Chapter 239
Jiang's mother pointed at her, "You don't even look at your own virtues, you little split-chat. After pestering my son, you will pester Qin Mu. Now Qin Mu is getting engaged. If you can't rely on it, come back and harm my son, right? Fortunately, at the beginning I have a sharp eye, and I can see your true face at a glance, otherwise my family's property will be cheated by you!"

"Everyone, look at how hateful this woman is. Back then, she pestered my son so hard that my son bleed a lot..."

Mother Jiang's mouth likes to spread rumors and make troubles. She has learned this ability a few years ago. At the beginning, Mother Jiang slandered and insulted her in front of all the teachers and students in her school, and made her say extremely unbearable.

At that time, she was not afraid, and she could calmly deal with her classmates' deliberate rejection and slander behind her back, but now she would be afraid for no reason!
Because the more afraid you are, the more proud the enemy is. Everyone is waiting to see her collapse and see her jokes.

So she should be stronger!
Normally Tong Sisi would not take this kind of thing to heart at all, she likes to scold, so go ahead and scold, but not today, she absolutely does not allow anyone to scold her mother!
Tong Sisi reached out her hand to block the mother who wanted to argue, and then handed the child into her hands.

"Mom, hug An An and leave first. I'll call you later."

Mama Tong didn't want to let her here alone, but An'an in her arms was already crying in fright, so Mama Tong nodded, "Then be careful."

"rest assured."

"Hey, you want to run! You come back to me, do you feel ashamed to stay any longer, this is your good daughter!" Mother Jiang wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Tong Sisi.

But Tong Sisi just touched her, and Jiang's mother yelled, "You want to kill someone! Everyone, look at this woman who wants to kill someone! Look at me, my arm is red from being pinched by her."

Of course, it's not red.

Tong Sisi looked at her quietly, and dialed a number calmly, "Qianhua Mall, hurry up and take your crazy woman away."

She hung up after speaking.

Mother Jiang stared at her cell phone vigilantly, "Who did you call?"

"Are you in charge?" Tong Sisi gave her a blank look, lowered her head and put the phone in her bag, but she didn't expect Jiang's mother to come up and snatch it regardless of her identity!
"What are you doing!"

Mother Jiang grabbed her bag fiercely, "Take out your phone!"

Tong Sisi was also furious, "Why should I give it to you, you let me go!"

Tong Sisi pushed her, but she didn't expect a pampered lady to be stronger than her.

Mother Jiang pinched her arm fiercely, then took the opportunity to put her hands in her bag and snatched the phone out.

"Give it back to me." Tong Sisi rushed up to grab it, but she missed one and fell to the ground, and Mother Jiang lost her footing and fell to the ground as well.

Li Qin, who came back from the line to pay the money, happened to see this scene, ran over quickly, and pushed her away, "Tong Sisi, are you still human, you can do something to an elder!" Then he quickly lowered his body to help Mother Jiang, "Auntie, are you okay?" , are you hurt?"

Jiang's mother couldn't get up on the ground, and wailed, "My old waist, Qinqin, did I break it? I can't get up. If I can't cure it, you will let my husband and son sue her for death. The dead girl killed me."

This is really hehe, is this planning to blackmail her?

Tong Sisi looked at it coldly, "There are so many people watching, let me see how you want to blackmail people."

People passing by have never seen such a strange thing, and there are really many good people staying to watch the follow-up.

Not long after, the ambulance really came, and Jiang Kailun just arrived at the same time.

Seeing Jiang Kailun coming, Jiang's mother first gave her a look, and then grabbed Li Qin guiltily.

Li Qin squeezed Mother Jiang's hand secretly, signaling her not to mess around.

"What's going on here, Sisi, why did you meet my mother?" Jiang Kailun kept his eyes on Tong Sisi from the beginning.

Mother Jiang is so angry!

Jiang's mother pointed at her angrily and wanted to curse, Li Qin was afraid that the good advantage would be lost by Jiang's mother, so she hurriedly said, "Brother Karen, it's just in time for you to come, Tong Sisi pushed aunt on the ground, so many people watched Now, we won't wrong her!"

Tong Sisi almost laughed: What a villain to sue first!

But she believes that the eyes of so many people at the scene are not blind, and the surveillance in the mall is not fake.

So Tong Sisi wasn't afraid at all of their framing.

It's just that Jiang's mother is still sitting on the ground. This fact makes Jiang Kailun very upset.

Sisi will be the Jiang family's daughter-in-law in the future, and the last thing he wants to see is that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not smooth, and he will be caught in the middle in the future.

Therefore, he said awkwardly to Tong Sisi, "Sisi, please apologize."

Tong Sisi really laughed, "Why?"

Jiang Kailun said, "My mother is our elder after all. We should be more tolerant when we are young. Besides, I think it is impossible for my mother to do vexatious things outside in public, let alone sit on the ground and make trouble. Sisi, you just look at me Apologize to my mother for my face..."

The more Jiang Kailun talked, the more ugly Tong Sisi's face became.

Seeing the proud faces of Mother Jiang and Li Qin, Tong Sisi felt disgusted.

It's harmless to apologize to an elder, but the problem is that he doesn't know what Mother Jiang said before he came!If she lowered her head now, she would directly admit that she is a vanity-loving woman who specializes in destroying other people's families!
Tong Sisi was very disappointed and laughed in her heart.

She was really brain-dead before, how could she think that Jiang Karen is someone worth entrusting for life.

Jiang Kailun was a little scared when she saw her calm look, "Sisi..."

Tong Sisi sneered, took out her special police ID from her pocket and held it up in front of him, then showed it to the people around her, and said, "Remember my police number, you can go to the police station to check the authenticity of my ID, just now my mother The child who was taken away was an orphan left by the deceased, and he lived in my house during the search for his biological father, so this Mrs. Jiang has completely misunderstood me." She turned her head to the already stupid Jiang's mother, and said flatly, "Mrs. Jiang Do you have any questions now, no problem, I'm leaving."

Tong Sisi cleaned herself up cleanly, turned around and left.

But Jiang Kailun grabbed her and asked her eagerly and suspiciously, "What child, what did my mother tell you?"

"What did you say, you should ask your mother, she is your elder, not mine, and more." Tong Sisi shook his hand off, looked at him coldly, and said, "We have known each other for so many years, I am just a little girl in your eyes." She's a woman who makes trouble out of no reason and doesn't respect her elders, why would I have the face to ask you to hold me back, Jiang Karen, please save yourself."

Tong Sisi took a step back, glanced at Li Qin lightly, turned and left.

"Sisi!" Jiang Kailun still wanted to catch up.

Li Qin quickly twisted Mother Jiang.

Mother Jiang understood, and immediately sat on the ground and wailed, "Oh, it hurts me to death..."

(End of this chapter)

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