Chapter 277

After hearing the siren downstairs, Tong Sisi ran to the balcony and looked down. Qin's mother blocked all the policemen who came outside. There were two colleagues he knew inside. Just as she was about to go down, she heard the gunpowder-smelling negotiation below. .

A total of more than 20 people came, and they must be from a certain military department. Everyone had something in their hands, and they surrounded Shengshiwai's special forces as soon as they got out of the car.

Qin Ma wondered, "What are you going to do, do you know where this is?"

The team leader who came over said that he took a look at Qin's mother and said, "We are here to perform official duties. You have a criminal here, and we will take it away. This is the arrest warrant from above. If you have any questions, go to our leader."

Seeing that they were about to break in, Mother Qin immediately stood in front of the door and spread her arms, "Why do you dare to break in! What arrest is not an arrest warrant, I am illiterate, I will call our husband, this matter will wait for our husband Come back and talk!"

Waiting for Qin Mu to come back?
How can it be!

They just picked the right time to come here. Although there is an arrest warrant from the highest level, who wouldn't want to avoid meeting Qin Mu!

The team leader said, "Old lady, we have time, please don't make it difficult for us, we will go back and cross."

"Don't move!" The special forces team leader came over with a gun, and several other people followed, and then blocked Qin Ma and the gate behind them.

The muzzles of the two sides suddenly pointed at each other.

The special forces team leader said with a cold face, "I see who dares to take a step inside today. Listen up, brothers! No one is allowed to coax me today. The boss is not here. Whoever wants to let the little sister-in-law be taken away, my gun The first one not to spare him!"

"Yes!" Qi Gao said, and the special soldiers' guns were immediately loaded.

Suddenly, the squad leader's expression became very ugly.

The person next to him took a step closer to the team and the side, and asked in a low voice, "What should the captain do, these people are too difficult to deal with?"

"What should I do? I have to take Tong Sisi back today no matter what. Be careful not to hurt anyone."

At this time, the psychological quality came out. Everyone in the special forces team was not afraid of life, and obeyed the orders on a day-to-day basis. Compared with them, these armed forces were still a little hothouse.

But if they don't take Tong Sisi away, their troubles will be bigger.

The team leader gritted his teeth and raised his hand, "I have to take away the person today, brothers..."

At this time, a beam of headlights came in with a strong light, shining directly on them.

The car accelerated and stopped in front of the squad leader, and three people got out of the car.Qin Mu, Nan Qi, Xiao Cheng.

The team leader secretly yelled that it was not good, and it was even more difficult to solve the matter of Qin Mu's return.

He quickly stepped forward, "Boss Qin..."

Qin Mu glanced over coldly, "What's going on, who told you to come here, and brought the guy with you."

Seeing someone pointing a gun at Qin's mother, Nan Qi became furious, stepped forward and handed over the gun to the man, and then punched his stomach, the man bent down in pain.

Nan Qi wiped his nose, and snorted coldly, "I will teach you what it means to respect the old and love the young." Then he threw the gun aside, pointed at these people and said, "Put down all the guns for me, I hate others to hold them." The gun was pointed at me!"

The squad leader swallowed his anger, and then raised his hand to ask someone to put the gun down, but one person slowed down the gun. Nan Qi drew out the gun from his waist, quickly loaded it, and then shot that person in the arm .

There was a scream, and the blood flowed everywhere.

These people in the armed forces are dumbfounded.

Nan Qi walked to Qin Mu's side as if nothing happened.

Qin Mu walked up to the team leader and looked at each other, "Who told you to come?"

The captain's face was very pale, he took out the arrest warrant to Qin Mu, and said, "Boss Qin, please don't make things difficult for us, we were sent by high-level officials, even if the old chief is here today, we will take him away."

Seeing the content, Nan Qi was surprised.

He whispered in Qin Mu's ear, "Brother Mu, this is sent by the army chief himself, so I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with."

At this time...

"Boss phone." Xiao Cheng handed over the phone.

Seeing the incoming call, Qin Mu narrowed his eyes.

Then he watched the captain pick it up.

He didn't speak, just listened to the people over there.

One minute later, he slammed the phone on the team leader's feet, which made people's eyelids jump.

Qin Mu said coldly, "Remember clearly, how to bring back to me what was taken away by me, as long as she has a little accident, I will make you regret it forever."

The captain's face turned pale, "President Qin, don't embarrass me, I am the one who carries out orders, President Qin..."

Qin Mu walked in with a cold face, Nan Qi immediately blocked them.

Nan Qi stared, "Let the whole fucking wait for me, whoever makes a move will kill the other."

... When he came in, Tong Sisi was sitting on the bed in the room waiting for him. When the dispute broke out outside, she had already watched the news of the past two days on the computer.

It's hard to imagine that the past two days that I have been safe and sound, the outside world is turned upside down.

Seeing her appearance, Qin Mu knew in his heart that she knew everything.

He frowned, thinking about what to tell her.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, I'll go with them." Tong Sisi said suddenly

After a moment of silence, Qin Mu pulled her into his arms and pressed her head tightly.

He closed his eyes and said "I'm sorry, I'm not strong enough..."

She smiled, and slowly pushed him away, "Even if you are strong enough to turn this day around, it is my responsibility and I have to bear it myself. I don't want others to point at me and scold me for things I obviously haven't done, but I want to get rid of my mother to you, and I don't want her to be hurt."

Qin Mu looked at her deeply with gray eyes, and suddenly kissed her on the forehead.

"Relax and go..."

The two went downstairs together, Tong Sisi walked straight towards the police car, her hand was suddenly grabbed, she looked back and saw the worry in Qin Mu's eyes, she smiled.

In fact, this is enough.

She then got into the car and was taken away.

Qin Mu kicked the Rolls-Royce and yelled angrily, "Damn it, I haven't been so angry since I grew up! Nan Qi!"

"Sigh." Nan Qi took a step back, "Brother Mu, tell me."

"Why are you standing so far away!"

"Brother Mu, tell me, I can hear you."

Qin Mu stared angrily, "Check it out for me immediately, which army chief approved this."

"..." Nan Qi immediately took a few steps back, and then said awkwardly, "Hehe... that's my army chief. Brother Mu, I suddenly remembered that my little fish is still in the pot waiting for me to go back. I'm leaving."

He reacted and yelled angrily, "Nan Qi, why the hell, get the hell out of here."

"Brother Mu, go to bed early, see you tomorrow!" Nan Qi ran quickly, got into the car and left.

After leaving the prosperous age, he wiped his face, "Damn it, I'm so witty, luckily I can run fast."

Nan Qi immediately made a phone call.

(End of this chapter)

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