Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 653 At a certain age, living is not just for yourself

Chapter 653 At a certain age, living is not just for yourself
Tong Xiaohua acted like a baby, "Xiang Yan, I want you to hug me."

"Do you know what you're talking about now...you'll regret it." His voice was hoarse and thick, and he had endured it for too long, adding a depth.

Tong Xiaohua raised her head, her watery eyes glowed under the light in the bathroom, she looked at the man who was [-] tall and looked like a hill with a misty and childish look, the figure in front of her sometimes faded, why? He also couldn't see the man clearly, and felt that his facial features were somewhat different from those in his memory.But Jin Xiangyan's soft voice when coaxing her lingered in her ear, and it also overlapped with the man's voice at this moment.

So Tong Xiaohua mistook the person.

She raised a bright smile at the man, her small teeth sticking together, "I know, I just like you Le Xiangyan~"

It would be great if the name could be changed, Bai Yi sighed, walked over and bent down to gently hug her.

Sending the person to the bed in the room, Tong Xiaohua squinted her eyes and looked at the blurry black shadow above her head, a meowing voice came out of her throat, "Don't go..."

She grabbed Bai Yi's clothes indiscriminately with her big hands, Bai Yi looked at her deeply, still holding back, and said again: "Tong Xiaohua, you drank too much."

"I didn't, I didn't drink too much..."

Bai Yi also wanted to be a saint, and wanted to sit still, so he gave her several chances, but after taking the medicine himself, he no longer had much sense, so he couldn't stop Tong Xiaohua from tossing about like this.

In the hotel room, the clouds and rain were churning.

In the Huafu villa area, a train lined up from one end to the other end, and stopped in front of a villa.

Two rows of agents, all in black with night vision goggles, stood in front of the door.

Red Fox and the others are all old drivers, and at a glance, they can see that at least two weapons are installed on these people.

The red fox whispered the situation to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu's eyes were as cold as water, and he glanced lightly across the second floor of the villa, the only room with lights on.

When A Chuan came over, he was stopped by Qin Bing before he got to the car. He didn't move forward, but looked at the car where Qin Mu was.

"Boss Qin, our sir invites you to come in for a talk." At the end, he added "You are the only one."

The red fox was so angry that he slammed the car door and got down, pressed the pistol in Qin Bing's hand, and walked over to A Chuan's head, just pressed A Chuan's eyebrows domineeringly, and stared at A Chuan mockingly, "You Are you farting! Why don’t you let that gentleman come out to meet our boss alone? Stop playing tricks here, or your villa will be bombarded!”

A Chuan ignored the gun on his head, crossed the red fox, and stared at the car window in front of him, "Boss Qin has already arrived at our house, so he probably doesn't even have the courage to go in."

"You bastard!" The red fox pressed the trigger with his finger.

"Red Fox." A cold voice sounded.

Heiying opened the door of the car, and one foot collapsed. Qin Mu strode over and only glanced at the gun in Honghu's hand, "Put it down, you all wait outside."

"Boss, don't listen to that guy, that guy never keeps his word!" Red Fox said through gritted teeth.

"Of course animals don't keep their promises. You are too strict with animals."

A Chuan "..."

Qin Mu passed Achuan and walked in, and walked in between the two rows of agents without changing his expression, and Achuan followed behind him.

The red fox looked at his back, raised his hand and said to Qin Bing behind him: "From now on, cheer up, the people here dare to make a move, and I will bombard him!"

A loud "Yes!"

A Chuan opened the doors of the lit rooms, and turned sideways, "Mr. Qin is waiting for you inside, please."

Qin Mu didn't look at him, his expression was unharmed, his eyes were cold, and he stepped in.

The lights in the room were bright, and there was a man sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and pouring red wine into an empty glass opposite him. His side face had deep facial features, a straight nose, and the roughness of a foreigner.

He turned his head and looked over, his blue eyes fell on Qin Mu's body, and his thin lips curled up, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, old friend, come over for a drink first, I specially opened a bottle of wine for you."

If Tong Sisi were here, she would know that this pair of blue-eyed men looked at least ninety percent similar to the brother Jin she was talking about!
"Lan Jin." Qin Mu's voice was cold, he didn't look at the wine glass on the table, and fell on his face deeply, and shot straight into it, "Where is Jiang Tao, give him to me."

"People are here with me." Lan Jin admitted directly, but shook his glass and smiled: "What kind of identity do you want someone from me? We all know that Jiang Tao is a kind kid who will not kill people. I will find someone to kill him." After you got out, where were you at that time, sleeping with your current fiancée in your arms? Now that I have rescued him, you come here to ask for him, there is no reason for that."

Qin Mu snorted coldly, leaned against the sofa behind him with his arms around his chest, folded his legs, and behaved wildly.

"Compared to me, you are less qualified to keep people. Jiang Shan was my girlfriend before he was alive, and Jiang Tao called me brother-in-law. The war between us does not need to involve other people."

Lan Jin laughed lowly, "Qin Mu, you really haven't changed at all for so many years. Whether it's before or now, as long as you have marked your mark, you don't allow others to contaminate it. You are still so domineering and annoying."

"Never mind."

"City A is your territory. I can't compete with you. If I don't give you people today, those dogs you raised outside will come and bite me. We haven't sat together like this for many years and have a good glass of wine. Yes. Because I want to entertain you, I took out the red wine we put together in the wine cellar."

The blue eyes stared at the wine in the glass, a little dazed, "The day the wine was released was her birthday, and the three of us agreed to celebrate it on the birthday of the next year, but it's a pity that Shanshan couldn't drink it..."

He leaned over and handed the wine glass over to touch the wine wall in front of Qin Mu, and then said: "Drink this wine while we rarely live together peacefully, and say goodbye to the previous time."

After speaking, he raised his head and drank it. When he looked over again, he found that Qin Mu was staring at him quietly, and the glass of wine on the table did not move at all.

"Why, are you afraid that I will be poisoned?"

Lan Jin smiled sarcastically: "Since when have you been so timid?"

"I'm not young anymore, I won't be so reckless and I can't help being aggressive. Six years have passed, and my temper has long been restrained. I won't play with my life casually. It's not because I'm afraid, it's because you don't understand. When you reach a certain age, living is not only For myself alone."

"I walk out of the house, and I have to go back standing up. Living is her pillar, and even if she dies one day, she will not choose the saddest way for her."

Qin Mu stared at him coldly: "Emotion is the most unbearable thing to try. In the past, even if you gave me a glass of poison, I would drink it without blinking. Now, even if there is a glass of clean red wine in front of me, I won't drink it." drink."

Because I can't go back, because the brotherhood has come to an end, and ended with extreme hatred.

Those who said these words and those who listened to them were not without feelings, but fate never spared anyone.

Lan Jin put down his wine glass and called out "A Chuan."

Ah Chuan walked in from outside the door.

Lan Jin lowered his head and ordered calmly, "Let him take Jiang Tao away."

A Chuan glanced at them and found that the atmosphere between them was particularly depressing.

The originally expected fight didn't happen, and Qin Mu led people out without even half an hour. Red Fox and Black Eagle found that their boss was not injured, but his expression seemed to be more traumatized Similarly, hiding the wound in my heart will inevitably reveal a bit of bitterness.

The red fox was driving and glanced in the rearview mirror "..."

Jiang Tao couldn't bear the atmosphere in the car, and stared coldly at Qin Mu beside him, "Where are you taking me?"

Qin Mu's eyes were cold, "Go back wherever you came from."

"You want to send me back to the detention center?" A look of hatred flashed across Jiang Tao's eyes, and he quickly hid himself, quietly clenched his outer fist.

Seeing his attitude and listening to his indifferent tone, Jiang Tao remembered what Lan Jin had told him.

Jiang Tao suddenly laughed mockingly: "Sure enough, I answered that poem, a foot of crimson is worse than Qu Chen, and old things are not as good as new. My sister has only been dead for so many years. She saved you, and in the end it was because of you that you died, but you You can turn around and fall in love with another woman, and you will get married in less than half a month. Hehe...my brother-in-law who is 'nearly' is of course not important."

The red fox didn't listen: "Baby, according to you, if your sister dies, my boss will have to guard her life for your sister and never get married? Isn't my boss doing enough for your siblings? The boss has supported you all these years, is it You don’t want it yourself, and now you turn around and say that people are ungrateful. Can you be reasonable!”

Jiang Tao stared fiercely at the back of the red fox's head, and was about to speak.

"Okay." Qin Mu rested his head on his back and sighed, "Go to the detention center."

With a short sentence and no other explanation, Jiang Tao clenched his fists tightly, and the hatred in his heart grew stronger.

I am even more convinced that the Qin family are all self-interested villains. Qin Mu abandoned his sister for the sake of the family and his empire. The death of his sister was not an accident. It was a car accident that Qin Mu planned long ago to get rid of her!
Send him back to the detention center, hand him over to a reliable person and send him away. Looking at the boy's back, the red fox frowned worriedly.

"Boss, why didn't you explain to him, you sent him back to help him clear his name and leave here with dignity."

Under the dense night, Qin Mu's eyes were deep and gloomy, and there was a dark light rushing through the bottom. He let out a soft breath: "Do you see that this kid can listen to the explanation just now? Lan Jin has a deep mind, and the family Among the many brothers who have climbed to this position, even with my help at the beginning, he is not a simple person, others will use whatever means, but at that time we were more happy when we were together, and we didn’t see each other’s deeper side.”

"What I'm worried about is that Lan Jin said something to him." Then he said: "From now on, Honghu, you still talk to Sisi every day, and you don't need to appear in front of her. Help me see who is around her, especially the one who helps you. I'll keep an eye on that man named Jin Xiangyan."

Red Fox said: "Are you worried that he is someone sent by Lan Jin to get close to sister-in-law?"

"Well, either he sent it or he himself..."

It wasn't that Qin Mu checked Jin Xiangyan once and saw his ID photo. It's not Lan Jin, but there are some similarities, but photos can be faked.

For example, China's number one sorcery... PS.

It may be that he is worried too much, but when it comes to the person he cares about, Qin Mu has to think more, even if the final result is a waste of effort.

Although Qin Mu has not appeared in Jiang Tao's life these years, he has been paying attention to him all the time. Qin Mu also helped him from high school to university. Because he is a boy, Qin Mu doesn't interfere too much, and wants him to Experience the society more, and you will be able to go straighter and smoother in the future.

Qin Mu understands his character very well, and has a kind heart. How could a person who is soft-hearted when he sees relatives and friends mourning mourn him kill someone? Sun Chaoyang is his uncle. Although the relationship between uncle and nephew is more estranged than strangers, but blood The relationship can't be changed, Jiang Tao can't possibly kill women and children.

Jiang Tao's life circle is very simple, he attends classes, works part-time, and lives in the dormitory.There are traces to follow. As long as he has the evidence of his alibi, even if the police have the blood test comparison in their hands, they cannot convict Jiang Tao. Although he is still on the list of suspects, he is not strong enough. The murder evidence cannot keep him locked up.

 There is still a chapter of monthly pass update, it will be updated around the early morning, little fairies, don’t wait, wake up tomorrow morning and then refresh~
(End of this chapter)

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