "Make a copy of the video in my office just now, go quickly."

"Yes." The secretary turned and went out, and quickly brought the video from the room just now.

The mayor took it and drove out the door. The car was parked downstairs by Qin Mu, but when he got out of the car, he suddenly changed his mind.

Qin Mu's current attitude is unclear. If he really liked Tong Sisi, he would not be engaged to Yu Jiaxin. Who knows what these rich people think.

He is also a man, and he knows that the more powerful men are, the more passionate they are.

and so……

With all his thoughts, the mayor didn't dare to step into this troubled water. Even if Tong Sisi was special to Qin Mu, the Qin family would never agree with this daughter-in-law!

Thinking of this, the mayor decisively closed the car door and left Qin Huang.

A Porsche happened to pass by, and Xiao Cheng, who was driving, looked back and said, "Boss, it seems to be the mayor's car just now. I don't know why he came to Qinhuang."

Qin Huang must have been looking for him when he came here.

Qin Mu frowned, "You called and asked."

"Okay." After Xiao Cheng agreed, he looked in the rearview mirror, "Boss, if you can't get through to the old house today, please call me, and I must tell you that tomorrow night is the engagement banquet, and you are not allowed to be late no matter what. , otherwise the old man will take back your company management rights."

Qin Mu was indifferent, but suddenly smiled coldly, "This is the same trick again, Xiao Cheng, let me ask you, if this trick doesn't work one day, what will the old man do?"

How to say this...

Xiao Cheng touched his nose, "The old man will probably die of anger."

Qin Mu raised the corners of his lips, closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the car, and stopped talking.

... The Qin family.

Qin's father put down the newspaper, pursed his lips seriously, and asked, "Have you called that brat yet?"

Qin's mother hurriedly said, "I called. I called several times and no one answered, but I asked Xiao Cheng to pass it on to him..."

Qin's father slapped the table angrily, "Is it useful to convey it? Can Xiao Cheng cure him or manage him! You are a mother too, and my son is getting engaged tomorrow, but this figure hasn't been seen yet!"

"...It's not something I can manage if I want to." Qin's mother was angry with Qin's father, and she said angrily, "It's not all that vixen, the hooked Qin Mu doesn't even listen to his parents now, When did he refute your words before, look at it now, he would rather avoid us and not even go home!"

Qin's mother said, "Husband, this is not a solution. It doesn't matter if a man is passionate. It is normal for Qin Mu to be so good and have a few women, but the Qin family has a big reputation. If some reporter picks up something at the engagement banquet, where can we put our face on?" .”

Qin's father thought for a while and said, "Bring me the Tong family's information."

Qin's mother went to get it as soon as she heard it, and handed a few documents to Qin's father, "I have been to Tong's house before, who knows that the two mothers and daughters are all the same, and it seems that our family has money and insists on it. No self respect."

"A poor person doesn't have any money, so what self-respect does he need?" Father Qin got up, "But people, no matter how thick-skinned there is, there is a limit. Even if she is as thick as a city wall, I will break through the wall."

Then he said, "Let the butler prepare the car."

...Tong Sisi and Fan Fan came to Grandma Liu's house and rang the doorbell twice, but the grandma didn't come out, but the neighbor opposite did.

The neighbor's aunt looked at them in police uniforms and asked in surprise, "Who are you looking for, comrade?"

Fan Fan showed his ID, "Hello, we are from the Criminal Police Brigade, I am looking for Grandma Liu from this family."

"Oh, you are talking about Liu Jiajia's grandma." The neighbor aunt sighed, "This old man has Alzheimer's disease, and he always fantasizes that his children are still there. Before, he sent her to a nursing home when his children were there, but since Liu Jiajia After the children of the family are gone, only the grandparents and grandchildren are left to depend on each other." Speaking of this, the neighbor's aunt's teeth itch with anger, "Comrades, you don't know that Liu Jiajia was raised by Aunt Liu since she was a child, but this girl is too heartless. She is still a good child, but she hasn't come to see her grandma for nearly a year, what kind of talk is it to leave a sick old man at home!"

Tong Sisi and Fan Fan looked at each other.

Only then did I realize that Liu Jiajia hadn't returned home this year, she had also dropped out of school, and her grandma didn't care. Where did she go?
According to the autopsy report, Liu Jiajia should have given birth to the child by caesarean section, but they went all over the hospital and there was no record of Liu Jiajia's hospitalization.I thought I could get some useful news from Grandma Liu, but now...it's gone.

Tong Sisi didn't understand, "The last time I saw the old lady, her conversation with me was no different from that of ordinary people! I really, really won't admit the wrong person!"

"Don't get excited. Didn't you consult the doctor just now? Elderly people with dementia have memory impairment. Some words don't express their meaning and they tend to forget things, while others tend to fall into the past." Fan Fan paused and suddenly asked her "" Tell me where you met Grandma Liu last time."

"Cemetery Road..."

"Let's go there now." Fan Fan turned his head and drove directly to Cemetery Road.

With the attitude of trying, unexpectedly, I saw a white-haired old woman squatting in front of the highest tombstone from a distance, muttering something, looking sideways, she seemed to be holding something in her hand. What is still moving...

Suddenly the 'thing' cried.

Both Tong Sisi and Fan Fan were shocked.

"It's a child!"

The two hurried over and saw Grandma Liu wrapping a baby who was only a few months old with a small quilt. The baby was crying profusely, but the quilt was tightly tied to the baby with a string .

The child's voice was hoarse from crying.

Tong Sisi looked distressed, and stepped forward to hug her, but Grandma Liu retreated vigilantly, "What are you going to do? Why are you robbing my son!"


Fan Fan held her back and told her not to worry.

Both of them took a step back, Fan Fan smiled and said, "Do you still remember me, I am your son Xiaofan."

"My son?" Grandma Liu leaned forward to look at his face, then shook her head violently, "No, you are not my son, this is my son."

(End of this chapter)

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