Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 623 His wife is a fairy, only suitable for Meimei's painting style

Chapter 623 His wife is a fairy, only suitable for Meimei's painting style
Tong Sisi opened her eyes wide and looked closely at his closed eyes. Suddenly her eyelashes trembled, and a pair of deep gray eyes met her unexpectedly.

"Brother Mu... I went for it, but I was wrong."

"...You are really promising." Qin Mu looked at her quietly for a while, then pecked her before leaving the cold wall with his arms around her waist.

"Come here and sign." Tong Sisi saw that he came in with a document, and the document turned directly to the page that needed to be signed. She didn't know what it was, so she signed her name without thinking. , and then handed it to her together with the signature pen.

The small face was clean and pure, and Qin Mu's heart trembled with those eyes that were not clear at all.

Looking down at her delicate and round handwriting, "If you don't read anything, just sign, aren't you afraid I'll sell you?"

Tong Sisi narrowed her eyes, and put her feet around his neck, Qin Mu reluctantly supported her waist, lowered her head and looked at the little man whose feet had just reached her chin.

The little girl smiled like a little fox, and asked him, "Then will you sell your wife?"

Qin Mu raised his lips, rubbed against her forehead, and said in a low voice, "How can I sell you? Even if I do, it's only one for one for one."

"Sell you and give me."

Tong Sisi's heart softened, the warm sun of the whole winter poured into her heart, and the tip of her warm heart trembled.

In the end, she didn't know what she signed, and before she knew it, she became a rich woman who fried chicken!

Qin Zhenhua made the decision, took Zhang Huayu's private seal and stamped it, and transferred all of Qin Huang's shares under her name to Tong Sisi.

Qin Zhenhua would never have agreed to it before, but now he can do so to repay Tong Sisi's life-saving grace.

As Qin Mu thought, those who do good deeds without leaving a name are all fools now, why should they throw away resources that can make their lives better?If it's someone who knows how to repay her kindness, that's all. Who doesn't know Zhang Huayu's virtues, she may not be grateful to his little Sisi.No one can say anything about the days to come, he has to find a way out for Sisi.

Tong Sisi planned to go to Shenguang to discuss it, but Qin Tianai's call came at this time, and Zhang Huayu woke up.

Zhang Huayu was completely terrified of all this. Even during the day, someone had to stay by her side in the ward, and she couldn't leave even a single step.

She was afraid that the evil spirit would harm her again.

Zhang Huayu was still wearing a pain-relief pump, her body was soft and numb, but it didn't prevent her from talking, but her weakness made her less noisy and sharp than usual.

She kept asking Qin Tian'ai to find Second Aunt Yu.

Qin Zhenhua knew what kind of virtue his wife was, so before leaving, he also urged Qin Tianai not to invite someone from the Yu family.

"Mom, close your eyes and rest for a while, I'll ask the doctor about your diet." Qin Tianai rescued her hands, pushed the chair away and walked back.

Zhang Huayu raised his arms weakly, "You come back..."

Don't leave her alone in the ward!

Coincidentally, Qin Tianai opened the door of the room, and Qin Mu and Tong Sisi stood outside hand in hand.

"Brother, sister-in-law, you are here." Qin Tianai looked at her, "Sister-in-law, are you in good health? If you feel uncomfortable, you can rest at home. I can stay here with Mother Qin and the nurse."

I'm afraid it's an excuse that brother Mu gave her.

Tong Sisi said: "It's okay, I have something to talk to my mother about."

"Okay, I'll go to the hospital first." Qin Tianai left.

Zhang Huayu was relieved to see that they didn't put on their ugly faces as usual, and stared at them with complex and dazed eyes without saying a word.

Qin Mu pulled the chair over to let her sit on the bed; now, he turned around and sat down on the sofa under the wall, crossing his legs and looking at them.To be exact, he was staring at Zhang Huayu, with guarded and indifferent eyes, as if he was afraid that Zhang Huayu would bully her daughter-in-law.

Zhang Huayu: "..."

Tong Sisi knew that she didn't like her, so she didn't ask her mother to provoke her face to face, "I went to the old house to see it. During the Chinese New Year, the magic array I set up around the house was broken."

Seeing Zhang Huayu's body tremble, his expression was frightened.

"Can you tell me about the evil spirit? Has she ever appeared in front of you?"

"..." Zhang Huayu pursed her lips and remained silent for a long time before raising her head and staring into her eyes. what should I do."

"How can there be so many things." Qin Mu cut in with a cold voice, hugging his chest and said, "You can't learn to be smart after going through the gate of hell. What else can you do now except trust my wife. Thinking that there is someone guarding her?" That evil spirit of yours won't come looking for you? If she really wants to kill someone, she won't mind bringing one more person along with her."

"At this time, we are still willing to take care of you, so let's accept it as soon as it is good."

There was no trace of blood on Zhang Huayu's face. She glared at Qin Mu angrily, but his words also hit the point and could not be refuted.

Zhang Huayu was afraid of death. She hadn't lived, and she couldn't die before she found a way out for her daughter.

She looked at the ceiling, "every time that female ghost appeared, she was covered in blood, and she walked towards me all the way. When her red eyes stared at me, I couldn't move. At the beginning, she was still Afraid of the talisman on my body, but the magic circle talisman paper and casting spell that Second Aunt Yu helped me set up later didn't seem to work for her. Second Aunt Yu also tried to trap her, and she gave her the premise every time. Ran."

Tong Sisi asked: "Have you ever seen her face?"

"..." Zhang Huayu still closed her eyes and swallowed, "No."

She closed her eyes thinking that she could hide her guilty conscience, but Tong Sisi just saw her fleeting panic at the moment she closed her eyes.

Tong Sisi stared at her closely, "Who did you offend before and was killed by you indirectly or without your knowledge?"

Zhang Huayu opened his eyes suddenly, and stared at her sharply, "You mean to say that I killed someone, right?"


"Yes, that's right! I can tell that it's so tactful. Get out of here, I don't need you to worry about it. You can only say nonsense, and you have no real ability at all."

Tong Sisi was still able to bear it, but Qin Mu couldn't bear it anymore. He came over and pulled her up, looked at Zhang Huayu and sneered coldly: "I shouldn't bother you today, so I can do it myself."

"Let's go." Qin Mu pulled her out of the hospital without saying a word.

Tong Sisi ran two steps, stepped forward and hugged his arm, "Brother Mu."

Qin Mu stopped when he heard the sound, and turned to face her. His original anger was extinguished when he saw her.

He brushed her loose hair behind her ears, "I made you feel wronged by her again."

"What kind of grievance is this?"

He held her tightly with his arms open, and his breath lingered in her ears, one shallow and one deep, "This is the last time, this is the last time you will be wronged by her. She is not a bad person, so don't worry about her anymore."

Tong Sisi slid both hands on his waist, and curled up her five fingers, "Brother Mu is not just because of her this time, I am a psychic messenger, and the task I received is to assist Shenguang in arresting this evil spirit. I don't think I can do anything about it."


Whether this position can be resigned, Qin Mu wants to send back Lao Shizi's psychic messenger, so as to make trouble for his wife.

This kind of life-and-death work is not suitable for women.

His daughter-in-law is a fairy, only suitable for Meimei's painting style.

... After contacting Shenguang, Qin Mu sent her to the place where Shenguang worked, but Qin Mu left after receiving a phone call.

Qin Mu opened the safe gap for her, took her to kiss her for a long time before letting go, and leaned against her forehead and said: "Call me before the end, if I can't come, let Xiao Cheng pick you up."

In order to reassure him, Tong Sisi did not refuse, "I see."

After watching him drive away, Tong Sisi turned and walked into the coffee shop behind her.

This Shenguang is also a strange thing, an invisible rich man prefers part-time work... or the profession of waiter.

Living in the presidential suite in the best hotel in city A, but working as a waiter for [-] a month...

Also drunk.

Shen Guang was not surprised when Tong Sisi came to look for him.

As soon as he saw her, he gave her a big roll of his eyes, disgusted.

She rubbed her nose with guilt, after all, not long after she had used someone, she was automatically delivered to her door, and there was no one as shameless as her.

This time, she came with a mission, and the two of them needed to have an in-depth communication at work.

Shen Guang asked her to wait for a while, then untied the apron around her waist and put the undelivered coffee dessert on the bar.

Tong Sisi looked at his actions strangely, unable to figure out what he wanted to do.

The boss who was counting the bill raised his head, "What are you doing, the customer is waiting, why don't you hurry up and send it away."

Shen Guang put the apron beside the tray, "I quit."

Tong Sisi: "..."

So capricious.

The boss suddenly became angry: "What are you doing! You just came here yesterday and resigned today? You don't want to do it, tell me earlier! Give up the opportunity to that young man from yesterday. Where are you going to find someone temporarily?"

"It has nothing to do with me. I don't want my salary today." After finishing speaking, Tong Sisi, who was watching the fun with Shenguang, took her by the arm and walked out without mercy.

The boss angrily threw a handful of steel coins into the cash register.

Is there any integrity these days?
He is so handsome!
…After leaving the store, Shen Guang shook her arm away in disgust.

"..." Tong Sisi rolled her eyes and got down to business, "Looking for a place to talk?"

Shen Guang said, "Go to the Living Room."

Life House, the site of Dream Lily.

The two stopped outside and saw through the glass window that Meng Lily smiled kindly and confessed to several middle school girls who bought desserts, and patiently and practically helped the little sisters choose desserts that suit their tastes.

The wind chime on the glass door rang, and Meng Baihe looked up to see them, with a deeper smile, "Shenguang, Sisi. Please sit down first."

Tong Sisi smiled and said, "You are busy."

This is not the first time here, Tong Sisi sat down at the nearest counter.Meng Baihe made tea for the little sisters after sending them away, and brought them a small basket of cookies.

Meng Baihe sat down, held her chin and smiled, "Try it, I added cranberries, Shen Guang likes it the most."

Just as Tong Sisi was about to bite, she was force-fed a handful of dog food and couldn't stop biting, "..."

Shen Guang put the cookie into his mouth calmly and ate it gracefully. Meng Baihe squinted his smile and watched him eating the cookies he made, feeling so happy.

"...cough cough." Tong Sisi felt regretful at this moment, she should have found a day when Brother Mu was free to come with her!

"Shen Guang, have you received the appointment notice?"

Shen Guang's expression was flat, "Yes."

"Ninth brother asked me to help you."

"..." Shen Guang paused his hand reaching for the basket, and looked up at her with disgust.

He withdrew his hand and said in a serious and low voice: "Assisting me is fine, I have conditions. During the appointment period, you listen to me, you can't be kind to women, and you have to be smart in doing things. If you do these three points, I will agree, otherwise you will go back and take care of me." This errand has been retired by itself, indicating that the ability is not enough."

"..." Damn it!
Tong Sisi really wanted to tear him apart.

Can he stop being so vicious with his mouth, so that he can use every name to spread hatred!

But after he finished speaking, he continued to eat biscuits as if nothing happened, which shows that he really likes to eat them!

Chatting with Shenguang can be irritating in minutes, so incomprehensible, the face of the gourd is paralyzed, how can Lily endure him every day?
... At five o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Huayu's spirits improved, and Qin Tian'ai went back to rest. Qin's mother was here with her.

Qin's mother got up and went to the toilet. Zhang Huayu stretched out her arms and took out the mobile phone from the drawer with great difficulty, and made a call with someone in a low voice. When Qin's mother came out, the mobile phone had already been put back under the pillow, and Zhang Huayu was fine.

Qin's mother said, "Ma'am, the doctor said that you can't eat or even drink water for the time being. If your mouth feels dry, let's rinse your mouth."

Zhang Huayu nodded, "Pour a glass of water and put it here, and you can go back."

"But the master and the young master let me guard you here, it's inconvenient for you to be alone after I leave."

Zhang Huayu lowered her face, "I have no status at home, so even talking is useless, right?"

"No." Qin's mother was not happy to be told that about her age.But she didn't dare to leave just like that, and she couldn't explain if something happened to someone in the hospital.

"Ma'am, I will ask the master for instructions."

"You don't need to worry about it. I just can't get used to you. I'll call the servant from the old house when you leave."

Speaking of this, Mother Qin didn't insist anymore, Zhang Huayu told her to leave now without waiting for the servant to come.

Zhang Huayu sent people away in such a hurry because of Second Aunt Yu who came.

Now the Qin family and Yu Jiaming have no hostility on the surface, but Qin Mu brought down the Yu family, which everyone knows well, no matter how angry the Yu family is, they can't do anything to the Qin family. They were not good enough before, and they were down and out After that, it was beyond reach.

The Yu family now appeared in front of the Qin family, feeling uncomfortable at all.

Qin Zhenhua also said that in the future, we will see each other as little as possible.

This time when looking for Second Aunt Yu, she could only do so secretly.

This is a kind of insult, people with a bit of skin will not rush over in front of others who are bored, but if they can reach the big tree that used to cover Yu's house, this little dignity is nothing.

The Yu family is eager to have a chance to get in touch, not to mention helping Zhang Huayu is to ask for a debt of favor for himself.How could such an opportunity not be grasped.

Second Aunt Yu came very quickly, she came within 10 minutes after Mother Qin left.

As soon as he came in and saw Zhang Huayu lying on the bed, weak and weak, tears fell down his face.

(End of this chapter)

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