Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 613 Are You Really the Blood of the Qin Family?

Chapter 613 Are You Really the Blood of the Qin Family?
The room was opened from the outside, and when he saw two women barging in, Bai Bai's eyes were wet all of a sudden, he couldn't move, but his throat made a choked sound.

Tong Sisi ran over and helped Bai Bai up distressedly, took off the Ling net on his body and hugged him into his arms, "Don't be afraid of Bai Bai, mother is here."

Baibai was kept here by Jia Sheng on high alert, thinking of ways to escape from here, originally he was not afraid, but when he saw the closest person, he felt wronged suddenly, his head stuck in Tong Sisi's arms, and he burst into tears, fragile It's not at all close to the little slippery guy from the past.

Liu Yi saw the collar on Baibai's neck, and his eyes darkened, "Sisi, please let me take off the collar on Baibai's neck first. Wearing it for a long time will damage his soul."

Tong Sisi pushed the little guy away a little, only to find something on his neck.

Although I don't know what it is, it's glistening and cold to the touch, and the body temperature can't stay on it at all.

"This damned Jia Sheng is really cruel! He actually took this thing for Bai Bai to wear." Liu Yi removed the collar for Bai Bai, gritted his teeth and explained, "This is specially used by the underworld to deal with treacherous evil spirits, and it is stipulated that every person in the underworld must wear a copy. It can dissipate the aura of Yin spirits, like ordinary little ghosts can be wiped out in less than an hour. Fortunately, Bai Bai's cultivation base is noble and can hold this magic weapon. Fortunately, we found it quickly, otherwise Bai Bai may be injured to the bottom of."

When Tong Sisi heard this, she clenched her fists suddenly.

Jia Sheng, right? She remembered!
Liu Yi took off the magic weapon, and Bai Bai would not be able to recover for a while. Tong Sisi used the last invisibility talisman on Bai Bai, and left the staff dormitory with him in her arms.

"Sisi, hurry up and take Bai Bai back, and I'll take care of the rest."

"Not yet." Tong Sisi stuffed Bai Bai into her arms, and took a step back, "Brother Mu led Jia Sheng to the first hall, now I don't know what will happen, I have to find him. You first Send Bai Bai back to my master for me, and then you will treat it as a mission outside, and you can leave the rest alone."

Liu Yi hurriedly grabbed her arm to prevent her from leaving, "What can you do if you go, even if you are a psychic messenger, you can't rashly bring a human to the underworld, I have more authority than you, I will go than you suitable."

Tong Sisi smiled lightly, covered her hand and slowly grabbed it, then looked at her with warm eyes, and shook her head lightly, "My dear sister, it is enough for you to help me here, I know you are loyal, but this loyalty makes you feel uncomfortable." You took care of it all by yourself, so what am I going to do? I can’t stop feeling sorry for you for what happened last time, don’t let me be a villain again.” His eyes fell on the weak and anxious, and he looked at himself worriedly. "What's more, how can I let others find my own man and child?"

"Liu Yi, help me send Bai Bai back safely. I owe you one more time."

Liu Yi stared at her and gritted her teeth, "Okay! Don't worry about Bai Bai, you have to come back properly. You owe me a lot, and you have to pay me back when you come back. If you don't want anything else, you can help me chase the male god. Just get it."

She laughed, "It's a deal."

Tong Sisi sent a text message to his mobile phone, then turned around and ran towards the first hall, thinking in his heart that Brother Mu would try his best to slow down and delay the time for them on the way, and the meeting should not have reached the first hall yet. .

She prepared for the worst, and if she couldn't escape from Jia Sheng, she would beat Jia Sheng up and leave!

But she didn't expect that this text message was received when she was still more than ten meters away from the first hall. She had already seen the magnificent gate of the first hall, and there were salesmen in neat and uniform clothes coming in and out.

Already here, is there any way to get out of the body?

Qin Mu's expression was deep, thinking in his heart, so he didn't realize that Jia Sheng, who was in front of him, was already suspicious.

Because they walked so peacefully along the way, especially when they approached the first hall, the salesmen who came and went didn't even look at them. If Jia Sheng was the only one who came to be ignored by these salesmen, it would be normal.

Qin Mu pretended to be an assistant next to the executive. This position is higher than those salesmen, and his status in the underworld is very representative.

But Qin Mu was ignored, what does this mean?
The big dye vat in the underworld, there is no way to survive with a bit of exquisite mind. The competition is even more embarrassing than the human world. There are hundreds of thousands of people crossing. Jia Sheng used a lot of means to rank 3611. These things can still be seen Is it opaque?

Jia Sheng had been suspicious for a long time, but he was able to calmly lead Qin Mu here because he wanted to win another credit.

Pretending to be the assistant of the executive is a crime, and he can get a lot of rewards!
Jia Sheng, who was walking in front, was thinking a lot, but the man behind him stopped at this moment.

Jia Sheng was stunned, "My lord, why did you stop, the first hall is here."

Qin Mu's eyes were cold, and he glanced at him, "I have already brought you here, you can handle the reward yourself, remember to take someone to bring the evil spirit back."

Something flashed in Jia Sheng's eyes, and he chuckled, "The adults are all in front of the hall, why don't you take the little ones to register inside, you will get a lot of benefits, and we can share them equally."

Qin Mu sneered, his eyes were disdainful, "I don't even bother to fight with you, a little guy, for that little thing, you go by yourself."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, but his arm was clasped by a hand from behind.

Jia Sheng's eyes were sinister, which made people feel dizzy, "My lord, I forgot one thing. We haven't reached the Niejing stage yet. This is the rule of the first hall. If you want to enter or leave the first hall, you must go to the Niejing hall." Walk in front of the stage, put your mark on your body, or you will be regarded as a sneaky thief."

Qin Mu frowned tightly, with a gloomy face.

Jia Sheng's eccentricity made him more or less aware that his identity was being suspected.This evil platform seems to be not as simple as he said, he knew he couldn't go, but at the moment Jia Sheng detained him, as long as he behaves wrong now Jia Sheng can shout for other ghosts to come and arrest him.

By the time……

Qin Mu shook off his hand, and said in a cold voice, "Let's go."

He didn't look back, Jia Sheng's mouth hooked into a dark smile.

In front of the evil mirror, good and evil are illuminated, and people's memories of three lives are also recalled. It is more like a demon mirror. If you have any disguise, you will have nothing to hide in front of the evil mirror.

Jia Sheng had no other idea, but wanted to see what Qin Mu was pretending to be.

There was already a line on the bridge platform on the other side of the evil mirror platform, and they stood in front of the mirror one by one. When Qin Mu walked over here step by step, his footsteps gradually became heavy. The chaos in front of him seemed to expand in an instant. His gray pupils swelled again, and the picture in front of him was spinning as if special effects had been added, which was not obvious at first.

As he got closer to the Nie Jingtai, the situation worsened again, a burst of pain ripped through his head, Qin Mu took a deep breath, grabbed his forehead and stopped.

The things seen by the eyes are distorted, and the sounds heard by the ears are chaotic and profound.

Qin Mu's heart was beating violently, and he was working as if he had added several pumps.

Dizziness, feet like stepping on cotton wool, body shaking unconsciously.

Seeing his change and pale face, Jia Sheng has confirmed his guess, and he will not let him go now.

"My lord has arrived, let's go quickly." Forcibly pulling him to the evil mirror stage, he walked past the person who left after taking the photo.

But at this moment, Qin Mu suddenly broke out, threw Jia Sheng away, hugged his head and roared, backed up and knocked down two ghosts.His expression was distorted in pain, those deep and cold gray eyes were stained with blood at this moment, as if something was cracking open.

"Ah!" Qin Muyang let out a miserable cry, and a circle of torrents swung around him. The dozen or so ghosts who had passed around him were blown away without even knowing anything. The movement of walking, the expression on his face did not change, and there was no pain at all.

Jia Sheng, who was closest to him, didn't get any bargains, but he sold his soul to the underworld, so he could carry it better than these ghosts who had just died, but he was hit off the stage, fell heavily on the ground and sprayed out A mouthful of blood.

Jia Sheng held his chest and propped up his upper body, looking in disbelief at the man on the mirror stage who was struggling with his head in his arms. Suddenly, he was in a trance, feeling that something on Qin Mu's body was about to break.

Did he guess wrong?

The power forced out of Qin Mu has exceeded Jia Sheng's imagination, and now he is afraid, what if Qin Mu is really an adult, what will he do after today?
With a bang, his knees sank into the ground, Qin Mu gritted his teeth and pounded the ground, clenched his fists tightly, his joints were bluish white.There were bursts of tearing in the head, just like the brain was slipped away by a knife, and then the opening was pulled wide with both hands and pepper water was poured into it, but what was poured was not the pepper water but a huge amount of information, the huge Qin Mu couldn't digest it at all, and couldn't grasp these things.

There is such a big turmoil here, it is impossible for the Yin Division stationed at the Niejingtai not to find out, and they have already rushed over when the ghosts attacked, but at this time they couldn't get close to Qin Mu, and there seemed to be a wave around him. An invisible and powerful force, whoever gets close will die.

"All yin divisions exit the evil mirror platform!" With this deep shout, Jiu appeared at the end of the bridge platform, holding a water ball in his hand, and a beam of light shot out from the ball, shining in a circle, The ghosts who stood on the stage and left in the future were all absorbed into it.

All the yin divisions escaped from the Nie Jingtai, and Jia Sheng, who suffered internal injuries, was also carried away by the passing yin divisions.

Jiu moved quickly to close the evil mirror platform, and the huge mirror was instantly covered with halo and turned into a pile of silent giant rocks.

The breath around Qin Mu's body also gradually subsided, but he was still kneeling there, his head was lowered so that he couldn't see what he looked like at the moment, but the short and broken black hair kept dripping like water. into the soil.

Jiu stood there quietly, his eyes were full of the man kneeling there without any movement, his expression was very complicated, as if he couldn't figure out the man in front of him.

The first time he saw Qin Mu, he had an indescribable feeling. The first time he came to the Underworld, he caused a lot of turmoil, and the impact has not subsided so far.

But this time Jiugen couldn't see through him.

After a long time, the man finally came back, his fingers submerged in the ground slowly pulled back, his hair trembled and lifted up.There was a hint of hostility in those cold gray eyes, Jiuxin trembled violently, and then he was in a daze for a while, but he still felt that something on Qin Mu's body was about to be cracked just now, just a layer of hard cocoon was shattered by the impact , It's just that they are barely connected together to cover important things.

Obviously the Qin Mu in front of him has not changed at all, he is still him, but Jiu Xinshen has a familiar trembling.

After a while, everything returned to normal. Qin Mu supported himself and still fell to the ground. He sat panting for breath, his head was still hurting from tears, but it didn't feel like it was being squeezed just now.

Jiu took a step, walked in front of him, looked at him with complicated eyes, and stretched out his hand for a long time.

Qin Mu frowned, followed his hand to meet his gaze, but did not move.

Jiu said, "The movement just now was too loud, let's get out of here first."

"I don't need you." Qin Mu supported himself and stood up. The pain in his knees stimulated the end of his mind. He may have been hurt by falling directly into the ground just now, but he probably didn't hurt his bones.

He tensed his body and waited for him to hold back before taking a step.

Jiu glanced at him, didn't say anything, and took him out of here.

Not long after them, the Nie Jingtai resumed its work, and the ghosts were released again after being put away. Yinsi maintained order and continued to let the teams pass through the mirror stage one by one.

It was as if what happened just now had never happened.

Jiu took him to his office and handed Qin Mu a pill.

Qin Mu vomited without hesitation or water.

People can bring him here silently, and there is no need to use poison to frame him. The underworld is full of people's minions.

Qin Mu was also unrestrained, and generously leaned back on the only sofa in the room to rest. After the effect of the medicine took effect, the various discomforts caused by the headache subsided little by little.Jiu stood there leaning on the bookshelf, his eyes never left him since he came in.

There was a knock on the door, but Jiu didn't let anyone in. "What's the matter."

The ghost outside said, "See you, the psychic."

Nine Sides glanced at the man who opened his eyes upon hearing the news.

"Let her in."

Before Tong Sisi came, Jiu's eyes fell on him deeply, and asked with a certain kind of inquiry and confusion, "Are you really the blood of the Qin family?"

Qin Mu looked at him when he heard the words, his eyes were calm and cold, and he mocked lightly, "I'm confused about this kind of thing. The old man only gave birth to two children, me and Tianai. If the old man had no accidents, then I wouldn't have any wrong."

"..." Hearing the gradual footsteps outside, Jiu said to him before people came in, "You have mysterious power, I feel very important to me, I hope you can break through the shackles again in the future Let me stay by your side."

"..." Qin Mu twitched the corners of his mouth and shook his wet hair, "Forget it, I feel like I will come to your first hall to report directly if I do it again."

"No." Jiu said, "It will only hurt but not die."

Qin Mu "..."

(End of this chapter)

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