Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 297 I had a nightmare and woke up after dreaming of heartache.

Chapter 297 Had a nightmare, dreamed of heartache and woke up.

Liu Yi didn't hide from her anymore, and told her everything that should be said and should not be said.

She said, "I'm sorry, Sisi, but I have no other choice. It's not that I don't want to tell you, I, I, I..."

"I know Liu Yi, I don't blame you" she asked, "Where is Purgatory, I'm going."

"I'll take you there as fast as I can!"

Fortunately, when they arrived, Shenguang was still standing on the Purgatory Bar, and he only needed to take one more step to step into the eighteenth level of hell.

"Shenguang wait a minute!" Tong Sisi yelled and rushed over.

Liu Yi didn't react at all!It will be too late to catch her.

"Come back Sisi!"

The Nine Anti-Nine Anti-Senseiists heard the sound and looked over, but they had already seen Tong Sisi running to the Purgatory Platform.Startled, he moved quickly.

Shen Guang had already walked halfway through the Purgatory Platform, his face was pale at this time, he was suppressing the mental pain, he was startled when he saw Tong Sisi rushing over without hesitation, but he was worried about her soon.

Tong Sisi stepped on the purgatory bar, and the tear from her soul made her scream.When falling forward with her head in her arms, Jiu wrapped her arms around her waist and led her to jump down.

Liu Yi also rushed over and watched her open her eyes worriedly.

Jiu shouted angrily, "Don't die! Is the platform of purgatory accessible to mortals!"

Tong Sisi sadly urged: Brother, you should have said it earlier, whoever said it sooner would win!
Liu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you only stepped on half of your foot, but this is enough for you to suffer for half a month."

Tong Sisi's head was indeed about to explode with pain, and she still felt her brain bursting out, her lips were trembling and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

Jiu immediately picked her up, "Liu Yi, you are watching Shen Guang finish the Purgatory Platform, and I will take the girl back for treatment."

Tong Sisi quickly grabbed him by the corner of his sleeve, and looked at Shen Guang tremblingly, "Where is he?"

Nine said, "He made a mistake and must be punished."

"What's wrong." Tong Sisi insisted on asking, "Is it wrong to catch ghosts, or to save people?"

"He intervened in the human world and was seen again."

"Is it because of this? Shenguang is a human being, and he is a human being. Naturally, he is different from you people in the underworld. There is nothing wrong with him in catching ghosts, but the timing is wrong. If he is like you, he will not be seen. , since he is doing things for you in the underworld, you should think about this, and solve this problem for others, instead of punishing them in the end." Tong Sisi bit her tongue and finished the last sentence with her brain dizzy.

"It's so unfair, it's so inhuman..."

Liu Yi nodded fiercely, with an expression of approval.

Jiu gave her a cold look, and Liu Yi immediately shrank her head, chewing her mouth unhappily.

Looking down at the stubborn girl in his arms, he sighed, and re-announced, "Recite Shenguang's past achievements, record a major demerit, and go to receive the ten lashes of thunder after passing through the purgatory platform.

When Tong Sisi heard that it was only ten whips, she closed her eyes and passed out with peace of mind.

But the face of Shenguang who heard the ten lashes of thunder has already darkened.

This damn Jiu, what a deceit!

I only said before that walking through the Purgatory Terrace is his punishment, but now I have added the ten lashes of Thunder. Is this a fucking intercession!

I hate that Shenguang is completely speechless now, so naturally I can't express the pain in the baby's heart.

Jiujiang carried her back to the warm pool in the first hall, closed her clothes and put her in. An ice platform floated on the bottom of the pool just enough to support her on the water.Jiu stood by the pool and cast a few incantations, and saw that all the dense water vapor rising by the pool penetrated into Tong Sisi's body.

After a few moments, she was completely surrounded by a cloud of light and mist.

Tong Sisi felt like she was floating in the clouds, like cotton candy was squeezing her.The original feeling of pain gradually subsided, but fragments flashed one after another in her mind. Those fragments did not belong to her past, but more like a world she had never been to. There was her in that world, and there was another Blurred figure.

That figure made her heart ache.

She had a nightmare in which she dreamed that her heart was hurting in the dream, so she woke up.

At seven o'clock in the morning, I woke up in my room.

Tong Sisi blinked, looked at her hands, not sure if last night was real.

The cell phone beside him ding-dong.

It was from Liu Yi: Is Sisi in good health? You really scared us to death last night. The platform of purgatory is specially designed to target Yin spirits. Anyone who goes up there will lose their souls. Luckily Brother Nine is willing to use Wenchi for you. I'm so jealous of you! "

She couldn't help smiling, she could even think of Liu Yi jumping below her feet!
Liu Yi also told him that Shenguang had been sent back to the human world and was put on probation. Simply put, he was temporarily dismissed from his position as a ferryman.

But at least I don't need to go down to the eighteenth floor of hell, and I don't need to be reincarnated!
Miss Tong thought so, but Shen Guang hated him to death.

After ten whips and thunderbolts, Shen Guang had already beaten several souls alive, and was carried back to the human world by Liu Yi and Li Mu.

The thunder whip hits the soul directly, one whip can dissipate the human soul, and ten whips is the limit of all Yin Division can bear, but Shenguang is different, which is still within the tolerance for him.

During breakfast, Tong's mother said, "I'm going to find a job, and the family is running out of money."

Tong Sisi swallowed her meal, "I don't have any money, I'll go to the bureau to ask for it, and I won't let you go to work because you're in good health. Don't hide it from me, I already know."

"Sisi, mom is fine."

"That's not okay, at least you have to raise it for a month."

Mother Tong agreed to her, but as soon as she went to work, Mother Tong went out with her bag on her back.

She has been working in the police station for a full month, and the chief happily gave her a salary of 3000 yuan, and also gave her a bonus of 500 yuan.

The director said, "You contributed a lot to Liu Jiajia's case, because Aunt Yu finally solved it. She only needs a pennant, so I'll give you the bonus."

"Thank you Chief!"

This Tong Sisi is already very satisfied, a pennant is only 34 yuan, how can there be more than 500 yuan! !

After that, Fan Fan didn't know where she was asking for a salary, so he ran over and asked her if something happened at home and if she was short of money.

Tong Sisi looked at his face in surprise, "Oh my God, who did you fight with, why is your face blue?"

Fan Fan rubbed it for a while, "It's okay. Is the family short of money? I have it. I just got my salary last month. If you want to use it, take it first."

The envelope Fan Fan handed over was very thick, and by visual inspection, it was ten thousand small.

She didn't want it, and pushed it back, "No need, I'm not short of money, you'd better stay and get married."

Fan Fan said, "You are laughing at me now, getting married is easy, but the premise is to have a daughter-in-law!"

Just as Tong Sisi wanted to bury him, Xiao Liu came over and said, "Someone outside Sisi is looking for you."


Before Xiao Liu could say anything, Jiang Kailun came in by himself.

Seeing him, Tong Sisi's face turned cold, "Why are you here again?"

(End of this chapter)

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