Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 270 I Won't Just Let It Go!

Chapter 270 I Won't Just Let It Go!
Tong Sisi said, "What can we do, of course we are here to catch people, take Jiang Shaolan down!"

Several people from the police station came up immediately with handcuffs.

"Mom, mom!" Jiang Shaolan grabbed Shang Pei in shock.

But what's the use of this, the guys in the police station can take it.

Shang Pei hurriedly called out, "Wait a minute! What did my son do? Why do you arrest him and arrest him? I can sue you!"

She sneered, "Ms. Shang, you don't know what your son did. Don't talk nonsense with them. Take people. If you have anything to say, go back to the bureau."

Jiang Shaolan was handcuffed and pushed away.

"Let go of my son."


Champey chased him out.

Only Tong Sisi, brother Yang and the Jiang family were left in the room.

Jiang Kailun's expression was very complicated, his most unbearable side was seen by the woman he liked, from the moment Tong Sisi came in, he didn't raise his face upright.

Jiang Dachun stared at her angrily, "You guys did all of this, right?"

Tong Sisi smiled softly, "Mr. Jiang, don't be angry. First of all, I'm sorry for disrupting your plan. You took a lot of painstaking efforts to injure our Team Fan, isn't it because he found out the woman and illegitimate child you hid?" , although those materials were destroyed by you, but this wall is not impenetrable, and if you want to blame it, blame your precious son for being too stupid for daring to hang around outside at such an urgent time."

Jiang Dachun gritted his teeth, "Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble?"

What a hehe.

There are many people who don't like her, and there are people lining up who want to punish her every day, and he is not bad.

Tong Sisi was completely annoyed when Fan Fan was injured.

She glanced coldly and said, "Please follow along."

Jiang's mother wiped her tears and said, "I'll go with you, I'm going to sue this bastard to death!"

When he arrived at the police station, Jiang Dachun yelled to see the chief.

Brother Yang said nonchalantly, "Our chief is not here, and Officer Tong is now in charge. You should find her."

Jiang Shaolan was locked up and yelled, and the guys were not polite, and directly threw a baton on him.

"Be honest with me, man's stick doesn't have eyes!"

Thinking of the Fan team whose whereabouts are still unknown, the comrades all held their breath, and now it's all on Jiang Shaolan.

Jiang Shaolan had never experienced pain or suffering since she was a child, and she cried out in pain after receiving a few sticks.Shang Pei, who heard his son screaming, got up in a hurry, but was pushed down by the policeman behind him.

Sitting opposite her, Tong Sisi said, "Ms. Shang has already arrived at this place, so I advise you to tell the truth. Our police have all the evidence in our hands. Once the identification of Jiang Shaolan and the child comes out, you don't need to say anything."

Champei bit his lip, "I don't know anything!"

"Then think about it carefully before you decide whether to say it or not." Without forcing her, Tong Sisi got up and left, and went to another interrogation room, where the three members of the Jiang family were here.

As soon as she came in, Jiang's mother stood up excitedly, "How about it, is that kid a murderer, is that child his, and has nothing to do with my son!"

She said calmly, "Don't get excited, Mrs. Jiang. Our police will investigate everything clearly. There is nothing to do with you or Jiang Kailun. You can leave, but Mr. Jiang is suspected of paying for murder and covering up. Detain him."

"What?" Mother Jiang looked nervously at her man when she heard this, and asked softly, "How long will the police be in custody, and will my husband be imprisoned?"

After all, they have been a couple for more than 20 years, so Jiang's mother still can't let go of her man.

But Jiang Dachun didn't appreciate it at all, and turned his face away with a snort.

Jiang Kailun's face turned cold. He grabbed his mother's shoulder and said coldly, "They all deserve what they deserve. Don't worry about it, Mom. I'll take you home."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Kailun pushed her away, but Mother Jiang couldn't help but look back frequently.

But Tong Sisi didn't see even a little remorse or guilt on Jiang Dachun's face.

Jiang's mother loves her husband. Jiang Dachun may have loved her once, but what she sees now is a marriage that is coming to an end and is in danger.

Jiang Shaolan refused to admit her relationship with Liu Jiajia to the death, but after the appraisal results came out, the matching ratio with An An was 90.00% 90.00, and the matching ratio with Jiang Kailun was [-]% [-]. Such a high matching value misled everyone at the beginning.

There is no doubt that Jiang Shaolan is An An's father. He is the man Liu Jiajia loves and hates.

One day, she saw two sad relationships, and she couldn't lift her mood at all.

She really doesn't want to face the reality, but there is always an insurmountable gap between her and Qin Mu.

Family status is a reality that they can never change.

As for Jiang Dachun, because he bought someone to commit murder, he was still sentenced to prison even though it was an attempt, but when they were about to transfer the evidence of the crime to the procuratorate for review and prosecution, someone from above suddenly came and took Jiang Dachun away.

The whole department was furious, but what use are they low-level police officers for things that even the chief can't do anything about!

Tong Sisi rushed into the director's office angrily.

When the director saw that it was her, he didn't dare to get angry, and said with a smile, "it's you, boy, where did the anger come from? Who recruited you."

She gritted her teeth, "Secretary, let's forget about it. Fan Fan is still missing, so let Jiang Dachun go like this? We don't accept it!"

The director sighed, "It's okay if you don't accept it. Someone from above has spoken. This is not something you and I can refuse. You have President Qin's backing behind you, but I don't have your backing. I still want to retire safely."

Seeing that she refused to leave, the director patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, "Okay boy, hurry up and get Jiang Shaolan released, hasn't the child been proven to be his, find a time to bring the child to your door, The Jiang family has a great career and will not treat a child badly, let alone this is the eldest grandson of the Jiang family."

Tong Sisi took a breath, and said very firmly, "You can bear this matter with the director, but I can't bear it, I won't just let it go!"

After speaking, she strode away.

The director let out a hey, "Just a stubborn girl!"

But behind her is Qin Mu's background, so it's normal to be willful.

Director Han planned not to ask about this matter, Tong Sisi would go to the trouble if he wanted to, and he would just push it away if there was anything else.

Before leaving the police station, Jiang Shaolan gave Tong Sisi the middle finger, "Just wait for me, sooner or later I will let you eat the crimes I have suffered!"

"I'll be waiting for you." Tong Sisi watched him being picked up by the Jiang family's car with cold eyes.

Brother Yang said angrily, "This is so unfair. The beating our captain suffered was for nothing. We don't know where the captain is now!"

"This is really pissing people off, and I don't know who is helping the Jiang family behind the scenes! Boy, let's just forget about it."

Xiao Liu said, "It doesn't count. You and I can deal with the Jiang family. Don't trouble Xiao Tong."

Tong Sisi narrowed her eyes, "I won't let Fan Fan be beaten for nothing..."

 The last update is here!
(End of this chapter)

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