Chapter 644

Tong Sisi didn't know what standard she used to judge herself and still pestered Jiang Kailun. Didn't she know that she and Jiang Kailun hadn't seen each other for several months?He didn't even know that he would meet Li Qin by chance today, and she was about to give birth.

Many couples who broke up can no longer be friends, but in the past, they are the people who understand each other best, and there is no need to become enemies
Seeing Li Qin complacent in front of her, Tong Sisi felt tired and didn't want to deal with it.

She opened the bag on her shoulder and took out an invitation card without a name filled in, because she wanted to write an invitation card for her friend here, and there were several empty invitation cards without a name filled in the bag. Tong Sisi leaned over with a pen and filled in the names of Jiang Kailun and his wife on the counter, then turned around and handed it to Li Qin.

"I'm getting married on the eighth day of next month. If you want, you can come."

Li Qin stared at the invitation, pursed his lips tightly and did not accept it, and suddenly heheed twice, "What are you showing off, isn't it just that you are going to marry into the Qin family? It's like who doesn't know! Who cares about going to your wedding! go away"

Li Qin snorted and went forward to push her away, scaring Tong Sisi a bit, seeing her big belly didn't dare to fight her hard, but Tong Sisi was disgusted.

Forced to give up her seat cover, Li Qin marked the pair of cuff buttons again.

Li Qin took out a card from his wallet and held it between his fingers, and said to Jiang Tao arrogantly, "Wrap up these cufflinks for me, I want it!"

"Excuse me ma'am, these cufflinks..."

"We've already bought it." Tong Sisi said lightly.

Li Qin turned his head and stared, took the packaged cufflinks from Jiang Tao's hand, and said with a raised lip, "I bought a receipt? There is no proof that it is yours? This thing is just like a person, and you need to pick someone." .Some people are not worthy, but in the end, it is not certain who will belong to it.”

Tong Sisi glanced at her indifferently, "We paid all the money for whose stuff you said? Or are you robbing the owner's stuff like this?" She clicked her tongue as if she had suddenly come to her senses, "That's right, you have a criminal record after all. People like to pick up things lost by others in a special way.”

Li Qin took a sharp breath, "What do you mean!"

"I mean it's simple and crude. You understand how you married Jiang Kailun. Do you need me to explain it here?"


Tong Sisi immediately exposed her shortcomings, even though she was out of breath, she didn't say another word.

Tong Sisi reached out to grab the packing bag in Li Qin's hand, glanced down at her, snatched it back with a little effort, and reminded her kindly, "You can get what you want, and you can marry Jiang Kailun as you wish, so don't marry her." Let’s do it again, just watch over him and live a good life.”

Li Qin stared at her coldly, his fists on his side were tightened, and his joints turned pale when he was too hard.

Tong Sisi stepped back a few steps without leaving her, and handed the invitation card to Jiang Tao behind the counter.

"Please help me throw the trash can."

"Okay." Jiang Tao looked at her for a while, then threw the invitation into the trash can behind the counter.

Tong Xiaohua came back late after paying the bill, and said dissatisfiedly, "I have to wait in line to pay the bill!"

When did you buy clothes in the mall before without queuing?
But this person is like this, when he climbed to the peak, he forgot the scenery at the lower place, and his heart became higher and higher.

"Let's go after buying, I still have something to do in the bureau." Tong Sisi didn't wait for her after finishing speaking, and walked away from work.

Only then did Tong Xiaohua notice Li Qin's existence, her expression was surprised, then she glanced at Tong Sisi's leaving figure, and hurried to catch up.

Li Qin didn't bother to go shopping anymore, he yelled at the nanny and was about to leave, but he retreated after taking two steps, and shouted at Jiang Tao angrily, "Hey, pick up that invitation card for me."


Li Qin still has reason, and he still knows that not everyone can get invitations for the Qin family's wedding banquet, but none of the joint-stock companies such as the Li family or the Jiang family who are present that day are worthy of it. It's also good to have a familiar face in front of Fei Ran.

Especially the Nan family, which occupies a certain position in the military, can talk to them wherever they go, and it will only benefit the Li family if they can build a good relationship with the Nan family.

This big piece of meat is here, who cares about an annoying Tong Sisi!

"Sisi, have you had an argument with Li Qin?" Tong Xiaohua chased after her and asked tentatively.

Tong Xiaohua knew about Jiang Kailun and Tong Sisi's university relationship, but only heard that they broke up because the Jiang family disliked Sisi's background.

Later, Tong Sisi and Shen Guang got involved with Jiang Kailun. After Tong Xiaohua came to City A, he learned about everything on the Internet, and also met Jiang Kailun's current wife, Li Qin.

Tong Sisi glanced at her, "Is there any peace when we meet?"

"Let's go, I'll see you off first and then go back to the bureau."

Tong Xiaohua stopped suddenly.

Tong Sisi turned around, "Let's go?"

Tong Xiaohua looked at her nervously, "Sisi, did Li Qin say something that made you angry? I brought you here to buy things, otherwise I wouldn't have met her."

Tong Sisi suddenly stopped to look at her for a while, and said, "I'm not angry, even if I was angry, I wouldn't be angry with you..." Then she paused, not knowing what to say anymore.

She could finally be sure that Xiaohua had really changed, especially during these days when she had changed the most, and she could no longer find the original simple, kind and delicate shadow.

She is too careful... She can read people's faces, and sometimes she is so preoccupied that even Tong Sisi can't see her clearly.

But it's the same, and the distance between them has been widened.

After returning to the bureau, a courier was delivered. Tong Sisi signed it, took a paper cutter, opened the box, took out a white square box with a certain brand LOGO printed inside, put it aside and took out the card at the bottom of the box, with the printed A string of English names.

Throw the card into the box to open the small box.

Fan Fan came in a hurry, the tired look on his brows showed some joy.

"Sisi pack up quickly and follow me, the murderer has been found!"

"Really!" Tong Sisi was also very excited, and threw the small square box that hadn't been opened in time into the bag, tidied it up, and went to the police with Fan Fan and the others.

It has been a whole week since the Yuanguang murder case was committed. During this period, Qin Huang was the most affected. That was her man's empire. Tong Sisi was more anxious than anyone else to get the murderer out.

Until the evidence and the murderer are found, Qin Huang will always bear the blame for forcing people to jump off the building.

On the way, Tong Sisi sent her a text message to Brother Mu.

The reply was quick, but it was a caring word, "Be careful, protect yourself."

In less than an hour, Tong Sisi came to this boutique for the second time, but the purpose of the two visits was different.

On the way here, Fan Fan had already shown her the profile of the suspect, and when she saw that the name on it was also Jiang Tao, Tong Sisi thought of the handsome little guy who packed cufflinks for them in the boutique, and his name was also Jiang Tao.

The police surrounded the boutique, and Jiang Tao was brought out by Xiao Liu and the others. Tong Sisi stood behind his colleagues in surprise, but suddenly met Jiang Tao's gaze, and saw the anger in his eyes.

Tong Sisi froze for a moment, inexplicably feeling that his hostile eyes were aimed at herself.

It wasn't until Jiang Tao was pushed into the car and the door was closed that all sight was blocked.

"Let's go, what are you looking at?" Fan Fan opened the door and wanted to get in, but when he turned around, he saw Tong Sisi standing beside the car in a daze, turning his head and looking backward.

Tong Sisi got into the car and asked him, "Are you sure the murderer is him?"

Now I can still think of when I was buying cufflinks in a boutique, Jiang Tao asked her with a warm smile if she wanted to pack them.

Such a smiling and polite boy doesn't look like a murderer, but looks like a college student who hasn't graduated and entered the society.

Fan Fan drove the car and glanced at her, "Yes, all the evidence is to Jiang Tao, and now he is a suspect. When he returned to the police station, his blood sample was taken for verification. If it wasn't for him, the police would send an apology to Jiang Tao, and the police would not Wrong a good man."

When Jiang Tao was pushed off the car, he kept explaining to the comrades next to him.

"Brother policeman, you really arrested the wrong person. I didn't kill anyone! I don't have time to do anything other than go to school and work every day. I didn't kill people. I really didn't kill people. If you investigate carefully, I'm wronged!"

The policeman who took him into the detention room did not answer him, locked Jiang Tao in and turned around to leave.

Jiang Tao rushed over and slapped on the door, holding on to the small window and shouting at the top of his throat.

Tong Sisi came from another direction, stood by the door, and wanted to persuade him a few words, but when Jiang Tao saw her, his eyes became very disgusted, and he turned his head to walk away.

"Wait a minute." Tong Sisi asked puzzledly, "Did we have some misunderstanding?"

For a college student like Jiang Tao, with such a sudden change in his life, he is the only person he has ever seen, so he should be the first to ask her to prove it for him.But Jiang Tao's eyes were full of hostility towards her.

Obviously, when he accompanied Tong Xiaohua to choose things in the boutique, it wasn't that he was hostile to him.

Jiang Tao snorted, "You're a policeman, not an actor, so you don't have to put on a show if I've been arrested."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't need to pretend, you went to the boutique just to find out about my situation for the mission!"

It turned out that there was a misunderstanding here.

"You really misunderstood, I really went shopping with someone, and I was dragged away..."

"You don't need to explain! When I saw you in the boutique, I couldn't even say a word from the pregnant woman. I knew that you were not a good person, at least not on the surface." Jiang Tao didn't even listen. Be willing to listen and believe what you see.

He turned his eyes away, fell to the side, and said in a cold voice, "There are not so many coincidences. Even if it is a coincidence, it is for a certain purpose. The police came to arrest me as soon as you walked in front. You dare say that they didn't catch me early in the morning." I?"

"..." It was targeted early, but the person who was targeted was not him at first, and I didn't know it would be him.

I'm afraid Jiang Tao may not be patient enough to explain to him now.

I also feel that there is no need to explain anything to him. I have no guilt in my heart, and my conscience will naturally not hurt.

"I don't need to explain anything to you. Even if I'm the policeman sent to investigate you, it's one of my job as a policeman, and it's also for social harmony. I'm not wrong." Tong Sisi looked calmly, watching Jiang Tao's forbearance It was hidden fear, so he couldn't help sighing, and slowed down his voice, "Don't worry, if you are innocent, no one can wrong you. If you don't believe us, you have to believe in yourself, just wait calmly."

Jiang Tao's tense mood has relaxed, but when he glanced over at her, she immediately erected a thorn.

"It sounds good, let's switch places, come in and see if you can calm down!"


Later, a number of media outlets appeared on the Internet to express their apologies to Qin Huang for their news.Several of the most influential organizations have released evidence on the platform, each of which can clear up Qin Huang, and some marketing accounts have written a large strategic analysis.

"Qin Huang is only practicing from the perspective of survival in the business world without touching the bottom line of morality and law. There are directors on Qin Huang, and thousands of employees are looking at their jobs. If you give up your business territory if you are soft-hearted, you are not a successful businessman! "

The official website of the police station then posted a news, telling Yuan Guang that Mr. Sun’s wife and children committed suicide by jumping off a building. It was confirmed that the suspect was arrested today, and the development of the case will be gradually uploaded to the official website.

But at the same time, a reporter actually went to the prison to interview Sun Chaoyang.

In the camera, Sun Chaoyang blushed with excitement, and opened his mouth to scold, "It's nonsense, who is Qin Mu, as long as he touches these negative news, he can find someone to clean up. The current laws are made for powerful people. Yes! Who cares about the voices of us real victims!"

The reporter also asked some questions, but Tong Sisi didn't listen, and turned to the comments below the video, and the content was mixed.

There was a vest who was probably an angry youth, with sharp words and satirical society. Because of his good eloquence, the comment on Qin Huang's attack had brainwashed many people and made him sit on the sofa.

Tong Sisi registered an account and boarded it, without being one-sided between the lines, but gave a pertinent comment below.

"Qin Huang has long spoken out to defend himself, why did he wait until the situation got serious?"

In a short while, her reply to this comment received more than a thousand likes.

She got up from the computer, took her mobile phone and went to the tea room where there were few people to make a call.

The call was picked up when it was about to be disconnected.

"Hello." The man's low and cold voice came over, completely different from the smiling voice to her, so alienated and indifferent that people couldn't catch up.

Not hearing the sound, Qin Mu frowned and held the phone in front of his eyes. When he saw the note on the screen, he wanted to slap himself twice.

The voice became gentle and greasy at the moment, "I didn't know it was you when I didn't look at the phone." The corner of the eye glanced at the time under the computer, "Are you going to get off work?"

Tong Sisi leaned on the water dispenser, watched her colleague take the water and leave, and hummed lightly, "I read all the news on the Internet, did Qin Huang's public relations department start maintenance?"

"No." Qin Mu put down the pen in his hand, leaned back, leaned on his back and turned to the large French window behind him.During the conversation, his eyes became gentler, and his gaze at the steel city outside the window also became deeper and thought-provoking.

"Do you know Zhaohua Company?"

"I know, you took me to a banquet last time."

 These two days are automatically released in the background. I haven’t checked it out. The monthly ticket received will be updated tomorrow. Finally, thank you Xiaozhan for the monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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