Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 639 Do You Want To Divorce Me?

Chapter 639 Do You Want To Divorce Me?
"Baibai!" Shen Guang's expression became cold and serious, and he stared at him and said lightly, "You have to know that if you are attacked, you can't do anything at all. Last time you were arrested rashly, how many people came out to save you? Dangerous. This is different from being caught in prison for making mistakes in the human world. Here you have Qin Mu protecting you, but if you make mistakes next time, there will be no second chance. What you have to pay is not your life With the level of importance Tong Sisi attaches to you, she won't just watch, and Qin Mu won't watch his beloved woman fall into trouble, think about how many people you will drag down."

Bai Bai was stunned, and he thought of the powerful relationship without refuting, but he was still very unconvinced.

Shen Guang looked at him biting his lips stubbornly, and said, "Tong Sisi may not be as smart as you in terms of IQ, but she is much more mature than you in terms of general outlook. And recently her skills have improved a lot, unless she meets you like this." bug, otherwise those brats would not be able to hurt her."

"If you insist on following, ask your mother for permission."

Shen Guang paused, and then looked at the little guy, "Bai Bai, you boast that you are very powerful and decathlon, but a truly strong person will not let people who care about him worry about him. A strong person will know everything before doing anything." Think carefully about the consequences and the way out, not to let yourself get hurt, and not let people who care about you and him get hurt."

What he said had a lot of influence on Bai Bai.

Bai Bai opened his dark eyes, looked at Shen Guang's cold and hard expression, and his serious and serious expression when he spoke, but under that disguised expression, he saw an unknown side, full of gloomy life, Not even the slightest gleam of longing.

"I see." Bai Bai obediently nodded under his gaze.

Shen Guang pulled his lips lightly, and raised his hand to touch his head, "Now I will take you home."

The Martin car just left from its original place, and a black Hyundai followed closely behind.

Jia Sheng, who was in the driver's seat, had been following Shenguang's car into Shengshi, and saw the little guy who had escaped from his dormitory walk into Villa No. [-] with his own eyes.

He drove the car elsewhere and waited for the Martin car to leave before returning. He stared at the window on the second floor with a pair of extremely cold eyes. Seeing Bai Bai swaying by the window, he became more and more angry, and the steering wheel he held in his hand also exerted strength. .

"Haha, I finally found you."

As a low-ranking Yinsi ferryman, he may not have much real power below, but in the human world, he can easily find out who lives in Villa No. [-]. A psychic phone can directly check all of Qin Mu's information. out.

Qin Mu, Tong Sisi.

Hehe, our feud is over.

Today when Zhang Huayu was discharged from the hospital, Qin Zhenhua called to ask the family to go back to the old house for dinner. Tong Sisi got off work early and returned home to change clothes for herself and Bai Bai.

Bai Bai took this opportunity to tell her Shen Guang's intentions.

"Well, I see. You go and call Dad and ask him what time he will be home."

"Okay." Bai Bai slipped off the sofa and went back to his room to call Qin Mu.

She called Shenguang and made an appointment to meet at Dongyuan Road after nine o'clock, and then they would go directly from the old house.

Since the last time Brother Mu couldn't contact her and panicked, Tong Sisi no longer kept it from him, and told him everything she did.

Zhang Huayu can't get out of bed yet, so she just switched from the hospital bed to the home bed to recuperate.A room was specially packed for her, and Chu Wei came to visit in the afternoon to install the necessary medical equipment in the room. From now on, medical staff will come to check her body every day.

Sitting by the bed, Qin Tianai wiped Zhang Huayu's arms, and when she heard the movement downstairs, she was overjoyed, "My brother and the others are back! I'll go down and have a look."

"Come back to me!" Zhang Huayu pursed her lips tightly and said in a low voice, "Since they are coming to see me, wait for them to come upstairs by themselves. I didn't come to see me when I was in the hospital. Now I Well, go home and recuperate and hurry back to see me. I think his intention is to see if I am dead. If I die, no one will stop him. How could I not know about his wolfish ambitions!"

Qin Tianai stomped his feet, unable to figure it out, "Mom, why do you love to misinterpret my brother's mind? What did my brother do these years to make you hate him so much?"

She looked at Zhang Huayu and shook her head in disappointment, and told her the past events one by one.

"In the past few years, you have been sick and groggy every day. It is my brother who has been running back and forth at home and abroad, just to find a hospital that can cure you. I haven't seen you praise him for your filial piety, but I don't like you. Don't you keep scolding him like this now." She gritted her teeth, "Of course she doesn't always mean him like she does now."

Zhang Huayu was heartbroken, and stared at Qin Tianai, "Mean? You describe your mother like that." He pointed at her trembling angrily, and said sadly and angrily, "Look at your current appearance, Qin Mu, Tong Sisi and you What kind of ecstasy did you take to make you look at them like this, I am your mother, will I harm you! Isn't everything I do for you!"

"Why do I treat Qin Mu badly, why do I dislike him? Didn't he find fault with himself? Yes! When he grows up, no one will care about him, so he treats me as a fart when he grows up. Mother?"

"Of course I will listen to what you say is right to my brother, why should he listen to what you said is not right, my brother is such an old man and has his own opinion!"

The more Qin Tianai defended Zhang Huayu, the angrier he became, and he said excitedly, "Anyway, in the final analysis, he is just an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!"

The door of the room was kicked open by Qin Zhenhua as soon as the ending sound fell, which shocked the mother and daughter inside.

I saw Simu who appeared behind Qin Zhenhua, and the cute and cute little guy who was held in the middle by the two of them.Zhang Huayu shrank her shoulders subconsciously, and immediately felt scared when she met Qin Zhenhua's cold gaze.

But there are some words that can't be taken back when spoken out like water poured out.

"Father, brother..." Qin Tianai moved to the side of the bed, trying to block Zhang Huayu on the bed.

"Get out of here." Qin Zhenhua pulled her arm back with a gloomy face.

After Qin Tianai left, she exposed Zhang Huayu on the bed, facing Qin Zhenhua's anger and cold stare directly.Zhang Huayu swallowed in panic, and couldn't help but clutch the bed sheet under her body with her fingers.

Qin Mu stood calmly behind him, with a soft white hand in his hand, the little paw adjusted a position in his palm, and then a little finger grabbed his palm.

Bai Bai pulled out Tong Sisi's hand, grabbed his clothes and pulled it. Qin Mu lowered his head and saw the little guy's bright and clear black eyes. He bared his teeth and called out "Dad."

This sound warmed Qin Mu's heart and took off his expressionless mask.

He bent over to hold the little guy in his arms, raised his head and smiled at the woman who was worried about him, and gave all his tenderness to the mother and child.Anyway, they are not needed here, so Qin Mu held her hand and hugged Bai Bai, and walked out with her mother and son.

Qin Zhenhua looked at the backs of the three with complicated eyes, and said to Qin Tianai in a calm voice, "You go down too, you don't have to wait for me to eat."

Qin Tianai glanced at Zhang Huayu worriedly, and Zhang Huayu winked at her again, wanting her to stay.


"Get out!" Zhang Zhenhua was furious.

She bit her lip, turned and left.

"Tianai..." Zhang Huayu anxiously wanted to stop her, but was frightened by Qin Zhenhua's disappointed and distressed eyes.

Qin Zhenhua scolded her, got angry with her and taught her a lesson, but he never showed any signs of grief towards her.

This scares Zhang Huayu more than any scolding.

"Old Qin, don't be angry, I apologize..." Zhang Huayu stretched out his body and wanted to reach out to grab Qin Zhenhua, but there was a wound on his abdomen, and the pain was severe when he pulled it, and his painful forehead was covered with a fine layer of sweat.

Qin Zhenhua pushed her back without saying a word, his movements were very light, so as not to make her wound feel painful.

But the more he behaved like this, the more nervous Zhang Huayu became.

The scariest thing is when people have no emotions!
When he retracted his hand, Zhang Huayu grabbed his hand and hurriedly explained, "I was really in a daze just now. I have no other intentions. I'm going to apologize to Qin Mu and explain to them! I really was just now Unintentionally, Lao Qin, can you trust me this time?"

Qin Zhenhua lowered his eyes and looked at the hands of the two who were no longer young, and there was a nameless loneliness and sadness in his heart.He raised his hand to cover it, and took her hand away under Zhang Huayu's startled gaze.

Qin Zhenhua took a step back, and said in a long voice, "Back then you kept saying that I believed you could do a good job and take care of this family for me, so I promised to marry you. In my 30s, you and I were not young at that time The time of the most passionate love has passed. Although I didn’t love you at that time, I still gave you the most important responsibilities and obligations of marriage. You took good care of my children, so I never apologized outside. Regarding your matter, even if you have become more and more outrageous over the years, I have never blamed you for it. Even if you use your identity as Mrs. Qin to show off outside, Amu and I will provide you with the greatest resources to satisfy your vanity Heart."

"Why do I tolerate you so much? Back then I was in my 30s, in my prime, and worth a lot of money. How many people rushed to come to me. What kind of woman would I want at that time? I could also marry a second wife. A girl in her early teens, but why did I choose you who are far inferior to those girls."

Speaking of this, Qin Zhenhua paused for a moment, looked deeply at Zhang Huayu's increasingly flustered appearance, and said softly: "Those young girls are uncertain, and they are still children, unable to settle down and adapt to the family. My heart I am already tired. I gave all my love to others at the youngest age. The things that young people pursue are no longer suitable for me. I have children, and I need a stable home, and I need an informed, reasonable, gentle, virtuous and helpful person. My wife who takes care of the family. I can see the meals being prepared when I come home from work and you and the kids are waiting for me to come home."

"After marriage, you said that you can't cook and can't handle housework, so I hired a servant and a cook. You also said that you haven't brought up children, and you are afraid that you won't be able to take care of them. You are five years younger than me. At that time, in my eyes, I Treating you as a little girl, I think you should be coquettish. Without saying a word, I asked Mother Qin to take care of the child. In the first year of marriage, I completely discovered that you were not my ideal partner, but We are married, I am your husband, you are my choice, even if you are not good, I should let you go, not to mention housework and child care can be solved with money. I have no objection to you doing what you like You always give money to your good-for-nothing nephew and I didn't say anything. My only hope is that you can treat Ah Mu well, because Ah Mu feels guilty for you, and I will use up all my patience to deal with it. Hello."

"I didn't lie to you when I got married. I said that if you don't love you, you can't give you romantic love. You also said that you don't want to be romantic and just want a home, so we got married. We have lived together for decades, and we know each other. Those who love or not have long been replaced by family affection." Qin Zhenhua's voice was a little low at this point, and he looked at Zhang Huayu in confusion, "I don't understand, what is it that I haven't done well for decades, and what is not enough?"

"It's not like this..." Zhang Huayu panicked and wanted to speak for herself, but for a while she didn't know where to say it, so she kept shaking her head, trying to reach him when she couldn't get up.

Qin Zhenhua kept watching, but didn't step forward.

"Old Qin, I know I was wrong. I will change what you said in the future. When I am ready and I can get out of bed, I will learn to cook and do housework. Don't be angry, I will listen to everything you say from now on."

Hearing this, Qin Zhenhua was even more disappointed, "The servants have been handling the cooking and housework these years, and I don't expect you to enjoy it as long as you have the ability. If you don't understand what's wrong, you just don't understand, and that's never what I want you to do."

What I want is a happy and happy family, a stable old age, and children and grandchildren.

What I was looking for was nothing more than the simplest and most common thing, but it was so difficult.

"Forget it, take care of your injuries. If you don't like them during this period, I won't let them come again. When you recover from your injuries, go back to Zhang's house."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Huayu was completely stunned. Now it was not just a simple panic and fear.

Her voice trembled slightly, thinking that she had heard it wrong, "You, you want me to go back to the Zhang family... Do you want to divorce me?"

Qin Zhenhua followed her and said, "Since you think so, then it must be so."

Zhang Huayu's brain exploded lightly, his head went blank, he thought a lot but didn't know what he was thinking, his face was terribly pale.

At this moment, only the message 'he wants to divorce himself' is left in my head.

Both of them are in their 60s and [-]s, and if they have grandchildren, they will be laughed at if they divorce.

How could Zhang Huayu, who had such a good face, endure being gossiped behind his back?

This is not the most important thing. The important thing is that she will be divorced by Qin Zhenhua. After leaving the Qin family, how can a family like the Zhang family that can only hold up its head if it depends on the Qin family satisfy her? The Zhang family will not agree to let her go. She is divorced, and if she goes back, she will be scolded and sent back.

 In fact, looking for a boyfriend is still looking for someone like Lao Qin. If you have passed the age of pursuing vigorous love, you should look for this kind of person. After getting married, the original love will turn into a family relationship over the years. Girls find someone who is considerate The man who understands himself is the most suitable man!He can give you a stable family that doesn't require you to worry about it. He is responsible and responsible.

(End of this chapter)

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