Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 268 Except for ghosts, there is only one theory left

Chapter 268 Except for ghosts, there is only one theory left
"Then you will seek death!" The eight people rushed up wielding iron bars, but they were thrown out one by one as soon as they got close to the man's body.

Then the screams pierced the sky, and the arms of the eight people were all smashed by the iron bars.

When the local police arrived, they saw eight people fainted on the side of the road, and a mobile phone was ringing inside the smashed police car.

The policeman picked up "Hi, this is City T..."

"It's not good!" Xiao Liu hung up the phone and said anxiously, "Team Fan was stopped by people on the way back."

"What!" The colleagues stood up in shock and asked about the situation one after another.

Tong Sisi hurriedly asked, "What about the others?"

Xiao Liu shook his head, "When the local police arrived, only eight people were seriously injured and lying on the ground. Brother Fan was not found. Moreover, Brother Fan's car was parked by the side of the road, and he didn't even bring his mobile phone."

At this time the director came, and Xiao Liu and the others were eager to ask about this matter.

The director said, "I just negotiated with City T, and we need our side to cooperate with the investigation. Is there anyone willing to go?"

Tong Sisi was the first to raise her hand, "I'll go to the chief."

But the director disagreed, "Xiao Tong, you see that Xiao Jiajia's case has not been solved until now, so you can stay and deal with it. In this way, Xiao Liu will take someone there, and Lao Yang will cooperate with Xiao Tong to solve Liu Jiajia's case. That's fine, let's take action." Get up."

"Director." Tong Sisi didn't stop him.

Xiao Liu said, "Don't worry, boy, I will tell you as soon as there is any news over there."

"Then thank you, Brother Liu!"

"Small idea."

But she was still worried. According to the T City Police Department, there were traces of fighting at the scene, and there were definitely more than eight bloodstains at the scene, which meant that Fan Fan might have been injured as well.

But where can he go when he is injured!
"Boss Miss Tong is here." Just as Xiao Cheng finished speaking, Tong Sisi pushed him away from behind.

She hurried into the office and shouted "Qin Mu..."

Qin Mu glanced at her, said a few words to the crooked nut on the video, and then hung up.

He asked Xiao Cheng to go out first, then went around the table and walked towards her.

Tong Sisi immediately grabbed him, "Something happened to Fan Fan."

just for this?

Qin Mu's face suddenly turned dark, and he said in a sullen tone, "What does his accident have to do with me?"

"..." Miss Tong used a lot of patience to suppress her temper, and then briefly explained the matter, and then said, "Can you just help me, Fan Fan saved me before."

He snorted, "Then I've already paid it back."

"Then what else, then what..." Tong Sisi was a little crazy, what else is there.

Qin Mu suddenly said, "It's okay to help, but what do you give me back?"

Tong girl was taken aback.

Qin Mu pursed his lips and whispered a few words in her ear, and saw that Tong girl's little face blushed immediately.

She scolded angrily, "You are so shameless!"

Qin Boss hehe "Shameless is my pronoun, don't forget to clean up for nothing at night."


Nan Qi ran out from the army and also brought news.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, that kid is quite alive, he was saved by a friend of mine."

"What's your friend's name?"

Nan Qi didn't say anything, but suggested to her, "Sister-in-law, don't worry about T city at this time, and let your colleagues negotiate with those. If you continue to investigate Liu Jiajia's case, there may be unexpected gains."

Tong Sisi didn't quite understand, and looked at Qin Mu.

Qin Mu raised his hand to touch her hair, and added five words, "A dog will jump over a wall in a hurry."

She pondered for a while, and suddenly understood!
Xiao Liu, who came to T City, called her immediately and told her that Fan Fan came to T City to check the information of Jiang Dachun when he was in his hometown. The information was originally in Fan Fan's hands, but when they inspected the scene, the information disappeared.

This made Tong Sisi even more suspicious.

Tong Sisi immediately called Brother Yang, "Jiang Dachun has always raised a woman outside, make a list."

"Okay, I'll give it to you in 10 minutes."

Ten minutes later, Brother Yang not only gave her the list she wanted, but also a list of people who had close contacts with Jiang Dachun, and there was a name in it that particularly attracted her.

Tong Sisi pointed to one and said, "Can I find out more information about Shang Pei?"

Brother Yang took a look, "Shang Pei is Jiang Dachun's sister-in-law, isn't that impossible?"

"I think it's very possible. Since we saw a person exactly like Jiang Kailun, except for ghosts, there is only one theory left. Jiang Taishangyu and his younger sister Shangpei are twin sisters. There is a certain probability of birth in science. The children that come out will look the same, and what if they have children with the same man..."

This statement made Brother Yang go straight in his heart.

Moreover, Brother Yang was inexplicably excited. When he thought that this matter was really possible, he felt that more than half of the bird anger he had received in Jiang's house had been relieved.

Brother Yang rolled up his sleeves, "I know, boy, I'm going to dig out all the eighteen generations of the Shang family's ancestors now!"

"Brother Yang, calm down."

... After Jiang's father left the company, he drove out of the city for more than an hour, and arrived at a villa in a wild area. When the car entered the gate, there was a beautiful woman who was exactly like Jiang's mother standing there to greet her, but Her figure and skin care are better than Jiang's mother.

When Father Jiang got out of the car, she greeted him and took Father Jiang's bag.

As soon as the two entered the room, Shang Pei asked, "How is it now? Has Shaolan been found?"

Father Jiang said angrily, "The policeman surnamed Fan almost took your information away. I have already destroyed the information. Once this police officer Fan dies, no one will know your existence."

So Shang Pei is not happy, she pursed her lips, "When is this kind of life, do you still want me and Shaolan to live this kind of life of hiding and hiding, when my sister was pregnant, you carried When she got along with me, she said that she would let me live a good life, but if I didn't try my best to keep the child in my stomach, you wouldn't even let me give birth to Shaolan!"

"If not, what do you want? Let me take you and Shaolan home? Let my Jiang family be the laughing stock of everyone?" Father Jiang embraced her and coaxed her, "Peppe, you also know that I can't help myself. As long as I love you, don’t you have everything, as long as my heart is with you, then what are you afraid of, let me kiss you.”

"Dead face!"

Father Jiang is about to kiss someone in his arms.

The doorbell rang suddenly.

"Maybe it's a courier, I'll open the door first." Shang Pei pushed Jiang Dachun to open the door, and was so anxious to go back to Wen Cun that he opened the door without even looking.

As a result, the door opened, but the person who greeted him was a slap.

Hearing the sound at the door, Jiang Dachun felt that something was wrong, and then he heard Jiang's mother's voice, so scared that he quickly took his things and ran upstairs to hide.

Mother Jiang pushed Shang Pei away hard to come in, and then looked inside, "What about the old man, Jiang Dachun, get out of here!"

Shang Pei reacted, stopped her in panic and nervousness, and prevented her from going inside.

(End of this chapter)

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