Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 657 Monthly Pass Plus Update

Chapter 657 Monthly Pass Plus Update
Shen Guang sat up from the bed, bent one knee and supported his arm, "You are only 22 years old, and you will be in your 30s in ten years. The best youth of a girl is in these few years. You don't need to waste time on me , I am not qualified to drag others down."

"Lily, do you understand, I don't want to delay you."

The tears in Meng Baihe's eyes rolled down and rolled down. After getting up, she hugged Shenguang's waist from behind, with her forehead resting on her back, and fell silent for a long time. The world turned upside down.

She said: "You are not me, how do you know what I want. Maybe we spend very little time together, but how do you know that this is not the life I want, I want you, whether you live ten years or one year For years, you want you to accompany me. Instead of marrying a man and living a mediocre life in the future, I would like to spend my precious few years in a vigorous relationship. As long as the person is you, I will One can still live richly."

At the end, she clutched the clothes on both sides of her waist tightly, teardrops fell on the bed sheet one by one, her voice was trembling, not because she was sad to hear the fate of Shen Guang, but because she was afraid that she would still be hurt if she said so unreservedly. Pushed away by him.

"Shen Guang, I have lived alone for a long time. If I hadn't met you, I would have continued to live like this. My life is a world full of ghosts and ghosts. I can't find an ordinary man to marry and live like this. No one, a normal person, can tolerate me like this, even if you get rid of me in the future, I will still live as before."

"Shen Guang, you really don't like me at all, don't you like me at all..."

Hearing sobs behind him, lowering his dignity and begging, Shenguang's weak defense was finally shattered.Turning around, he fished Meng Baihe into his arms and hugged her tightly, resting his chin on her forehead, "Really think about it, want to be with me?"

Meng Baihe replied unswervingly, "Yes!"

He sighed softly, as if he felt helpless towards her, but he gently hugged her closer to his arms, "You are really a little girl, don't you think about the consequences when you make decisions. If that day I... really disappear, you It will be very hard for an old girl to miss the most valuable age."

"Who said I have to live alone?"

Before she understood the meaning of her words, Shen Guang had already been thrown onto the bed by her, and Meng Baihe sat on top of him, shy and timid in her clear eyes but forced herself to boldly come over to button the buttons on his clothes.

"Lily!" Shen Guang hurriedly grabbed her wrist, stared at her with deep black eyes, and shook his head, "Lily, you can't."

Meng Baihe paused and took off his clothes without hesitation.

"Lily, get up and let's have a good talk." Shen Guang's breathing was messed up, and she had no choice but to grab her hands, but she bent down and kissed Shen Guang's lips, which he couldn't get rid of.

Meng Baihe let go slightly, leaned on it and whispered, "Let's have a baby. After I have a baby, I won't be alone. If Bai Bai is as smart as Si Si's, he can take care of me in the future."

Shen Guang was in a mess, and said in a low voice, "What are you talking about..."

Meng Baihe kissed, "Hush, you are so rich, you must leave all your property to me and the children in the future, you will not wrong us, will you?"

"..." No, I was a child just now, and I added a "we" to the end of the sentence?
Shen Guang sighed, and the moment he bent her down, there was another self in his heart saying, this girl, he will spend the last time of his life to make her happy and arrange the rest of her life for her.

(End of this chapter)

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