Chapter 248

In a daze, the tall black figure had already walked to the bedside, and his figure enveloped Tong Sisi's huddled body.

When Tong Sisi thought she was in despair, the man suddenly sat beside her and stretched out his hand to her face.

"Don't touch me!"

"Don't be afraid"

Hearing this familiar voice while resisting, Tong Sisi was slightly taken aback, thinking she had heard it wrong.

"Qin Mu?"

Instead of answering, he touched her face with one hand, but the high temperature on her face made Qin Mu frowned, "Why is it so hot?"

He reached out and turned on the lamp, and saw Tong Sisi sitting on the bed, her exposed skin was hot, her eyes were already awake and sank, relying on the last sliver of reason.

"What did that bastard Chu Wei do to you! I'll carry you to the bathroom." Qin Mu picked her up and rushed into the bathroom, trying to make her feel better with cold water.

At this time, he didn't want to be Liu Xiahui, but there was a misunderstanding between the two of them, and Qin Mu knew her temperament, so he didn't dare to want her when she was unconscious.

Cold water poured down from the head, after a few minutes, Tong Sisi could finally open his eyes and look at him properly.

Qin Mu was still wearing the clothes from the banquet, and the string in Tong Sisi's mind was immediately connected.

She bit her lips tightly and shrank herself to the corner of the wall, "Shouldn't you be with Yu Jiaxin at this time, why are you here?"

With no one under the control of the medicine, Tong Sisi finally revealed her fragility and pain, as well as the slightest inferiority complex in her heart.

Her hair was wet and sticking to her face, dripping water, her head was leaning against the wall, her eyebrows were furrowed in discomfort.

Qin Mu couldn't see her like this, not afraid of getting wet in the water, bent over and picked her up, and walked to the bedroom.

Tong Sisi screamed, gritted her teeth and patted him, "Qin Mu, put me down!"

"Qin Mu, I don't need you!"

"You already have a fiancée, I don't want to be your third son! Ah..."

Tong Sisi was thrown on the bed, and she crawled down in a panic, but Qin Mu grabbed her ankle and pulled her hard, shackling her under him.

"Qin Mu, what are you doing! What are you doing! Can you let me go? Didn't we agree that as soon as you get engaged, we will break up? Go back to the road, and walk on the street as if you don't know each other. People..." Tong Sisi cried.

Qin Mu let her finish, then stared at her deeply, and said, "I've thought about it carefully, I can't accept the kind of stranger you mentioned, and I can't accept any form of breakup, so no matter how wronged you are, I don't even intend to let you go." Then he ignored Tong Sisi's struggle and tore off her clothes...

When the two were satisfied, Qin Mu took her into the shower and returned to the bed.

He hugged Tong Sisi and Qin Mu who had fallen asleep, and kissed and kissed again, feeling that he couldn't hold her tight enough.

Every time I hug and hug, there is a feeling that Qin Mu can't describe.

It was as if he had waited a century for this hug, so long.

Since you can't put it on, then hold it up well and let her toss it wantonly in the palm of your hand.

...a Land Rover parked on the side of the road, vibrated for nearly 10 minutes before stopping.

Yang Yang's chest heaved violently, and his legs trembled slightly as he got off the car seat.

Mu Tianyang turned back to the driver's seat and put on his own clothes, and then flung the clothes thrown in the back seat onto Yang Yang's face.

"Five minutes, if I can't wear it well, I will still drive." There is no warmth in this tone after love.

Yang Yang had a sore nose and almost shed tears.

She gritted her teeth tightly, glanced at him angrily, and then put on her clothes silently.

Five minutes later, before the zipper of Yang Yang's dress was pulled, Mu Tianyang drove the car out.

Yang Yang's frightened expression changed, "Mu Tianyang!"

Mu Tianyang swept her face lightly, completely ignoring the grief and indignation on Yang Yang's face, he said, "I'm so sleepy that I don't want to waste time outside with you, you can wear whatever you want, it doesn't matter if you don't want to, so you don't have to go back The family has to leave again."

Yang Yang pursed her lips tightly, turned her head to the car window, and saw a car passing by, she suddenly thought of something, then turned around and took her bag, and took out the 4 yuan in it.

Mu Tianyang frowned, watching her open the money by dozen, and then he was stunned!
Yang Yang took 4 yuan and threw it out of the car window like money.

As soon as the money was thrown out, the back of the car suddenly turned upside down!

"Fuck! This is real money, who the hell is this local tyrant!"

Mu Tianyang glared at her angrily, "What the hell are you doing!"

After throwing away the money, Yang Yang rolled up the window and said flatly, "It's nothing, girl, I'm rich and willful, can't I?"

Fuck it's his voice now!
Mu Tianyang gave her a hard look, and recklessly stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

At noon, Tong Sisi got up from the bed, but the ice silk quilt slipped off her skin as soon as she sat up.

She froze, looked down, and was stunned.

The whole body was covered with red strawberries one after another, and then the memory of last night was remembered a little bit.

I'll go to the short oil, she slept with a married man.

But for some reason, Tong Sisi's little heart, which was completely destroyed last night, was actually a little excited now, a little bit so exciting.

After getting out of bed and washing up, Tong Sisi saw Qin Mu calling outside when she came out of the bathroom.

She opened the bedroom a seal.

Qin Mu sat on the sofa in the hotel, with his back to her, talking on the phone.

The call was from Chu Wei, and that guy came to plead guilty early in the morning.

"Brother, I gave it back to you. We didn't do anything yesterday, and we didn't even hold hands."

Qin Mu also had a good meal, so he didn't bother with him.

But Chu Wei raised his nose and asked, "Did you have a good time last night? The amount I gave my sister-in-law is enough for you two to roll all night."

Nima, who gave him the courage!
Qin Mu scolded him, "Fuck off! Fuck me, taking too much of this medicine is harmful to your health. Also, you have to discuss it with me in advance if you do this kind of thing in the future. I'm not prepared at all, and I almost couldn't handle it... ..." Qin Mu was stunned suddenly, and said to the phone, "I still have something to do, let's talk."

After speaking, he immediately threw the phone aside and stood up, "'re awake."

Tong Sisi couldn't argue with his anger, looked at him, and raised his eyebrows, "I almost couldn't handle it?"

"..." Qin Mu bared his teeth, but refused to answer.

But Tong Sisi almost shed tears.

She suddenly jumped up and hugged him, and then refused to let go.

Qin Mu was not very surprised. He imagined several scenes of her getting angry after waking up, but he hugged him before she came up.

What's going on here?
Tong Sisi took a deep breath, "I just heard you talking on the phone. You weren't engaged last night?"

That's the reason!
Qin Mu smiled, hugged her slightly trembling body, and said, "You have been with me for so long and still don't understand me, no one can force me to do what I don't want to do, you can stay by my side with peace of mind."

Tong Sisi was silent, slightly disappointed
She will always be by his side forever, but Tong Sisi, what do you expect?
(End of this chapter)

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